Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1706

On Fortune Island, the Three Great Sects are in separate camps, guarding against each other, and at the same time all eyes are fixed on the passage.

As for the three of Su Hao, they don't care at all, so many people go in, but they can't play with those three?

In their hearts, this creation must belong to the Three Great Sects.

At this time, the dragon boat of the Three Giant Warships docked, and the dísciple on it came here at the fastest speed.

At the same time, the channel is also opened.

Immediately, Three Great Sects, all stepped forward, all eyes are fiery, Immortal Sovereign good fortune, who can get more, will have an absolute advantage in the future.

Cloud Sea Sect's dísciple and Elder rushed out, approaching Peng Zhen at the same time, making the latter frowned, and immediately said: "Can you get it? What about Elder Song and the others?"


The Elder who led the team out, lowered his head helplessly and sighed: "I didn't get the slightest good fortune, Elder Song, too, died."


Peng Zhen's complexion greatly changed, his body shook violently, he didn't get a single point of good fortune, and an alchemist died, and the loss of Cloud Sea Sect was too great.


Mysterious Star Sect Great Elder Shen Hai, immediately laughed, and did not fall into the Cloud Sea Sect, that good fortune was in Tianhe Sect and their Xuan Star Sect is in.

His face flushed with excitement, and immediately looked towards Xuan Star Sect Elder, but then the complexity greatly changed, because those people were also frowning.

Could it be...

"We haven't been blessed either." The dísciple and Elder of the Mysterious Star Sect also bowed their heads helplessly, blood dripping from their hearts.

"Okay." The Great Elder of Tianhe Sect, Zhao Fengyang's laughter, went straight to the sky, the Two Great Sects didn't get it, it was in their hands.

In fact, the Cloud Sea Sect and the Xuan Star Sect also thought the same way, all staring at Tianhe Sect.

The atmosphere here is suddenly suppressed.

Some people are already exuding a powerful breath.

The battle is about to start.

But at this moment, the Array Master of Tianhe Sect, helplessly smiled bitterly, and said, "We never got good luck, Three Great Sects, all suffered heavy losses, but we never got any good fortune."


Zhao Fengyang changed color and said: "How come, they didn't get it, and you didn't get it? Isn't there any good fortune?"

This question is also full of Cloud Sea Sect, mysterious in Star Sect.

Immortal Sovereign without good fortune?

They have worked so hard for so many years to finally open this place, but there is no luck in it?

Just kidding?

"No, the good fortune terrifying in it! It has the immeasurable inheritance of the Immortal Sovereign, and there are countless treasures of the Immortal Sovereign." The Array Master looked jealous and said, "Any one of us If you get it, you can immediately dominate the periphery of Eastern Wilderness, for generations to come."

The creations he witnessed, he knew terrifying deeply.

Whoever gets it will soar into the sky.

"Could it be..."

Three Great Sects Great Elder all discolored.

"That's right, the good fortune was taken away by the three Tang Qing, and they entered a mysterious passage and disappeared." Tianhe Sect Array Master shook his head helplessly.

After the three of Su Hao left, the Dragon Throne exploded, and the treasure trove collapsed along with it, and there was no half-silhouette in it, and the three left.

"Tang Qing? Not good!" A dísciple on a dragon boat, the complexity greatly changed, said: "I met those three people on the sea."

"Chase! "

Three Great Sects, all discolored, immediately left the island and chased along the Sea Territory.

Unfortunately, the three people have long since disappeared.

Su Hao and the three of them left Sea Territory completely away from here, and entered a place called Cang Yue City, which was even bigger than Xuanhuang City.

There are people coming, people going on the street, and there are no longer a few people in fancy clothes, and even some people have blonde hair, purple hair, and even green hair.

So Su Hao walked in it without covering up his purple hair and not attracting much attention.

However, walking on the street, Su Hao and Bald Chicken swept sideways, and their expressions suddenly changed. On the street, they saw two acquaintances.

It was the Immortal King and Shen Bijun.

This one old and one young hurried along the street, stopped outside an auction, and was greeted by the person waiting at the door before entering.

The three of Su Hao arrived quickly, looked up and swept their heads. On the plaque at the main entrance of the place, three big characters were written: Treasure Moon Pavilion!

Su Hao's eyes flashed, that is, he intends to drive straight in, worrying about the relationship between Immortal King and Su Hao, but irreconcilable, that Shen Bijun is even more to be killed.

However, the two guards at the door looked cold, and their arms were open, blocking the way for the three of them.

The tall man on the left coldly said: "The auction is going on, no one is allowed to enter."

Treasure Moon Pavilion is the first trade fair in Cang Yue City, which is filled with countless treasures , an auction is held in January, and each auction has caused a huge momentum.

However, once the auction has started, no one is allowed inside.

Of course, everyone is special.

Some great characters with extraordinary status can still come and go at will.

Worry-free Immortal King joined the Great Influence Extreme Yin Church, and he is naturally qualified to enter.

"Brother, don't make trouble, the auction here is unusual, and this time auction is also said to have one thousand years of Immortal Medicine appearing, naturally it is strictly guarded."

One A passer-by took Su Hao a hand.

Su Hao's eyes lit up, he must participate in this auction!

"Brother, looking at your appearance, you must be tempted by Wannian Immortal Medicine, but don't think about it, that thing is priceless, and it needs at least 80 million immortal jade, and, I've been stared at by several great characters, and even if you go in, you won't be able to compete."

The passerby shook the head and turned to leave.

However, Su Hao didn't leave, he needed Immortal Medicine for ten thousand years, and immediately looked at the guard and said, "Call you in charge."

The guard ice-cold saying: "What kind of status are we in charge, what qualifications do you have to see?"

Su Hao smiled, spread out his left hand, took out two beads, and said, "I'm here to auction, let you guys come out, he naturally understands ."

The guard didn't even look at it, the three of Su Hao looked a little embarrassed, their clothes were tattered, and they didn't look like people with treasure.

They said with a sneer: "Treasure Moon Pavilion can't be entered by any rubbish item, get out now, otherwise, kill without mercy!"

"Ouch, brother , are you stupid, this bead contains Immortal Sovereign blood, it is an unobtainable treasure, the minimum value is more than ten million immortal jade."

The bald chicken said with a sneer.


The two guards looked at each other and laughed unbridled.

They glanced at the three of Su Hao, then looked at the bead again, and their laughter became even louder.

Immortal Sovereign blood?

I also have Immortal Emperor inheritance.

"Get out now!" They cursed again. With their eyesight, they naturally couldn't see the terrifying of Immortal Sovereign blood beads, they were not qualified to know.

However, just as Su Hao narrowed his eyes, another old man arrived.

As soon as the old man appeared, the faces of the two guards changed immediately, and they immediately bowed and said: "Li Immortal King, please come in, please quickly."

The old man's face was cold, But he didn't enter, but stared at Tang Qing, with murderous intention in his eyes.

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