Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1661

Su Hao's eyes were cold and staring at the only immortal old man left, and the other party felt that he had one's hair stand on end again.

Especially, Su Hao's terrifying, even the prison tower where Immortal King engraved the seal was suppressed by him.

Such a terrifying ability made him stop any thought of resisting. I'm afraid that in front of others, he doesn't even have the qualifications to self-destruct, right?

After all, his self-destruct is not worth the terrifying caused by the explosion of the Hell Tower.

He immediately said: "Those four people should have been taken to the western restricted area, but I don't know exactly why. Many things are beyond my reach."

He It's just Level 2 immortal, which is indeed terrifying in the mundane, but put into the vast Immortal World, it's just a servant-like character.

And in the immortal of the lower realm at this time, there are several terrifying beings among them, many of which are secret and not accessible to him.

"Little mouse, there is a treasure in the western restricted area, and it has been spread in the continent. It is very lively there now."

"However, the restricted area is very terrifying, I While fleeing, I have been there before, it is impossible to get close, and it is more terrifying than any restricted area we have encountered."

The bald chicken said. Su Hao nodded and turned around, looking towards the three-dimensional prison tower. Although it exploded, it was still very terifying.

He reached out with one hand, and a terrifying immortal strength enveloped the entire tower. Immediately, the prison tower rose from the ground and rumbling, causing a huge momentum.

But in the blink of an eye, the trembling of the tower gradually stabilized under Su Hao's immortal strength, and the entire tower shrank rapidly.

In the end, he became a big slap and was held in the palm of Su Hao's hand.

Everyone looked at this scene in shock. After all, this tower was built by the Immortal King, and Su Hao completely refinished it with a flip of his hand.

this method, unimaginable.

After everyone was shocked, they were excited again, especially everyone in the Immortal Sect, their blood was surging again.

In the past, Su Hao led the Immortal Sect people and created countless miracles. No matter how dangerous it was, he was safe and sound.

Now, this feeling is back, even in the face of Immortal World's power, they are still full of confidence in Su Hao, he can break everything.

"Let's go directly to the western restricted area, and after all this is done, everyone will log in to Immortal World with me, wait, immortal!" Su Hao's loud voice sounded.

The crowd trembled.

Can they become immortals?

"I, Su Hao, do what I say."

Su Hao loudly said, many of these people don't talk about becoming immortals, even if they become saints or emperors, they are far away and.

With Su Hao, this is no longer impossible.

"The Sect Master is mighty!"

The Immortal Sect crowd roared loudly, their voices were incomparably vast, with a strong adoration.

Fengyunlang, Hongchen Girl, Xiao Chen, etc., everyone in the Immortal Sect of the Red Dust, all secretly clenched their fists. They already knew that their elders were originally in the Immortal World.

Because of their sins, they were punished into the human world, and even many people's families were killed by the forces of the Immortal World, and they had a bloody feud.

This time when they go back, they will seek justice for their family and their senior.

Even if he was a nameless Taoist, he secretly clenched his fists. He was in Immortal World, that scoundrel, but he was still at ease.

"Worry-free, Master is here. I wonder how wonderful your expression was when you saw me?" he said secretly in his heart.

"There are still some things to deal with." Just when Su Hao was about to put everyone in the tower, Yin Changsheng suddenly stood up and said solemnly.

Su Hao said: "I know what you think."

He put everyone in the tower, soared up, and appeared above the South Heaven Gate, followed by a huge Palm, fiercely pressed down.

That huge palm seems to be able to destroy everything, the entire South Heaven Gate, all smashed, all kinds of good fortune, palaces, all disintegrated.

And after all these collapsed, Su Hao broke the void again, and there was actually a passage there, and a terrifying alien beast was vacated at the entrance of the passage.

That strange beast was incomparable gigantic, with a head the size of several dozen li, and it turned out to be a miniature Kunpeng.

It is indeed a mini version.

The real Kunpeng, incomparable gigantic, can fill the entire Nether.

"This can't be regarded as Kunpeng, but it has a drop of Kunpeng's blood essence, and it is extremely terrifying." Lin Yaoyao recognized it at a glance.

He is in Immortal World, the son of Monster Race, and he is familiar with everything about Monster Race. The blood energy in this giant beast is keenly noticed by him.

"I'm coming."

Lin Yaoyao rushed out, suddenly huge, and went straight to the huge alien beast. , Nine-Tailed Monster Fox, silver python, ancient trees in the sky, all kinds of changes.

The final terrifying force, and the great atmosphere against Monster Race, directly opened the explosion of the alien beast with the blood essence of Kunpeng.

Lin Yaoyao's battle strength is not weaker than the average Immortal King, and his aura is more targeted when dealing with monster beast.

Even if that alien beast was powerful, it couldn't resist his violent bombardment.

"This kid is actually valued by the Monster Emperor." The bald chicken narrowed his eyes, and Lin Yaoyao was clearly displaying the Monster Race Emperor Seal, targeting any monster beast.

"He is the son of Monster Race, the future Monster Race controller." Su Hao said with a smile.

The bald chicken is a little unhappy. At the beginning, his grand wish was this, to become the Immortal Emperor of the Monster Race and to control the vast Monster Race.

The best thing to do is to suppress the old dragon king who is not a father-in-law, and let him obediently promise the small dragon girl to marry him.

"Actually, he is the same." Then, Bald Chicken smiled again, Lin Yaoyao's relationship with him was exactly similar to his standing on Monster Race Peak.

"hehe, old dragon king, when you see me again, I'm afraid you will startled, small dragon girl, wait for me, soon." He hoped in his heart.

Lin Yaoyao shattered the alien beast and directly refined his Great Demon Pill into a fist-sized bead.

He has Heavenly Demon 72 Transformations. With the help of monster core, he can display the terrifying abilities of various monster beasts. This pill contains the blood essence of Kunpeng.

When he swallowed it, he could display the stalwart power of Kunpeng in a short period of time, which was enough to suppress the Level 2 Immortal King.

After doing all this, Lin Yaoyao smashed the void again, where the altar exploded, and the tunnel built in it was completely disordered and became a dead end.

The immortal Nether, the more powerful, the more terrifying the price to pay.

The immortals in the lower realm at this time, both in quantity and level, are unprecedented, and the price paid is incomparable gigantic. Even the terrifying power of Extreme Yin Church will cost you blood.

Lin Yaoyao smashed this place, which was equivalent to breaking the immortal's back path, and also blocked the immortal's lower bound rescue.

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