Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1830

Su Hao's voice sounded, which immediately attracted the attention of the audience. Shen Tian twitched the corner of his mouth and turned his back to Su Hao: "Do you have something to say?"

"I think you are courting death!"

Su Hao's voice just fell, which made the noisy scene instantly silent.

next moment, everyone's eyes converged on him, some were angry, some were sarcastic, and some were silently observing.

This kid is too bold, isn't he?

"Little bastard, you are really rebellious, the handyman dísciple of trifling Extreme Yin Church, what kind of great character do you really think you are?" Qin Zhan stood up and said coldly.

Ninth Princess's eyes were cold and scolded: "My Royal Father already knows your details, and the Immortal King has spoken, as long as it doesn't kill you, anything is fine, at this time, I think you are still It's better to be low-key."

"Worry-free Immortal King is a piece of shit, and he deserves to know about me?" Su Hao sneered, the cultivation base moved, and the seal on his body was broken immediately.

This scene made Qin Zhan stunned and said incredulously: "You actually cracked my Immortal Sealing Talisman?"

"This thing didn't restrict me originally." Su Hao casually Dao, his eyes turned to Shen Tian, and said, "The reason why I came back is actually to find you."

Shen Heavenly God's expression was dull, this place is the imperial capital of the Xuanling God Dynasty, and experts as clouds beside him, There are also eighteen sword array guards, not to mention facing Su Hao, even if the Immortal King comes in person, martial power alone cannot help him.

"Looking for me?" He asked with a small smile.

"There are three things."

Su Hao walked up to him, stretched out a finger, and said, "First, your grand competition with Feathered Divine Dynasty, because I You just won, I am kind to you, can you admit this?"

"It's just a support, after all, without us, you wouldn't even have the chance to participate in the grand competition, I gave you the chance. "Shen Tian laughed, however, was an indirect acknowledgment of Su Hao's credit.

"Second." Su Hao stretched out his second finger and said, "I helped you a lot to go to the big tomb, but you deliberately sent Qin Wushuang and Heavenly Master Zhang, which have already moved. Kill my heart, require kindness with enmity, can you admit it?"

"Su Hao, don't talk nonsense, my Royal Father didn't target you!" Ninth Princess immediately reprimanded, Imperial Family not only wants power They will never admit such things as requite kindness with enmity.

Even if this is the case, it will never be admitted!

Shen Tian was indifferent and said: "The tomb is very important and dangerous. I sent those two people to protect them, but you have robbed all the treasures. It is normal for them to kill you. After all, you have betrayed my trust and Xuanling's grace to you!"

"Good shameless." Su Hao ruthless cursed.

"Boy, you are really becoming more and more rude, the lord of the country, immediately suppress this person and ask him to suffer the torture of my Xuanling Eighteenth Congress, experience life is better than death!" Qin Zhan said savagely .

Su Hao ignored him completely, stretched out a third finger, and said, "Third, I'm here mainly to let you know that you, the lord of the country, have done it."

The voice fell, and Su Hao looked away with burning eyes.

“courting death!”

I don’t know how many people, all shouted.

Su Hao is so impudent.

Even the eighteen sword dao experts turned their attention from Immortal King Lei to Su Hao, with incomparable murderous intention.

Lei Immortal King, Tang Qing, Han Shichang, Ning Azure Bamboo, and immediately rushed to Su Hao's side. They also felt that Su Hao's words were too much.

After all, at this time, people occupy the absolute initiative, and they are completely passive.

Accurately speaking, they are desperate.

Eighteen sword dao experts, combining eighteen sword arrays, anyone at the execution scene is with no difficulty.

However, in such a tense atmosphere, the bald chicken added lightly, "Actually, it's very easy to abolish him, for the little mouse, maybe it's just a slap in the face. things."

The people at the scene were even more shocked.


Shen Tian was also stunned for a moment, and then burst out with an incomparably flamboyant laugh, saying, "Boy, this is the funniest joke the country's master has ever heard. ."

"Who do you think you are?"

"My Shen Family has controlled the Xuanling Dynasty for thousands of years, and no one has ever been able to overthrow you. Can you?"

"Originally, my country thought you were a talented person, and I really planned to give you a chance, and even let you enjoy a high position and great wealth, but unfortunately, you don't know how to cherish it."

" p>

"Now, even if you kneel down and beg me, I can't possibly let you go."

With a wave of his hand, the 18th sword dao expert immediately stepped forward and pointed his finger at it. Su Hao, the murderous intention is very impressive.

Everyone backed away immediately, freeing the battlefield.

Qin Zhan and the others taking pleasure in other people's misfortune looked at Su Hao, this time is good, you have completely angered the king, and there is no chance.

"Apart from him, everyone else, kill!"

Shen Tian spoke again.

At the moment, the sword dao experts of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the sword qi is surging, and they are connected to each other, making the breath vast and boundless, and the few people surrounded by the center all feel a huge coercion.

Even Immortal King Lei's face was extremely ugly, and even his forehead was sweating. This eighteen sword dao expert was even more terrifying than he imagined.

Don't talk about confrontation, he spares no effort, I'm afraid he can't even stop one move!

"You step back, I'll come."

Su Hao said flatly.

Immediately, the people outside were stunned.

After a while, have a big laughter, surging up.

Everyone was laughing and crying.

Even Shen Tian scoffed unscrupulously, this kid is really boasted shamelessly.

"You think you can fight against my eighteen sword array?" He played with taste, although he was a question, but the meaning was obvious, you are impossible!

"I told you, it's just a slap." Su Hao said indifferently.

It was no surprise that it caused another burst of harsh laughter.

"Boy, you are not afraid of the wind and your tongue will flash, what is your cultivation base? You dare to speak such nonsense? Ask the Immortal King beside you, do you have this ability?"

"I've seen one who was boosted shamelessly, and I've never seen one who was so boosted shamelessly."

Countless people cursed.

Qin Zhan pointed at Su Hao and said sternly: "I will let you kneel immediately, life is better than death!"

Ninth Princess also said with a sneer: "You do have some ability, but under the eighteen sword array, give me to speak bluntly, it is not as good as an ant!"

She doesn't believe a word of Su Hao's words, if this guy is really so terrifying , will be captured by Qin Zhan to the imperial city?

"Since you are so powerful, let's take a look, shall we?"

The eighteen sword dao experts also sneered disdainfully. The swords were cut out in unison.

The terrifying sword qi occupies everything in an instant, where Su Hao and the others are located, such as the world of sword qi.

The sharpness of the sword qi makes people feel that they have one's hair stand on end at a glance.

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