Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1708

Worryless Immortal King's eyes narrowed, and his purple hair made him remember.

Including Shen Bijun, who was beside him, looked indifferent.

Because of Su Hao's reasons, they love Wu and Wu, and have hatred for Innate with purple hair.

But looking carefully, the face under the purple hair was different from what they knew, even if they performed the Divine Pupil technique, it was not the same person they knew.

Su Hao's hidden means, even the worry-free Immortal King, is difficult to see through.

"Thirty-five million!" Wuyou Immortal King's eyes flashed, and he spat out another number, "I, Extreme Yin Church Wuyou Immortal King, need this Purple Gold mysterious jade. ”

His voice was majestic, but also a warning, I, the Immortal King, have the support of Extreme Yin Church, I need this thing, whoever dares to argue with me, that is with Extreme Yin Church start a feud.

The people around were silent, and no one could see that, the Immortal King was a little angry.

"Fifty million!"

Su Hao raised his hand and spat out a number again.

The sound is very casual.

But in the eyes of everyone, this is a positive challenge.

Completely ignoring the existence of Wuyou Immortal King, even the name of Extreme Yin Church, does not give half face.

Countless people were secretly shocked, what was the origin of this person, how dare he be so arrogant after Wuyou Immortal King reported himself to his family?

Worry-free Immortal King's face also became ugly at a speed that naked eyes could see, but in a blink of an eye he was sneered again and said, "Very well, this rich and imposing, I'm worry-free Immortal King. ashamed of being inferior."

"However, trifling a piece of Purple Gold mysterious jade and spending fifty million to buy it is tantamount to foolish behavior."

Purple Gold Xuan spirit jade, although a precious material, can heal wounds, stabilize the Divine Soul, and even help enlightenment.

In the hands of the brilliant Artifact Refinement Master, this item also crafts the Supreme Treasure for Divine Soul.

However, 50 million purchases are still too much beyond the limit.

People around me also think the same way, and no one thinks Wuyou Immortal King is ashamed. After all, the value of this thing is far less than fifty million, and it is a sick head to spend such a big price.

"I'm rich and self-willed." Su Hao replied casually, as arrogant as he wanted.

Worry-free Immortal King's face turned ugly.

coldly snorted, no more words.

The old man who presided over the auction asked three questions, but no one answered. He made a final decision. The Purple Gold Xuan spirit jade was sent to Su Hao by a special Chief-In-Charge.

Tang Qing immediately took out fifty million immortal jade and handed it over to the Chief-In-Charge under Su Hao's gesture.

Having obtained the Immortal Sovereign's treasure, the immortal jade on them is at least over 500 million, which is not counting the Immortal Sovereign blood and many Immortal Medicine.

trifling fifty million, has completely ignored it.

Furthermore, if the money is spent, it will be doubled back immediately.

The auction continued, the host took out a Jade Case, opened it, and a bloody brilliance burst out.

Everyone's attention was immediately drawn away, and they saw a fist-sized blood-colored bead in the Jade Case.

"This is a deep-sea blood pearl, dug out from the body of an Immortal King Level clam demon. It has nourished it with blood essence for at least five thousand years, compared to five thousand years of Immortal Medicine. It's even more precious."

"This thing can be pill concocting, can be refined ... infinitely useful, the starting price is 30 million!"

"31 million. "

"Thirty-three million."

"Thirty-five million!"

The voice of the old host had just fallen, and the next moment was ringing Continuous price calls, the price climbed all the way, and the continuous breakthrough of everyone's expectations.

"Fifty million!"

A loud voice sounded.

Let the noisy scene be quiet again.

Worry-free Immortal King raised his hand and said, "This bead, the old man wants it."

The scene fell silent, and most people didn't want to offend this bead.

However, when Wuyou Immortal King looked towards the old host, intending to let him drop the hammer, another voice sounded: "Eighty million!"

Directly increase the price by three Absolutely!

Immediately, the audience was shocked.

And after everyone looked at it, the shock was even more intense, and it turned out to be that person again.

Eighty million?

And also for the worry-free Immortal King.

Is this guy having a grudge against the Worryless Immortal King?

Worry-free Immortal King's face is also so ugly, how ugly, staring at Su Hao, said solemnly: "Are you provoking old man?"

" The auction's treasure, the higher bidder gets it, I have the money, so I can increase the price, if you want, then take out more immortal jade." Su Hao crossed Erlang's legs, indifferently and casually.

Worry-free Immortal King's anger had nowhere to vent. He gritted his teeth and said, "90 million, the old man is set!"

"One hundred million! "

Su Hao spoke again without the slightest pause.

This time, the sound of the audience sucking in a cold breath became a film. You must know that this guy spent 50 million before, and now throws another 100 million.

One hundred and fifty million, this kind of wealth, even for a small sect, can be said to be huge.

And the youngster threw it out, but it didn't change color at all, a pair of peaceful.

"If you want, continue to increase the price. I can play until you go bankrupt." Su Hao dropped the price and added another sentence, God knows the anger in Immortal King's heart.

He is a worry-free Immortal King. After he joined Extreme Yin Church, few people dared to challenge him head-on.

What's more, the youngster's words can be said to be an insult to him.

However, he still has nowhere to vent the anger in his heart. The treasure behind the Moon Pavilion is not simple, and he doesn't dare to overdo it here.

At the same time, the price of 100 million is indeed terrifying, almost occupying one of his third assets.

Silence for a long time, he coldly snorted, silent again.

Su Hao twitched the corner of his mouth and glanced at Tang Qing, who took out immortal jade again, and the bloody pearl fell into his hands.

"This youngster is not simple, but spending 100 million to buy the Blood Pearl is really a waste of money."

"Who says it's not, 100 million, it's not worth buying something Good."

Someone whispered.

However, it was still heard keenly by Su Hao, he said with a smile: "In your hands, this thing is nothing, maybe a hundred million is far more than its value, but in my hands, this thing blinks It can be worth three hundred million!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience fell silent, and then have a big laughter erupted, and some people's tears of laughter were left behind, three hundred million?

The blood pearl is indeed precious, but under normal circumstances, sixty to seventy million is the limit, and no one is willing to buy one hundred million.

This thing is at this price, and when it comes to your hands, the price triples?

You think you can turn a stone into gold?

Worry-free Immortal King also sneered: "Old man can be considered experienced and knowledgeable. I don't know how to meet a weird guy, but it's definitely the first time I see a guy as weird as you."


“Five thousand years of blood pearl, even if it is refined into medicine pill, Immortal Artifact, it is absolutely impossible to triple the price.”

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