Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1709

This is the opinion of the audience.

Su Hao's words were a joke in their ears, a fool's joke.

After all, Immortal Medicine is only 300 million in 10,000 years, and it is still a few Great Immortal kings, desperate to drive up the price, which has led to that point.

Trifling five thousand years of blood pearl, you still want to sell the price of ten thousand years of Immortal Medicine?

Even the old man who presided over the auction was secretly shouting at the head. In his eyes, this was nothing short of a dream.

He presided over the auction of no less than ten blood pearls, and one of them was a rare item that was 9,000 years old, and it was only fired to 150 million.

This is also because the person who bought it, the blood energy has decayed, has been cursed, and needs this thing to save his life, which makes the price terrifying.

This blood pearl, only five years ago, 70 million should be the normal price, and worry-free Immortal King's bid of 90 million is already a bit impulsive.

As for 100 million, that's completely nonsense.

It's not worth it at all.

The three-year-old child does not buy it.

However, as an Auctioneer, the higher the auction price, the more benefits he gets. For a fool like Zifa, it would be good to have a few more.

He glanced at Su Hao with a sneer in his heart, and then took out the next auction item.

This is an Immortal Medicine, 3000 years old, worth 30 million should be worth it.

"Brother, this thing is good, I think it's worth fifty million." Someone looked at Su Hao and said playfully, aren't you rich, go ahead?

"Alright then, I'll pay 50 million."

didn't expect, Su Hao spoke directly without saying a word.

The man froze for a moment, then couldn't help laughing.

Then sneered into a film, fool, really a big fool.

Fifty million to buy 3,000-year-old Immortal Medicine?

The Auctioneer scolded, hurriedly dropped the hammer, and took out another piece of immortal gold. Someone shouted, "Don't hurry up and buy it, this piece of red immortal gold is worth 20 million, but it's treasure."


Actually, this thing only weighs three or two, and is only worth ten million at most.

However, Su Hao raised his hand: "You said 20 million, then I bought it for 20 million."

It was another burst of laughter.

While the Auctioneer cursed in his heart, he almost danced with excitement. Today, he really met a "big rich man." Almost all of those auction items fell into the hands of Su Hao, and he spent as much as one billion in immortal jade.

At this moment, Tang Qing finally spoke up: "We have spent a billion dollars on immortal jade, and it's almost all spent."

Although the voice was small , but it is still keenly heard by the people around, one billion immortal jade is normally an absolutely shocking number.

But at this time, everyone just couldn't help laughing. One billion immortal jade, do you see what he bought?

A bunch of rubbish!

"Sick head!" The Worry-Free Immortal King scoffed.

Auctioneer said with a smile: "Today's auction is perfect, but it's over, everyone, we'll see you 1 month later..."


His voice has not completely fallen, Su Hao has already interrupted.

"Little Brother, I treasure the things in Moon Pavilion, since it is sold, it is absolutely not allowed to go back on it." Auctioneer immediately said, in his heart, he already thought that Su Hao regretted it.

After all, the things he bought were worth at most 400 million to 500 million yuan, but he spent a full billion yuan.

If you put it on someone, you will regret it.

Even hovered between life and death.

Unfortunately, this is no medicine for regret in the world.

"Repent? You're thinking too much." Su Hao said, "I'm very satisfied with the things I bought, and I plan to sell some of them now."


Auctioneer was stunned.

"What, do you really think that someone here will spend 300 million to buy your blood pearl?" A loud laugh came from the crowd.

"That's exactly what I thought." Su Hao smiled faintly.

No surprise, it caused a loud laugh at the scene.

Those people laughing back and forth.

Some people were in tears.

Even those Immortal Kings who had been ignoring Su Hao all the time couldn't help but scoffed, such as the Immortal King Lei Hai who had been indifferent.

"Fool." He scolded secretly, then stood up and planned to leave here, that thousand-year-old colorful and exquisite flower, refining, his cultivation base can go further.

However, just as he stood up, a surge of surging essence spread out, causing his complexion to change suddenly, and with a shocked look, he looked towards Zifa.

In fact, it wasn't just him. After this surging essence spread out, the noisy scene was silent for a moment, and everyone was shocked.

Even, the worry-free Immortal King trembled after being stunned for a moment.

Su Hao's surging blood-colored essence made him take a slight breath and felt very comfortable all over. As expected, it would be...

"This, this is Immortal Sovereign blood?" Auctioneer was also shocked.

"That's right!"

Su Hao twitched the corner of his mouth and squeezed a bead, and a drop of Immortal Sovereign blood spilled directly onto the blood pearl.


Several people yelled at the same time, and the only ones who spoke were Immortal King powerhouse.

Including Worry-Free Immortal King.

That is Immortal Sovereign blood, the essence contained in it is really important for Immortal King expert.

Even, you can get a hint of Immortal Sovereign from it.

For ordinary people, Immortal Sovereign blood may only be worth tens of millions, but to them Immortal Kings, it may be worth 50,000,000 or 80,000,000.

After all, this stuff helps them break through, enlighten them.

In addition, experts like Immortal Sovereign are very rare in Eastern Wilderness, and the periphery is almost invisible. Even if they see it, they will give you blood?

Is it possible?

It can be said that this thing is as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns, may come by with luck, but not by searching for it.

And this is not the end.

In their shock, Su Hao took out another bead, crushed it apart, and sprinkled a drop of blood.

He even has a second drop!

In addition, this drop of blood actually revealed a hint of golden, it turned out to be a drop of Immortal Sovereign blood essence!

If the Immortal Sovereign blood is worth fifty million to the Immortal King, and the Immortal Sovereign blood essence, the value is definitely over one hundred million.

Even, in the hands of Immortal King, who desperately needs this thing, two hundred million can do it!

For example, Lei Hai, such as Wuyou Immortal King, etc...

Immortal Sovereign blood essence, which must contain a trace of Immortal Sovereign's perception, if you get it, you can hope to see it Break a trace of the Immortal Sovereign mystery, for future cultivation, the benefits are boundless.

Under the action of two drops of Immortal Sovereign blood, that blood brightening became more splendid and more surging. In the eyes of those Immortal Kings, it was a priceless Supreme Treasure.

After all, there were two drops of Immortal Sovereign blood on it!

One drop is Immortal Sovereign blood essence!

"I want 300 million for this thing, buy it or not?" Su Hao asked loudly in front of the audience.

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