Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1652

An ancient Cangtian tree stands in front, its branches block the road leading to where Su Hao is located, leaving a trace of murderous intention at the same time that the ice thousands of feet of brows are frowned.

"courting death!"

He spit out two words coldly, clicked his finger, and a blast of icy air shot out, turning into an icy sword, scoffing, breaking. A branch of the ancient tree fell.

The branches of the ancient tree in the sky were extremely stiff, and even a random chopping with an immortal sword could not shake him one bit.

And under the sword of ice, a branch was directly cut off.


A miserable howl came out from above the ancient tree in the sky, and the ancient tree trembled violently.

The branches of the ancient tree are the flesh and blood of Lin Yaoyao, which was cut off by the sword of ice, like cutting off his bones, how could it not hurt?

Moreover, the Sword of Ice had Law Power on it, which made the pain so severe that ordinary immortals had already fallen.

"Get out of the way!"

Bing Qianchi coldly shouted, his finger a little again, this time two blasts of icy air burst into two sharp swords, smashing the ancient tree up The two branches were cut off.


Above the ancient tree, there was blood, and the branches fell down, turning into two pieces of flesh and blood.

But he loudly shouted, stopped, and said frantically: "Keep coming."

He knew that now all of Su Hao's immortal strengths were injected into the Immortal Sect, It is absolutely not allowed to be disturbed, otherwise, you will be backlashed.

Actually, that's true, Immortal Sect is open, it's a critical moment, all of Su Hao's immortal strengths are surging away, that portal is shaking fast, and it's already not far from opening. .

"fuck off! ”

Bing Qianchi took a step forward, three lines of icy air burst forth, three branches were broken, and they shattered directly in the void, becoming a Bloody mist.

On the huge ancient tree, a human face was transformed.

But he didn't make the slightest sound. He could feel that Su Hao was under his influence. If he continued to scream, Su Hao would probably give up on opening Immortal Sect.

Therefore no sound is made.

However, Su Hao has already noticed everything, and the coldness in his eyes has reached the limitless point. In the end, his eyes are firm, and his terrifying immortal strength is all surging away.

In that immortal strength, with his blood essence, lotus blood essence, constantly pouring into the Immortal Sect, where a faint gap has appeared.

"Hold on, soon, soon!" Su Hao was anxious in his heart, and the blood essence kept spilling out.

This Immortal Sect requires the Immortal King cultivation base to open. Even if it is Su Hao terrifying, it is only the Immortal Eighth Layer after all. It is extremely difficult to open this place.

It was even more difficult than he thought.

Behind him, Lin Yaoyao gritted his teeth fiercely, looked ahead, coldly shouted: "What does this damage mean to me, keep coming?"

The ancient tree The human face formed from the upper part of the body, with a fierce brilliance in his eyes, staring at Bing Qianchi, come on, come on!

Bing Qianchi's expression was icy cold, and countless cold air surged out of his body, turning into a series of knives and swords, constantly slashing down.

Those swords of ice, each of which is comparable to the Immortal King, with Law Power and formidable power.

On the ancient tree in the sky, countless branches were cut off, blood was sprayed endlessly, and countless flesh and blood exploded in the void. howling.

"Then it will destroy you completely." Bing Qianchi's face was completely cold, and he had no chance to subdue Lin Yaoyao's heart. If it was not used by him, then kill him.

An extremely cold murderous aura roared away, causing Shen Bijun beside him to tremble violently and quickly retreat.

She felt like she was going to be completely shattered by the murderous aura emanating from the ice thousands of feet away.

Even, those cultivators who came in a hurry, when they arrived here and noticed the murderous aura, immediately stopped and dared not move forward.

This murderous aura too terrifying.

At the same time as this murderous aura spread, those people looked forward and saw countless cold air gushing out from Bing Qianchi, and on the sky, there were countless ice condensations. Knife and Sword.

densely packed, covering a large sky.

In addition, the terrifying cold light emanating from those knives and swords makes people have one's hair stand on end, even if it is against one of them, it is extremely dangerous.

Even a cultivator with an immortal ninth layer cultivation base feels like he will explode if he touches any of them.

Not to mention several millions.

Such a terrifying attack, even the mighty Immortal King, or even the Immortal King Second Layer, is extremely difficult to resist.

A sure shot!

Shen Bijun sneered, Lin Yaoyao was sure to die in his eyes, and she was the kind that smashed to pieces.

And after he died, it was Su Hao!


Millions of swords of ice, shot out in unison, like a rain of swords, killing Lin Yaoyao, this vast coercion made Lin The demons were trembling slightly.

He could feel the threat of death, but when he thought of the people behind him, his roots were stabbed into the ground, and even if his body was shattered, he would not move half an inch.

No accident, thousands of ice swords shot down, completely submerging the ancient tree that the forest demon was transformed into, and blood was constantly spurting out of it.

The blood, surging in the void, dyed it bright red after spreading.

This scene is shocking.



several millions blasted the ice fairy sword, but there was a terrifying golden light, and a great cauldron rose into the sky, like a big round Day exploded there.

In that great cauldron, Lin Yaoyao had already transformed into a human figure, all over his body, he was donating blood drippingly, and in some areas, his bones had exploded.

The wounds on my body are horrible.

It's a miracle to be able to stand and breathe.

And in front of him, a silhouette stood proudly, the flames burning in its eyes, it was Su Hao!

However, there was blood on the corner of his mouth, and the blood kept dripping down.

Bing Qianchi is indeed terrifying and deserves to be called number one, but if Su Hao hadn't poured all his immortal strength into the Immortal Sect, it would not be so easy for the opponent to hurt him.

"You finally came out?" Bing Qianchi smiled and said, "The sins of the disobedient family should never exist in the world, and today I will enforce Justice on behalf of the Heaven and kill you. ."

The voice fell, and the cold air on his body gushed out, condensing an incomparable gigantic ice sword, like splitting heaven and earth apart, and slashed towards the huge cauldron.

The Golden Cauldron made a screeching sound, kept going backwards, and the luster was a little dim. Among them, Su Hao and Lin Yaoyao were also backwards, and the blood in Su Hao's mouth Spray again.

This scene made Shen Bijun sneer immediately.

The cultivator in the distance was shocked.

Zi Fa is under Bing Qianchi's hands and seems to have no power to stop him.

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