Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1651

In the training ground, it became more and more lively, and countless people rushed to come to witness the battle between the two strongest Heaven's Chosen. Who is the winner of the first Heaven's Chosen in the northern immortal domain?

The spread of the news has shaken the northern immortal domain, and even cultivators who are thousands of ten thousand li beyond come to watch the battle with their secret treasures.

For a time, the northern immortal domain shook.

The news was sent back to Taicang Mountain, which immediately made it cold and cold, the complexity greatly changed, and countless experts roared out and went straight to the experience.

At this time, Su Hao and Lin Yaoyao were completely unaware of all this.

Su Hao walked out of this place that day, and the imprint he left is still engraved here. After opening the imprint, you can enter the lower realm again.

"Father, mother, bald chicken, Xiaodouzi, Ergouzi, Xianxian, Yu'er... You should miss me, right?" Su Hao's mouth twitched, also a little excited.

Especially the bald chicken and Xiaodouzi, when those people saw themselves, I wonder if they would be excited to shed tears.

After all, Su Hao is dead before they think about it.

When he appeared intact, I don't know how those guys would welcome him?

However, the opening of the gate is not simple. When Su Hao used all his immortal strength to enter the imprint, the place trembled violently, constantly absorbing Su Hao's immortal strength.

"Protect the Dharma for me."

Su Hao dropped a sentence. Immortal strength surged. The invisible portal trembled more and more violently. The void seemed to be torn apart.

The laws of the Immortal World are much stronger than the lower world. Even if this place is a portal, it is difficult to tear it apart overnight. Su Hao has sweat on his forehead.

Lin Yaoyao stood proudly, standing behind Su Hao, looking around, not allowing anyone to disturb Su Hao.

However, after he looked forward, the wind roared, and two figures came out of the air. The man at the head was full of breath.

frowned , Lin Yaoyao took out the battle knife, stepped on the ground with the soles of his feet, and his figure had already rushed into the sky, and the terrifying breath roared away.

He stood in front of the two of them and coldly said: "Get out now, or kill!"

Such words made Bing Qianchi's mouth twitch, and no one had dared to do so. Talking to him like this, Shen Bijun added fuel to the fire: "Do you know who is in front of you?"

"Whether it is who, get out immediately." Lin Yaoyao's eyes showed fierceness.


Shen Bijun strode out and said, "The one standing in front of you is the Northern immortal domain Number One Person, the Bing Qianchi Senior Brother Bing."


blade light whistled, and Lin Yaoyao shot directly.

The terrifying blade light passed by, Shen Bijun's color changed, and a colorful fairy light turned into a shield to block the arrival of the blade light.

However, her tried-and-true color light shielding, under Lin Yaoyao's blade light, was like a straw, and it exploded directly, turning into fly ash.

The sharp blade light continued to move forward and went straight to kill Shen Bijun. The terrifying cold light made her feel cold all over, and her beauty paled.

She is the tenth in the northern immortal domain. In front of this person, she can't even take a knife.

All her immortal strength roared out explosively, becoming a blockade, and even turned into fists and palms, strikes away.

It's a pity, that blade dao light Annihilating Everything, press forward, all her blocking, all collapsed, unable to withstand a single blow.

"Senior Brother Bing!"

she exclaimed.

At the same time, Bing Qianchi held one hand behind him, and at the same time slapped forward with a fluttering palm. The terrifying blade light exploded three meters away from the palm of his hand.

Lin Yaoyao's eyes narrowed, worthy of the so-called first Heaven's Chosen, and indeed some ability.

But he never flinched. At the same time as the blade light was pierced, his body flashed away, and at the same time, his body changed, becoming a spirit monkey, and the sword in his hand was fiercely smashed down.

Very vigorously, this place is empty, trembling rapidly, and the rocks below, under the aftermath, burst open unbearably.

However, Bing Qianchi just stood with a smile. When Lin Yaoyao's knife hit the sky, his fingers pointed upwards.

A terrifying dreary and cold aura spread, and the smashed knife was immediately covered by frost, and it was frozen in everything with the void.

Also, this ice is not simple, Lin Yaoyao shakes the immortal strength and can't even explode.

His complexion changed, he didn't use the knife, his body changed again, becoming a long snow dragon, carrying a rolling blizzard, opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and swallowed it.

“Interesting, the cultivation base is not included in Immortal King, but it has the battle strength of the king, and it can change a thousand times. It should be a Monster Race secret technique.”

Bing Qianchi twitched the corners of his mouth, his palms quickly marked various proven mystery marks, and finally pointed forward, where the void actually opened a portal, surging with a terrifying incomparable swallowing force.

"Void Beast!"

Lin Yaoyao sighed in his heart, the huge dragon body plunged into the void portal, the ability of the Void Beast unfolded, shuttling through the void .

Bing Qianchi's face was a little surprised. Among his contemporaries, the person who could block three moves under his hand can be counted on one's fingers. This person is extremely not simple.

"Follow me, I'll make you this world supreme powerhouse." Bing Qianchi looked at the Lin Yaoyao who came out, said with a smile.


Lin Yaoyao's eyes were fierce, dragon body rushed forward, and at the same time, three drops of blood spilled from his body, one drop turned into a giant tiger, and the other turned into Heaven and Earth Monkey, a drop turned into Nine-Tailed Monster Fox.

Three drops of blood, plus his body, four terrifying alien beasts rushing forward from four directions, and the ferocious baleful aura makes Heaven and Earth in this place extremely gloomy .

“cannot tell good from bad!”

Bingqianchi face turned cold, the soles of his feet stepped fiercely in the void, the void rolled, and with him as the center, huge waves were set off on all sides.

The terrifying waves roared, and the four giant beasts that Lin Yaoyao transformed into exploded with rumbles, unable to get close to the ice for a thousand and a half minutes at all.

The combined force of the four alien beasts was enough to crush the Immortal King First Layer, but it exploded directly under Bing Qianchi's hands, Lin Yaoyao Human Transformation, his body retreated rapidly, and on his body, dyed blood.

His eyes also shot a trace of astonishment, this person is so terrifying!

His battle strength and even combat experience, but he has experienced countless Monster Race powerful guidance, but it has no effect in front of this person.

Bing Qianchi was still indifferent and said, "You are not my opponent, follow me, you are destined to be brilliant in the future."

"Senior Brother Bing is an ancient genius, which allows you to follow Being a slave is the Good Fortune you have cultivated in several lifetimes." Shen Bijun coldly said.


Lin Yaoyao gritted her teeth and stood unswervingly ten meters away from Su Hao, next moment, her body changed again, becoming an ancient tree in the sky.

The ancient branches stretched out, forming a terrifying tree net, blocking Su Hao firmly, like that, it was obvious that death would not move a step.

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