Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1660

Su Hao's breath is vast, directly suppressing the breath of those who are self-destructing, making them unable to move in the slightest.

Even some people were lying on the ground, unable to stand up.

This huge coercion shocked everyone. It must be immortal.

And after being shocked, their hearts were even more annoyed, wouldn't they even let us die?

This is too much!

They looked at him with hatred.

In front of that, the golden light of terrifying is shining brightly, making people almost unable to open their eyes, as if facing a bright golden sun.

Fortunately, when the sun was surging for a moment, the golden light subsided, and a person strode out from it.

In an instant, everyone was stunned.

The person who walked out, the long purple hair, the delicious and pretty face.

The continued silence here, and everyone's eyes widened in shock.

Xiaodouzi, Fengyunlang, Xiao Wuji, and the others were all stunned.

This face is too familiar.

It was a surprise.

He, he, he is Su Hao?

How is this possible?

"You have suffered."

Amid everyone's shock, surprise, and suspicion, Su Hao's voice sounded, and there was a trace of wetness in those eyes.

The breath subsided, Xiaodouzi looked towards the front and said, "You, you are... No, why are you still here, how can you possibly be alive?"

Su Hao thought in his heart The sadness was immediately washed away, he laughed angrily, bent his fingers, slapped Xiaodouzi fiercely on the forehead, and said, "Do you want me to live, or do you want me to die?"

This Action, this voice, this smile, this feeling... Xiaodouzi's eyes crash-bang with tears, saying: "You are Su Hao, it must be Su Hao!"

He is not dead!

"Son." Immortal Nangong Yun, who was planning to self-destruct, rushed frantically, grabbed Su Hao's arms, glanced up and down, and finally stopped him, choked: "It's my son, It's my Hao'er."

Su Yuanshan breathes deeply, and there is a bright smile on that determined face.

Yu'er, Meng Xianxian, all approached and laughed again, Su Hao was fine and appeared intact.

Feng Yun Lang, Xiao Wuji, Zhang Zhongtian, Shangguan Yun and the others all came to the front, pulled Su Hao, and laughed again.

Xia Xiaojiu, who had been silent all the time, but was ready to die, stepped forward and punched Su Hao fiercely in the chest with tears in her eyes.

"You bastard, I almost died." Xia Xiaojiu cursed.

"You cry too?" Su Hao looked at him and smiled.

Xia Xiaojiu twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Don't get me wrong, I'm crying for someone, and soon, he won't even be able to cry."

Said After finishing, he lowered his head and looked towards Xiaodouzi.

In fact, Meng Xianxian and the others have already been eyeing Xiaodouzi.

The eyes are fierce.

Xiaodouzi was seen to have one's hair stand on end, and said: "Well, this is an accident, I really don't know, everyone calm down, calm down... ah."

"Beat me, beat him to the death!"

Meng Xianxian took the lead and stepped on the soles of his feet fiercely. Countless people joined in, scrambling for each other, scolding while stepping on, after all, they almost self-destructed.

Xiaodouzi was almost devoid of human appearance, and turned into a blood stream that was trampled on by the body. He cried: "Why only trample on me, Feng Sect Master also said it."

To this, Xia Xiaojiu gave a very direct answer: "Because you are small."


A big foot, almost stepping on Xiaodouzi Into the flesh, even Yu'er made up a few feet, and almost never saw her brother.

Fortunately, Su Hao pleaded for mercy, and that little douzi, who was completely indifferent, was finally released by everyone. I saw him curled up on the ground, and he really couldn't even cry.

Su Hao swept away and knew that this kid was fine, so he no longer paid attention to .

"Boy, you make us worry so much, Old Daoist, I almost mutilated myself for you." An old man came over and said with a smile.

Everyone turned their heads and looked fierce. The unknown Taoist immediately shut up and said, "Sorry, I'm sorry."

He stepped back quickly, otherwise he would end up with Xiaodouzi.

"The old scumbag, Wuming Daoren, has to surrender several times. Unfortunately, he is not wanted, and no one accepts his surrender." Meng Xianxian pouted.

Everyone's faces turned even more vicious. The nameless Daoist had one's hair stand on end, and immediately said, "Don't get me wrong, I'm here to escape, so I can come back to save you, Old Daoist, I have a good heart."

"Well, let's go quickly."

The voice fell, and he left here quickly before everyone rushed up, but he was still struck by lightning from the people behind him. , scorched black.

Su Hao laughed and said, "Let's go."

Everyone left here one after another.

When he came to the outside world, the bald chicken rushed up excitedly, saw the Five Clawed Golden Dragon two dogs were safe, and saw the little bean caught in his hand.

Suddenly said ruthlessly: "His grandmother, which bastard, beat up Xiaodouzi like this, this revenge must be avenged."

"Second uncle, I, I Aggrieved." Xiaodouzi's voice was extremely weak, tears were flowing, and she was really aggrieved in her heart.

"Don't be afraid, the second uncle will stand up for you, tell this Uncle who it is, and I will kill him." Flames erupted from his bald head.

Er Gouzi stepped forward and said in a low voice: "In fact, we all started, and this is how it happened..."

Everyone looked at the bald chicken with pondering. This old fellow ran fast and was the only one who escaped, although it was to save them.

However, everyone suffered, but he did not eat at all.

The bald chicken naturally understood that under the eyes of those people's wretched smiles, his eyes flickered continuously, and he suddenly stepped forward and stared at Xiaodouzi.

next moment, he kicked Xiaodouzi out and said, "I'll go to you, you brat has no door."

looked towards everyone, Laughed and said: "Everyone, this kid is not authentic, he must be taught a lesson, you continue, and you can fight."

Everyone pouted, this guy is still so inauthentic.

Xiaodouzi was crawling on the ground miserably, and no one could understand the grievances in her heart. Who do you think I provoke?

Lin Yaoyao had seen everyone, so she dragged Xu Qing to the side.

It made Lin Yaoyao blushed.

Su Hao showed a bright smile, such a big reunion, it was really extra warm.

Suddenly, he frowned and glanced at the crowd with a gloomy expression, and said, "Bai Ling, Feng Legendary, Miao Ruyan, Lin Ruhua. Where are the four of them?"

Everyone is silent.

Mengxian immortal dao: "Linger and the others were taken away a few days ago, don't know where they went?"

Su Hao's heart was suddenly gloomy, and the four of them treated her to her. It is very important, and it is one of the incarnations of Fairy of Ninth Heaven. He turned his head and looked towards the old man, saying, "You should be clear about this, right?"

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