Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1705

The bald chicken stood up, with a mighty breath, immortal Eighth Layer Peak cultivation base, making countless people below jealous.

After all, he was just immortal First Layer Peak before, and he improved by seven levels.

In the blink of an eye!

In fact, this is just the beginning, after the bald chicken stood up, looked towards Tang Qing, said with a smile: "There is something I need to give you."

" oh?" Tang Qing was surprised.

"This Immortal Sovereign is also a powerful Array Master. He has mastered thousands of ancient Formations. These formation diagrams are yours."

Bald The chicken's voice fell, and the scarlet divine light was emitted between the eyebrows, turning into a light spot of one after another mysterious, and heading towards the center of Tang Qing's eyebrows.

The first spot of light drilled into Tang Qing's mind, and a formation diagram appeared in Tang Qing's mind, causing his color to change dramatically, and at the same time, cry out in surprise: "Xuanxuan Reincarnation Formation!"


The Xuanxuan Star Sect below, the Array Master of the Tianhe Sect, all showed a look of shock. Xuanxuan’s reincarnation formation was a healing formation.

Arrange the Formation to absorb the essence of all directions, even the flesh and bones of life and death, mysterious creation, and rebirth from death.

This Formation is very mysterious, they have only seen the introduction in the ancient book.

Tang Qing actually got it?

"ding dong."

The second spot of light poured in, Tang Qing was even more excited and shouted: "This, this is the Great Heaven and Earth Shift Formation, you can Move hundreds of thousands of li."

As soon as these words came out, there was another uproar from below, not only the two Array Masters, but the others followed with wide-eyed, jealous hovered between life and death.

On the outskirts of Eastern Wilderness, the most terrifying teleportation formation, which can escape 50,000 miles, has already driven countless people crazy.

After all, if you master the real Formation and engrave it as a formation, you are not afraid of any danger and can be moved away in an instant.

hundred thousand li, even Immortal Sovereign is impossible to catch up at once.

Equal to Innate invincible.

"Hundreds of battles are indestructible, four seasons transformation, ice and fire dual formation, void formation thunder... This is too terrifying." Tang Qing almost danced.

Thousands of Formations kept pouring into his mind, attacking Formation, Defensive Array, auxiliary Formation, all kinds.

With these formation diagrams, Tang Qing's accomplishments in Formation have instantly become stronger by several grades. It can be said that no one outside Eastern Wilderness can surpass him.

Even in the depths of the Eastern Wilderness, ordinary alchemists cannot compete with him.

After all, this is Immortal Sovereign's Formation.

"This is nothing, in fact, there are some Immortal Sovereign techniques that can also be taught to you." Bald chicken laughed, he had a good impression of Tang Qing.

In addition, these Formations, immortal art, are nothing to him, the means he masters are not as good as Su Hao, but the general Immortal Sovereign can't compare.

Immediately, he shot out some spots of light, constantly drilling into Tang Qing's mind. Every spot of light was a terrifying immortal art.

Immortal Sovereign method.

There are dozens of them.

"Hahaha." Tang Qing laughed, he was glad for his choice, which was almost the same as his own Immortal Sovereign good fortune.

"Too terrifying, among thousands of Formations, dozens of Immortal Sovereign methods, this kind of terrifying creation, no matter who it is, is crazy."

Those below People murmured, and their hearts continued to bleed, and some people even regretted it a lot. They knew that they should not requite kindness with enmity and should not offend Su Hao.

It's a pity that there is no medicine for regret in this world, they have already missed the best opportunity.

At this time, the Dragon Throne was completely dimmed, and all the good things belonged to Bald Chicken and Tang Qing.

However, at this moment, where the Dragon Throne was, a portal was opened again, extending into the depths of the void.

Furthermore, in it, exudes a terrifying essence, and there must be a lot of treasure.

"Immortal Sovereign's treasure trove is definitely not simple, and the treasure inside is limitless." Bald Chicken grinned and immediately got into it.

Su Hao and Tang Qing's eyes flashed, and they left quickly. When they entered, the door was immediately closed, and no matter how attacked by outsiders, they couldn't break it.

They yelled at them, but they were very impatient. The Immortal Sovereign inheritance didn't get the slightest bit. These treasures, wouldn't they give them half a chance?

Abandoned such a big means to enter here, want to return empty-handed?

Within the Dragon Throne, there are three Su Hao with bright eyes, there are only three types of treasures here.

A kind of immortal jade, the immortal jade of splendid essence, piled up into a hill, I am afraid there are hundreds of millions of pounds.

Moreover, some of them are spherical immortal jade, among them Immortal Sovereign blood coagulation.

This is Supreme Treasure!

Second is the fairy grass, all kinds of exotic flowers and rare herbs, the essence is vigorous, all are rare in the world, but unfortunately, Su Hao glanced and did not find Wannian Immortal Medicine.

He shook his head helplessly.

The Third Type treasure, though, gave Su Hao some comfort, there was only one thing there, an ancient and mysterious furnace.

And in it, Su Hao felt a familiar atmosphere, even a furnace on his body, accompanied by a little trembling.

Fortune Incense burner!


Su Hao took out the Fortune Incense Burner, his Incense Burner is four in one, and the Incense Burner in front of him is a full five Fortune Incense Burner burner.

It's a step closer to finding the Immortal King's tomb.

Fortune Immortal King, although known as Immortal King, is more mysterious than Immortal Sovereign and older than Immortal Emperor.

His tomb, no one cares.

"Put all the treasures away."

Su Hao moved towards the bald chicken and the two of them said a word, and then quickly stepped forward and put the incense burner with his own incense burner. burner in one.

The bald chicken and Tang Qing quickly took action and put away the immortal jade and immortal grass.

After doing all this, they didn't go backwards, but forwards, and left here straight.

There is a space channel there, and it actually left this place directly.

When the three of Su Hao walked out, they came to the seaside of the Fortune Island. They took a boat and quickly left here.

At the same time, on the sea, three huge dragon boats came by the wind and waves, and on the three huge dragon boats, the cultivation base was full of powerful people.

Those people, dressed differently.

It is Cloud Sea Sect, Tianhe Sect, and Xuan Star Sect Three Great Sects.

It turned out that after the three of Su Hao entered the land of good fortune, the Great Elder of the Three Great Sects immediately sent a letter to the sect and moved in to rescue the soldiers.

In their opinion, after coming out of the land of creation, there must be a battle, and they must be prepared for unexpected needs.

"Hey, the three of you, but from that fortune island?" a dísciple asked loudly on the dragon boat.

"Yeah, that Fortune Island is too terrifying, and the Three Great Sects are fighting there. In order to compete for Immortal Sovereign fortune, we dare not join and can only retreat."

Bald Hair Chicken Way.

As soon as these words came out, the three big boats immediately accelerated their speed, like three long dragons sprinting on the sea, and landed on the island of fortune at the fastest speed.

The bald chicken grinned: "It's okay to be stupid."

At the same time, Tang Qing sprinkled some medicine pills and arranged a Formation according to the Immortal Sovereign Formation diagram to speed up the speed of the boat. Quickly left the Sea Territory.

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