Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1833

"Your Excellency, you actually call him Your Excellency? Zhang Old Dog, you are treasonous, and even your daughter will be implicated." Qin Wushuang shouted.

Zhang Kang sneered, stood aside, and said again: "You are great, then you come."

Qin Wushuang gave him a cold look, he will tell the truth to the king, when the time comes, come to a raider and ask for beheading.

But right now, those things don't matter.

He cares more about Su Hao.

Qin Wushuang looked towards Su Hao again, and the sneer on his face was very strong. The report he got was that Su Hao was suppressed. As long as he didn't play dead, he could act wilfully.

As for the shown great divine might behind Su Hao, he doesn't know.

"Boy, aren't you arrogant? Aren't you powerful? How did you get caught here, and are you also abolished now?"

"Does this feel good?"

Zhang Kang's face showed a savage, savage expression, said with a smile: "You have to bear everything I have endured, apart from this, and you have to pay a price ten times more painful than me. !"

"From today onwards, I want you to live rather than die every day, and suffer the pain of burning your soul every night."

"Hahaha, tremble, cry, it's a pity , these won't work at all, no matter what, you can't get rid of it, and you can't get rid of it forever."

He was arrogant and ecstatic with laughter, as if Su Hao had been tortured like that.

"Did you hear that?" Su Hao ignored him and turned his head towards Zhang Kang.

"I understand what your lord means." Zhang Kang nodded, he was willing to help, and waved his hand at the same time: "Come on, take this fool to me, and ask him to bear the fire. Bitter, remember, don't let him die."

Qin Wushuang was stunned, shouted loudly: "Zhang Old Dog, I think you are crazy, you actually obeyed his orders and even targeted me. Do you know how to write dead words?"

"Take it." Zhang Kang didn't bother to explain.

His subordinates stepped forward immediately, approaching Qin Wushuang.

"It's against you, my father is Great Marshal, Xuanling War God, if you dare to touch me, he wants you all to die, so let me go." Qin Wushuang roared.

This scene made those people who came in from outside the city all stunned for a moment, and then looked at Qin Wushuang as if they were looking at a madman.

In fact, because of his father's power, arrogant and despotic, regardless of the law and of natural morality, Qin Wushuang offended people in the imperial city.

Everyone's resentment towards him has gone deep into the bone marrow.

Seeing that he was unlucky, they were happy in their hearts.

"Hey, Qin Eldest Young Master, do you still think you're a young marshal? Frankly, your father is already a waste, and now he's a beggar, he can kill you."

Someone scoffed.

"You have to pay the price for your words! My father is the king's brother in life and death, and the king has to give his face!" Qin Wushuang's eyes were full of venom, his father was Great Marshal , the cultivation base Immortal King Seventh Layer, will be abolished?

It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous!

"Hey, not only your father, but also the lord of the country has been abolished. Everything is given by this lord, and you are still like the fox which exploits the tiger's might? Grandstanding, clown! ' Someone shouted sarcastically.

At the same time, there were countless echoes around, and those people looked at Qin Wushuang like a fool.

Immediately, Qin Wushuang's complexion changed.

After all, if one person says it may be false, if two people say it may be a misunderstanding, if three people say it, or five people say it, it can all be taken as a joke.

However, there are dozens of people here.

Do you think so?

Thinking about Zhang Guozhang's attitude towards him again, the bad premonition in his heart rose up in vain and became more and more intense. Could it be...

Suddenly, his eyes burst open and he saw The prison cart not far away was heading in the direction of the imperial city prison, and the three people on the prison cart made him immediately cold.

It is the king, the Ninth Princess, and his father!

They're really scrapped.

Become a prisoner!

Immediately, his body trembled fiercely, and he looked towards Su Hao again, with a feeling of wanting to cry without tears, and finally knew why others called him a fool.

What the hell, is he fighting to die?

"Big, my lord, I..." Qin Wushuang didn't know what to do. His previous arrogance was gone, and now he wanted to beg for mercy, but he didn't have the face to say that.

"Take it away."

Zhang Guozhang sneered, and someone immediately took Qin Wushuang away. What awaited him would be endless torture, which he hoped to cast on Su Hao. Torture is not less.

After doing all this, Zhang Kang didn't hesitate any longer and took Su Hao directly into the Imperial Palace.

His movements are fast enough, Zhang Family's expert, all out, immediately control the overall situation.

The entire Imperial Palace is under his control.

So they easily opened up the treasury.

The treasure is worth more than 5 billion!

"It's a lot more than what we got in Huangfu Family." Lei Immortal King smiled and said, "Huangfu Family can be considered rich and imposing, we got 80%, but it's only 2 billion. "

"Here, the minimum is 5 billion."

Su Hao is also satisfied with nodded, all these resources are brought back to Taicang Mountain, his power is more stable, and he enters Eastern Wilderness time won't be long.

He waved his hand and said: "All are taken care of, to settle this matter, we will go straight to Taiyin Chief Sect." The Transmission Formation of the Xuanling Divine Dynasty, although it cannot be reached directly, it can reach beyond the Hundred thousand li, the chief sect of Taiyin."

"Very good."

Su Hao smiled, this It saved him a lot of time.

In fact, it can be said that it has saved a full five days. Originally, it would have taken them at least six or seven days to arrive at the headmaster.

Take the Transmission Formation and drove the hundreds of thousands of li roads, but it only took a little more than a day.

"It's still the old rule, I'll go alone, you guys wait in the vicinity of the city, listen to my summary." Su Hao won't be dispatched in full, after all, better to be safe than sorry.

If something really went wrong, these people are out there to help, and there is still a chance to come back to life.

Everyone nodded.

Han Shichang and Ning Azure Bamboo's eyes flickered, startingled at Su Hao. At this moment, they seriously doubted Su Hao's identity. Is he really the chief teacher?

What do you think, he came here with ulterior motives?

Otherwise, why defend?

Su Hao looked at the two with a smile and said, "From the beginning to the end, I have never admitted that I am the dísciple of Extreme Yin Church. If you regret it, you can leave immediately. I will never stop it. !"

Han Shichang and Ning Azure Bamboo's expressions changed again, and it was completely determined that he was not the dísciple of Extreme Yin Church, and even here, there is a big secret.

The two of them have been unable to calm down for a long time.

Su Hao didn't say much, he didn't care about the choice between the two at all, he stayed if he liked it, and left if he was disgusted.

Rising up, he headed straight for the mountain range in front of him, where is the entrance of the Taiyin Chief Sect, Bing Qinger, right there!

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