Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1832

“bang! ”

Su Hao stared at the three kneeling people with cold eyes, ignoring their pleas, ignoring their misery, and took three steps in a row.

The murderous intention in his eyes is like electricity, it seems that these people dare to disobey, and they will be executed immediately.

Even, Ninth Princess was keenly aware that Su Hao's palm seemed to be raised.

He's going to cast the magic hand.

Immediately, Ninth Princess was frightened to death, and without hesitation, blasted her fairy core directly, and her cultivation base disappeared in an instant.

At this moment, her heart is full of deep remorse, but Su Hao has helped them a lot, without Su Hao, they have already been defeated by the Feathered Divine Dynasty, why would they require kindness with enmity?

In the tomb, Su Hao also gave them a chance, even willing to let them leave with the treasure of the Immortal Palace, everyone minds their own business, why are they not giving up?

It's too late to regret it!

After following the Ninth Princess, Qin Zhan fiercely clenched his teeth and punched Fiercely in his chest. With blood spurting, his body fell to the ground like mud.

Finally, Shen Tian gritted his teeth, looked at Su Hao pleadingly, and said, "In the future, Xuan Lingshen will tell you what you say, I am your slave, please forgive me..."


The voice did not fall completely, Su Hao raised his hand, he was so frightened that the complexity greatly changed, a blood-colored mist suddenly rose from his body, and his breath weakened instantly.


And Su Hao, raised his hand, just touched his hair, said with a smile: "In fact, even if you don't give up, it's nothing."

"After all, that magic hand... has only one chance."

His voice was full of playfulness.

In an instant, the three people who collapsed on the ground looked dumbfounded.

next moment, Qi Qi lifts the head, looking at Su Hao incredulously.

Sure enough, on his left hand, the terrifying wave had completely disappeared.


The eyes of the three of them were blood red, revealing an extremely ferocious look.


It's so disgusting!

They knelt down, they abandoned their cultivation base, they endured endless humiliation, all because they were afraid of the left hand.

Who knows, that thing has long lost its power.

What are they doing all this for?

Not just those three people, everyone around was stunned for a moment, then looked at Su Hao, only two words: deep pit!

It's really too pitiful.

"Kill him, whoever kills him will give him the throne!" Shen Tian roared hoarsely, his hatred for Su Hao was beyond words.

He fiercely gritted his teeth and could not wait to grit his teeth!

shameless, this kid is really shameless!

As long as this kid dies, any price can be paid!

Ninth Princess and Qin Zhan also roared, with endless depression in their hearts.

Under such temptation, there are people who really have eyes flickering, and who is the lord of the country, who can't be moved?

And Qin Zhan's right-hand man rushed out immediately, and his terrifying immortal strength was moved towards Su Hao and burst out.

"Vengeance for the Great Marshal!"

They shouted, their eyes were bright red, they really wanted to avenge Qin Zhan, and they were completely obsessed with Qin Zhan. .

Because of the Qin war, they were able to survive battles to this day, and because of the Qin war, they were able to become the famous General throughout the world.


However, the arrival of the two had no effect at all. They only noticed that Su Hao's magic hand was no longer powerful, but ignored him. people.

Ray Immortal King!

Now, Shen Tian and Qin Zhan are all abolished.

The eighteen sword array disintegrated.

Lei Immortal King's battle strength is unrivaled in this place, and with one move, it is enough to kill anyone.

However, he did not kill.

The value emotion and value friendship of these two people made him appreciate a little.

He hit two thunders to break up the two's attacks, and at the same time destroyed their fleshy body and a fairy core, leaving them a means of life-saving.

"get lost! ”

A gust of wind blew the fairy core left by the two directly out.

Lei Immortal King swept to the people around, those people's bodies were cold again, and the greed in their hearts quickly extinguished.


At this time, a white-haired old man walked out, trembling, but Su Hao knew that his cultivation base was extremely not simple.

His name is Zhang Kang.

However, the mother of the country has no children and has long fallen out of favor.

"There are a lot of treasures in the Xuanling treasury. You can take them away as much as you can, and please leave a ray of life for the people of this world."

He cup one fist in the other hand bow down.

Su Hao>p>Zhang Kanglian knelt down, His eyes were full of excitement, this was an opportunity for him.

The monarch is abolished, and Great Marshal is also abolished. In today's imperial city, he is highly respected and the most powerful person in the cultivation base.

It's not a problem to win the throne of the country in one fell swoop.

He bowed three times in a row, then stood up, dealt with everything on the scene, sent Shen Tian and the others directly into the prison, and then took Su Hao to the imperial city.

However, at the same time as entering the imperial city, a rather luxurious jade stone prider ahead, carried by four experts, quickly came towards the city gate.


jade stone, a shout came from among the proud sons, a head stuck out, and his eyes looked at Su Hao coldly.

It is Qin Wushuang.

He was abolished from the cultivation base, his father Qin Zhan, sent someone to escort him to the imperial capital directly, and promised him to capture Su Hao and let him deal with it.

Just before, he was informed that Su Hao was suppressed by the Eighteen Swords and had reached the end of his life.

At this time, how could he let go of the opportunity to beat the underdog?

"Zhang Guozhang, you can step back, just leave that person to me." Qin Wushuang looked at Su Hao with a sinister sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"You mean him?"

Zhang Kang froze for a moment and pointed to Su Hao.

Qin Wushuang nodded and said: "nonsense, it's not him, I want you?"

He is Great Marshal, under one person, above ten thousand people, causing him to be in imperial city regardless of the law and of natural morality, no one is in his eyes.

The mother of the country has lost her favor, and the status of the father-in-law, merely this in his heart, naturally does not have a trace of respect.

"Are you okay with your head?" Zhang Kang cursed, feeling that the other party's head was flooded, at this time, how dare he be so arrogant?

"Zhang Guozhang, although your daughter is the mother of the country, she can't even give birth to a dragon child. The country lord has long been tired of her. You, an old bastard, are only nominal."

"My father's military exploits are great, under one person, above ten thousand people, his status is far from yours, so you'd better not look aloof and remote in front of me."

Qin Wushuang said, and walked off the proud son, ice-cold saying: "Get out now, otherwise, I will make you die!"

"Don't forget, last time, my father How did you smash your mansion?"

Zhang Kang showed a hint of embarrassment, but suddenly became sneered again, staggered a step, and said, "Okay, you are looking for an adult, I will help you."

He murmured in his heart, he had seen a fool, but he had never seen a fool who was rushing to die.

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