Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1829

The king of Xuanling God appeared in person, with a faint smile on his face, as if he didn't care about what happened before.

Lei Immortal King's power was completely ignored by him.

"Meet the King."

Everyone followed and looked at them and shouted in unison.

Shen Tian waved his hand at will, with his own aura, which made people admire him.

"Royal Father." The Ninth Princess approached, her eyes twinkling, she definitely didn't want her Royal Father to come out, after all, targeting purple hair was not good for them.

What's more, it is still in the public eye now. If this matter comes to the ears of Extreme Yin Church, it will never give up.

And the Xuanling God Dynasty, compared with Extreme Yin Church, is a thousand miles away.

It can be said that any Heaven Grade Elder sent by the other party can destroy them with no difficulty.

However, Shen Tian was still calm, not only not afraid, but also moved towards Lei Immortal King a said with a smile: "The rumored Lei Immortal King really terrifying, I wonder if you are interested in joining my Xuanling God Dynasty, I will give you the status of a great Imperial Teacher, in the God Dynasty, under one person, above ten thousand people."

"From now on, you and I are brothers."

"Shen Guozhu, the polite words will be omitted, Su Hao is my friend, I have to take him away today." Lei Hai was too lazy to talk nonsense and went straight to the topic.

"My Xuanling Divine Dynasty has the rules of the Xuanling Divine Dynasty. He violated the laws of my court and killed my hero. If I let him go, how will I rule the great country in the future? "

Shen Tianyi said with a smile: "Where is the majesty of my country lord?"

"He is the dísciple of Extreme Yin Church, worry-free Immortal King can't even move, are you sure you want to keep him? Are you not afraid of getting burned?" Immortal King Lei threw the bomb again.

But in the imagination, the situation that made Shen Tian jealous did not occur, but it made the latter smile more indifferently, with a look of fearlessness.

"Royal Father, this matter...not to be underestimated." Ninth Princess reminded immediately.

Shen Tian waved his hand and said, "I also have some friends at Extreme Yin Church, and it happened that one of them also joined the head teacher, and even contacted Wuyou Immortal King."

Speaking of this, there was a hint of playfulness in his smile, and he said, "The meaning of Wuyou Immortal King is very simple, as long as you don't kill him, follow me!"

"Of course, Wuyou Immortal King's words , I won't believe it completely, my friend, I went to an Elder who was registered by the director dísciple, but I didn't find the slightest information about him."

"You know, in the chief teacher of Taiyin Among them, any dísciple with some status will be registered, but he is not at all."

"In this case, there is only one possibility, he is just...handyman dísciple!"

"Extreme Yin Church is the Great Influence of Eastern Wilderness, but, for being a trifling handyman, will you blame me?"

The voice fell, and he couldn't help laughing sounded.

handyman, not even a minion!

What status?

He only got this news.

Otherwise, why do you need to play tricks and send someone to follow Su Hao to the tomb, secretly taking action?

Ninth Princess complexion changed, and a cold smile appeared again, so that's how it is, no wonder the Royal Father has no fear!

If so, they really have nothing to terrifying.

Take down Su Hao, and even torture him at will, as long as you don't play to death, you will have half a point of trouble.

"Then I can only do it with force." The Immortal King's face sank, the thunder rod in his hand was lifted again, and the terrifying thunder boomed.

However, Lord Shen just waved his hand, and the people around him were all scattered, and there were eighteen people, each occupying a position.

In addition, these eighteen people are all carrying a sword, a bronze sword!

Each sword is specially made.

Sends a strange sword qi.

Eighteen sword qi, connected together, a terrifying pressure immediately pervaded the scene.

"The eighteen sword arrays of the Xuanling Divine Dynasty, which were left by the founding emperor of the country, have long since been lost. Didn't expect the king to find it back."

Qin Zhan heart startled.

He is really active in the heart of the Lord.

Even, it has the meaning of rivalry with the lord of the country.

However, at this time, his heart was cold. Fortunately, he had not taken that step yet, otherwise, he would not know how to die.

These eighteen sword arrays, extremely subtle, require the joint efforts of eighteen sword dao experts. The higher the cultivation base of those sword dao experts, the more terrifying the Formation.

When the initial emperor relied on eighteen Immortal King Fifth Layer's sword dao experts, he directly killed an Immortal King Eighth Layer's expert.

Now, the 18 people around the lord are all terrifying sword dao experts of the Immortal King Sixth Layer. Their combined sword array is even more terrifying!

In Qin Zhan's heart, this large formation, even the Immortal King Ninth Layer, must be killed!

How terrifying?

Who can stop?

Lei Immortal King also had his eyes closed. The eighteen people were spread out and their breaths were connected. Compared with Qin Zhan and Zi Lao, they were more terrifying. Even if they joined forces, they could not compete with this sword array Compare.

He secretly speculated that by casting the Immortal Sovereign method, he was only beheading the Immortal King Eighth Layer. In this sword array, there were absolutely nine deaths and still alive.

"Lei Hai, the master of this country thinks you are a talent and is willing to accept you. As long as you surrender now, I can still give you the status of the Great Imperial Teacher."

Shen Tian continued. invite.

Lei Hai is indeed terrifying.

And, master the Immortal Sovereign method.

It is also the Immortal Sovereign method which is extremely terrifying.

If it can be used by him, Xuanling's national power can bring it up a level, and it will be easier to expand the territory.

Even, the entire Feathered Divine Dynasty may be eaten directly by them.

When the time comes, he is the greatest king in the history of Xuanling.


Lei Hai gave two words directly.

He Lei Hai is not a good person.

But very principled.

I promised to protect Su Hao, then I will do it, and I will do it even if I die.

What's more, Su Hao gave him great kindness and virtue, and Immortal Sovereign, which was so precious, and he didn't hesitate to give it to him.

"Lei Hai, a wise man submits to circumstances, you should know that under this sword array, you are bound to die, so surrender immediately."

"I court the lord , Corporal Li Xian, as long as you are willing to surrender, he will treat you like siblings!"

"My Qin Zhan is an example."

Qin Zhan stood up and said immediately.

He was really scared at this point.

Shen Guozhu has eighteen sword arrays, and it is not difficult to take him down.

Shen Tian was naturally aware of this, but instead of revealing it, he still smiled at Immortal King Lei.

Unfortunately, he got three words again: "Impossible!"

The thunder stick was raised, the thunder spurted, and Lei Hai's cultivation base was all distributed, obviously, desperate.

"Then... kill!"

His face sank suddenly, Shen Tian would not tolerate such a guy who is unable to tell good from bad again.

With a wave of his sleeve robe, the eighteen sword dao experts immediately stepped forward and trapped Lei Hai within the radius of the Hundred Zhang.

A murderous aura spreads out.

The battle is about to break out!


Su Hao finally spoke.

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