Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1684

The black market in Xuanhuang City is not far from the place where the cloud boat landed. Most of the vendors on it hide their appearance and will not reveal the appearance of the deity.

After all, many of the commodities here come from the wrong way, some even come from burning and looting, or from the terrifying Great Influence.

No one wants to get in trouble for this.

Su Hao and the bald chicken strode forward. They were originally hiding their appearances, and the means of hiding were extremely brilliant, so ordinary people couldn't see it.

On the black market, it is very lively, the number of people is conservatively estimated, there are thousands, here you can buy all kinds of treasure, medicine pill, ore, fairy grass, all kinds, and even Immortal King There are people who dare to take it out and trade it.

The bald-haired corns are rolling around, but he has 30 million immortal jade in his arms, planning to spend a lot.

In fact, he soon began to splurge, and successively purchased several precious Immortal Medicine plants, all of which were Fire Attributes, which were of great benefit to him.

Such richness and imposing immediately attracted the attention of many people. Some booth bosses, when they saw him approaching, immediately smiled and attracted him.

This is a fat sheep. When will it not be slaughtered at this time?

The bald chicken didn't disappoint those people either, throwing immortal jade was like throwing scrap metal, hundreds of thousands of threw away without even blinking.

Suddenly, he walked to a booth and blinked indistinctly.

The Booth Boss is in his thirties, a little fat, with a human skin mask on his face, and has a peculiar ability to block Divine Soul's detection.

When he saw the bald chicken approaching here, he immediately flattered and said with a smile: "brother, you are really discerning, my treasure here, I dare not say that I am the first here, but it is definitely the first. Rank three."

"Look, this Profound Flame Fruit is a nine-hundred-year-old Fire Attribute medicine, which is rare and rare. What alive found, there is this Purple Gold profound flint stone, which is a precious material for making the Fire Attribute Immortal King. Look at this jade stone again, do you see the drop of blood in it? It is said to be the Fire Dragon blood essence, which is full of essence. It's very good."

Boss's introduction was very attentive and targeted, and he had to bring the word Fire Attribute every time, because the bald chickens bought the treasure of this attribute.

"Pack up, this Uncle is all I want." Bald Chicken rushed to the sky, and swept away a million immortal jade.

The Boss is smiling.

The Bosses in the surrounding booths had a strong look of envy in their eyes. This envy was aimed at the Boss, but when they looked towards Bald Chicken, they were slightly contemptuous.

The things he bought were indeed Fire Attributes, but, as Boss said, they accounted for 20% of them, and the remaining 80% had no effect at all.

From this point of view, this kid has no eyesight at all, just a second fool with a lot of money.

"Ai, Boss, what is this thing, it looks like an incense burner, but there is no energy fluctuation, but it should be early?" Bald chicken ignored those contemptuous eyes, Instead, stare at an incense burner.

"Brother likes it, just take it directly. I accidentally found that thing in the forest, and it's not worth a lot of money." Boss said in a big voice.

And added: "This is how I do business. Good things are good, bad things are bad, and I will never lie to others."

When saying this , There was almost a burst of boos around, this Boss is a famous profiteer here, and he has fooled many people.

The bald chicken didn't care, grabbed the incense burner, and said, "Many thanks, but I am also very generous. With this hundred thousand immortal jade, I bought this incense burner."

He dropped another 100,000 immortal jade before getting up and leaving with Su Hao.

The booth boss was stunned for a long time before he grinned. How can people be so stupid?

I said it was given away for free, but this guy also dropped 100,000 immortal jade?

"Oh, by the way, you didn't give me this thing, but I paid for it, and it will not be refunded." Bald Chicken dropped another sentence from a distance.

Boss almost made a noise, return it?

No way!

At this moment, a man came in a hurry and swept over the Boss' booth, the complexity greatly changed, and said solemnly: "What about your incense burner? It's that bronze color, it looks like A very old incense burner."

"Oh, that thing, I sold it, I sold it for 100,000 immortal jade." Boss smiled proudly and said, "That thing is actually a piece of junk. Worthless."

"Sold to whom?"

white clothed youth stood in front of him with a cold face.

Boss swept into the distance and said, "There, the second fool next to the purple-haired youth, that guy has a lot of money..."

He didn't say anything. After that, white clothed youth has chased after him.

"It's just a broken incense burner, is it really a treasure?" Boss pouted, he had already identified the thing, and it was a piece of garbage.

Also when he was proud, a gust of cold wind whistled, and a green-clothed woman walked over. After sweeping it away, his eyes immediately turned cold.

"Where is that incense burner?"

The woman said coldly.

Boss was stunned and said surprisedly: "What happened today, a piece of junk has attracted so many people?"

"Don't talk nonsense, what about the stuff?" The woman icily said.

"Did you see, the guy in the black clothed suit just left, Nuo, right there, the one next to the purple hair..." He stretched out his hand and pointed forward.

The green-clothed woman also hurried away.

Boss was surprised for a long time, could that thing really be different?


In his surprise, a murderous aura whistled, and another dark-faced man came, without a word, a big blade was already on his neck.

The Boss shuddered immediately, the sweat crash-banged down his forehead, and said, "Brother, don't do it, just say whatever you want."

On this black market, Murdering to seize the treasures is not uncommon. This is a place of confusion. There are no laws, no rules, and only strength.

The man who pulled out the knife was obviously an Immortal King. He could raise his hand and crush him to death. How could he not be afraid?

The black-faced man said sternly: "Don't talk nonsense, where is the incense burner you picked up in the mountain range? Give it to me immediately!"

" Incense burner again?" The Boss was shocked, then quickly pointed forward and said, "There, a man and a woman have gone there."

The black-faced man swept over there: "Lenghan Yu, Tan Dong, you guys are actually in front of me, but, that furnace, I'm going to make a decision."

His eyes turned cold, and he hurried away.

At this time, the Boss was also completely interested, put away the booth, and quickly followed, and even the Bosses from the surrounding booths also hurried away.

Three people in a row are so eager for the incense burner, that thing is definitely not a simple thing, and it is a terrifying treasure to keep it in balance.

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