Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1628


Ye Xingtian yelled, the cultivation base was running wildly, and the immortal strength of terrifying was majestic, but here it was already doomed that he could not escape the clutches of Su Hao.

Su Hao stretched out his palm and suppressed Ye Xingtian simply and easily. Under the latter's shocked and terrified gaze, he continued to walk up the mountain with him.

"You will never reach the top of the mountain in your life, I will help you fulfill... Last Wish!" The smile at the corner of Su Hao's mouth was terrifying like a demon.

"Su Hao, the Lord of Beiming Mountain will not let you go." Ye Xingtian roared, but it was quickly replaced by pain. As he climbed higher, the pressure on him became even greater.

Bone and flesh made a rubbing sound, blood formed in the pores, and a huge pressure crushed every inch of his flesh and blood, as if it would crush him into flesh.

Every time Su Hao took a step higher, the pressure would terrifying, and his pain would be severe. This was definitely a torture that was worse than death.

The people at the bottom of the mountain stared at this scene in horror. The dignified fourth Heaven's Chosen, was carried by Su Hao like a chicken and walked towards the height of the mountain.

And, they are very concerned, Su Hao can really climb the Peak?

You must know that even if the second person, Leng Xingdao, is here, he has only climbed to the fifth hundred zhang, not entirely on his own.

"No, he has already broken the record of the Leng Xingdao!" Someone shouted, his body trembled, Su Hao's speed was even faster, and he reached the peak rapidly, surpassing the five-hundred zhang.

Everyone's eyes widened again, and there seemed to be thunder in their minds. Looking at Su Hao, they all speculated, is he going to break the record of Number One Person, is he really going to the top?

Without blinking his eyes, his expression gradually became shocked, Su Hao ascended the heights again, six hundred zhang, seven hundred zhang.

Ye Xingtian's body in his hand had begun to explode, the terrifying howls continued to sound, the blood was crushed on the mountain into a terrifying blood mist, and then dispersed.

"Ah, Su Hao, you have to die!"

Ye Xingtian roared.

Su Hao was indifferent, striding to the peak, eight hundred zhang, nine hundred zhang, his speed still did not weaken, which made people jaw-dropping.


A body exploded, drenched with blood, and the fourth person disappeared completely, but this was not the end, Su Hao grabbed his fairy core and continued upward .

"Su Hao, what are you going to do, if one can let people off, then spare them." Ye Xingtian shouted, if the fairy core also exploded, then he would really disappear.

"If you can't do things yourself, don't ask others. If you are given a chance, you may do better than me and make me even more miserable."

"Even , I will let you live now, and if you leave this place, you will definitely do everything possible to get revenge on me, won't you?"

Su Hao's tone was indifferent, his feet kept running, and he rushed to 99988 zhang high place.

The immortal core in his hand had cracks, the vitality in it quickly disappeared, and Ye Xingtian's roar no longer made much sound.

Below, countless people trembled, and some even fell to their knees. He broke the record of Number One Person Bingqianchi of nine hundred and eighty feet.

And he is still going up...

"Nine hundred and eighty-nine, nine hundred and ninety, nine hundred and ninety-one..." The person at the foot of the mountain silently called Su Hao Counting, he was already not far from the top of the mountain.

There is no dísciple here that can climb to the highest point, only those ancient powers who can ignore the rules there and stand on the highest point.

Should Su Hao do it?

Everyone is a little nervous. It is rumored that if you log on to the top of Magnetic Mountain, you can pick a terrifying fruit, which is of great benefit to the cultivation base.

Nine hundred and 97!

Su Hao stepped into this place. On the top of the mountain, a taboo seemed to be opened. Among them, a small black tree appeared.

On the small tree, there is a fist-sized jet-black fruit. Even so, it makes people feel shocked when they look at it.

"The tree of the law of Taici Mountain, Taici Fruit, it is said that eating this fruit can speed up the absorption of essence by dozens of times."

"In fact, That magnetic fruit contains Law Power, a special law, which has a great attraction to Immortal Qi."

"This is like a magnet that has a powerful effect on ordinary iron blocks. The attraction of the magnetic fruit, the law in the magnetic fruit, has a special attraction to Immortal Qi."

"This kind of fruit terrifying, even if you eat it, even if you don't go to cultivation, you can attract Immortal Qi. Into the body."

The man below, discuss spiritedly, with fiery and envy in his eyes.

The same is true for Bing Qinger, if Su Hao picks that fruit, it will definitely make the cultivation base stronger.

Nine hundred and 98!

Nine hundred and ninety-nine!

Su Hao stood at the foot of the top of the mountain, only one step away.

"You can see..." Su Hao looked at the immortal core in his hand, but the voice did not fall completely, Ye Xingtian's immortal core had already banged and shattered completely.

the soul flew away and scattered!

Su Hao shook his head: "I'll give you a chance to create a record here, but... you're disappointing."

He threw it away, leaving some immortal cores in his hand. At the end, it was blown away and left on Taici Mountain forever.

After doing all this, he raised his head again, raised the soles of his feet, and under the unblinking gaze of several people below, Fiercely took that crucial step.

First thousand zhang!

He made it to the top!

The purple-haired youth has created a new record here. Standing at the highest point, it makes people look at it and feel a sense of admiration.


Bing Qing'er had a smile on her face, like a little girl, she laughed excitedly, she has always been arrogant, and has never been like this.

This is the first time.

However, Su Hao's expression was indifferent. He didn't have a sense of accomplishment when he climbed here. The Demon Emperor easily stepped into this place back then.

He plucked off that magnetic fruit at will, and stepped down in one step, from the place of the Qianzhang High Peak.

As his long hair fluttered, he descended like an immortal and landed in front of Bing Qinger.

The eyes are facing each other, affectionately moving.

Su Hao stepped forward, spread out his palms, and the Taci fruit was in his palms, Su Hao looked at Bing Qinger and said, "There was a sincere love in front of me, I didn't cherish it. , if that girl can give me a second chance, I will say four words to her..."

He handed the Taici fruit in his hand.

The tears in Bing Qing'er's eyes flowed uncontrollably, and she said coquettishly, "What four words?"

Su Hao stepped forward and hugged her, too Ci Guo turned into the essence of Tao and poured into her body, and a gentle voice came into her ears: "I will accompany you until old age!"

Su Hao said sincerely: "In this life, be your best in the world. Hero, I want to accompany you until you grow old!"

Bing Qinger's body trembled, and the tears couldn't stop flowing: "I, I, I, I!"


The people around sounded warm voices and seemed to be moved.

But as the voice sounded, there was a sudden vibration in the distance, and the holy brilliance rushed into the sky, and the auspicious clouds were densely covered.

"That's...who broke the most terrifying record here?"

Everyone looked there.

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