Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1685

Bald Chicken and Su Hao had already noticed that these people were approaching, but they didn't care and continued to buy treasure, seemingly ignorant of all this.

white clothed man Tan Dong, the first to arrive, immediately said: "That furnace is hot, why don't you sell it to me, the price is whatever you want?"

The bald chicken was indifferent and continued to buy treasure, whispered in his mouth: "Is there five million spent immortal jade?"

Tan Dong's face turned cold, before he could say more, the green-clothed woman Leng Hanyu also quickly Came here, stared at the bald chicken and said, "I'm bound to get the incense burner. I'll give you a suitable price and guarantee your safety."

"It seems that five million is less. "The bald chicken's mouth twitched, since someone is arguing, the value of the Incense Burner will increase.

He bought a few more treasures, and the immortal jade cost a full six million.

"Little mouse, what do you want?" Bald Chicken looked towards Su Hao.

"I'm more curious about that furnace." Su Hao smiled lightly.

As early as at the booth, Su Hao had already noticed that the furnace was not simple. Although there was no energy fluctuation on the surface, it contained some mystery in the dark.

This incense burner is not an Immortal Artifact, but more like a... key.

Behind the incense burner, there may be a big secret.

The bald chicken twitched and was about to speak when another person appeared in front of him, and the stalwart body exuded a terrifying pressure.

It was the black-faced man named Laughing Crazy.

He looked cold, stared at the bald chicken threateningly and said, "Hand over that furnace, you don't have to die."

He held a saber in his hand, and the blade light emitted Impressive murderous aura, the people around suddenly feel that they have one's hair stand on end, this person is not simple, and the knife is not simple.

Just, the bald chicken waved his hand and said, "Let me go, this Uncle has to buy more treasure."

Murderous intention flashed in his eyes, and his hand flashed. His knife hummed and trembled, but before he shot, Tan Dong and Leng Hanyu were already approaching.

Xiao Kuangsheng didn't make a move. If he moved, the two would definitely move. One against two, he had no absolute certainty. The cultivation bases of the three were almost the same.

Get out of the way, he let Bald Chicken go over, and at the stall in front, Bald Chicken bought some treasures, and spent a total of seven million immortal jade before and after.

Arrived here, the bald chicken stopped, looked towards the three, said with a smile: "It seems that all three of you are bound to win this furnace, and I am also very fair, Whoever wants it, then show sincerity."

The three looked at each other, Tan Dong said: "Okay, brother, give me the Incense Burner, three million immortal jade, it's yours immediately, and I am Tan Dong protecting you."

"Three million?"

As soon as these words came out, the people around them immediately exclaimed.

Especially the booth boss, I feel a little dizzy.

But this is not the limit, Leng Hanyu said the second one, "Five million, I'm bound to get it, and I will be responsible for your safety."

Booth Boss, the whole person is trembling, five million?

The few people around him were taking pleasure in other people's misfortune. After all, they had seen with their own eyes that this Incense Burner was presented by the Boss himself.

No, to be precise, it was sold for 100,000.

But this is the difference between Heaven and Earth with the value that the incense burner now exposes.

"Old fat, you often walk by the river, how can you not have wet shoes, you have a hole in your eyes this time." An old man said with a smile, the irritating booth boss almost vomited blood.

In fact, this is not the end.

"Seven million!"

Xiao Kuangsheng followed, and the high price of seven million immortal jade caused an uproar, and countless people sucked in a cold breath.

Seven million immortal jade, which is also a huge wealth for anyone.

The boss of the booth even sat on the ground with a puff of his butt, feeling a piece of flesh was cut from his heart, which was extremely painful.

He sold the precious treasure worth seven million as junk?

The few people around him never made fun of them, because they were all shocked. According to the transaction process, the seven million is not the limit.

"A lot of bargaining, that furnace can be sold for tens of millions!" Someone said in shock.

These words came into the ears of the booth boss, and it made his heart break even more, next moment, he stood up suddenly, strode forward, and shouted: "My, that incense burner is Mine."

The bald chicken smiled and said: "Ai, I bought this thing for 100,000 immortal jade, I told you long ago, and it will not be returned."

Boss's eyes are blood red, and now I know why Bald Chicken gave him 100,000 immortal jade in the first place.

However, he doesn't know how many years he can save enough of seven million immortal jade. This huge temptation is something he can't refuse.

What's more, the value of the Incense Burner is expected to reach tens of millions. How could he give up such a precious treasure?

The blood light in his eyes was even thicker, he showed his body, went straight to the bald chicken, and said sternly: "Take it out, or I will kill you!"

One A terrifying aura shrouded the bald chicken. The cultivation base of this Boss turned out to be at the Immortal Peak level, and the coercion was immense.

And the breath of the bald chicken is just immortal First Layer, the gap between each other, like worlds apart, is not a grade at all.

It can be said that this Boss can subdue the bald chicken with a single palm, and here, killing people is very common.

The three of Tan Dong watched quietly.

At this moment, the bald chicken flashed and appeared behind Su Hao, saying, "Little mouse, this old fellow is killing me."

Stand Boss With fierce eyes, he glanced at Su Hao, and scolded coldly: "Go away, otherwise, I..."

His voice did not fall completely, Su Hao flicks with the finger, a terrifying force Hit the Boss's chest, pu' sound, let it fly upside down, and spray blood in the air.

In time, everyone's complexity greatly changed.

Suppressing Immortal Peak with one finger, this purple hair's strength is terrifying.

Tan Dong and the three are also frowned, they have always been afraid of Su Hao, this person can't see through.

Nowadays, it really seems to be some ability.

The bald chicken walked out with a smile, stared at the Boss and said, "One-handed payment, one-handed delivery, no refunds, you sold me a million fakes, and I never looked for them. Are you in trouble?"

His treacherous laugh also made the boss of the booth and the people around him a bit shocked, it turned out that they had already seen it through.

They still think they are two fools?

However, now that I know there is no way to do it, Su Hao's terrifying makes the booth Boss very afraid. If he dares to take action, he will surely die.

With infinite fire, the Boss spurt a mouthful of blood again, his eyes were black and he passed out.

At this moment, the bald chicken continued: "Now, the three of you can have a good talk with me, what price is this incense burner going to charge?"

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