Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1627

Ten meters apart, the eighth person has already surrendered. This kind of terrifying coercion is simply unimaginable for the people around.

Even, in the eyes of everyone, Ye Xingtian was absolutely unable to do this step.

putting it that way, Ye Xingtian seemed to be really afraid of Su Hao before and didn't dare to fight with him under the mountain, so he fled to Taici Mountain.

"That's right, Ye Xingtian has come here many times, but Su Hao is not familiar with it for the first time. Ye Xingtian has an advantage on the mountain." There is a dísciple analysis.

Speaking like this, I was immediately echoed by countless people. The dignified fourth Heaven's Chosen, known as the northern immortal domain, seems merely this?

And Su Hao didn't go to the summit, which is understandable in the hearts of everyone.

Even if you are strong, you will suffer big losses in unfamiliar places.

Especially, Ye Xingtian is well versed in Formation Dao, has studied Taici Mountain many times, and has broken some of the shackles of the magnetic field, which is even more unfavorable for Su Hao.

Even on that mountain, even the third person, Ning Wuque, might not be able to mention Ye Xingtian on equal terms.

Su Hao does not go, the right choice.


"Qing'er, wait for me here, I'll go get him." Su Hao looked at Bing Qinger with a smile and said, "Soon."

After he finished speaking, he stepped out and walked directly towards the mountain peak.

Ye Xingtian sneered on the mountain peak: Come on, when you get here, I'll let you know who ends who!

Su Hao approached the mountain step by step, stepping over thirty feet, twenty feet, ten feet...

For everyone, the extremely difficult Taici Mountain, in his Underfoot, it seems easy and easy, but it is just a simple step to get close.

It can be said that in this process, Su Hao did not stop at all, and did not have the slightest hindrance.

Yun Ye, who was completely suppressed, was also complexion changed, and his eyes were full of shock. This person really couldn't handle it with common sense, and he couldn't compare at all.

Even though Ye Xingtian, who was standing on the 50th high of the mountain, squinted his eyes, Su Hao seemed to know a lot about the magnetic field here.

The magnetic field didn't stop him at all.

"Impossible, I have mentioned the structure here to the mountain master. Even he can't completely understand the changes in the magnetic field here."

He looked cold. , I feel that Su Hao must have exerted immortal strength secretly. He is impossible to understand the magnetic field so much, and it is even more impossible to surpass his master of the North Ming Mountain.

After all, the master of Beiming Mountain is one of the ten Great Immortal formation divisions of the northern immortal domain.

There are very few people who surpass him in Formation attainments.

Su Hao is more impossible!

However, with such thoughts appearing, he widened his eyes again in shock, Su Hao climbed the mountain, the speed was still terrifying, and he came one step at a time.

The impediment force that can't be difficult for him seems to be really no threat to Su Hao.

"Fifty feet below, the resistance is slightly smaller. He can break through the cultivation base, but after fifty feet, it's not simple." He found an excuse again.

Then he climbed towards the mountain, all the power of his cultivation base was released, and he knew enough about this place, so the speed was not slow.

But it's also five steps down, barely able to get past ten feet.

After walking a full 100 feet, he turned around again, only to find that Su Hao at the foot of the mountain had already stepped over 50 feet, and he was only several zhang away from him.

And, the speed is still not slow!

"How is this possible?" Ye Xingtian was extremely shocked, this simply broke his view of this place, even Ning Wuque, or even the second person, couldn't do as one pleases like this. ?

It wasn't just him, the people at the foot of the mountain were all stunned, looking at Su Hao who was climbing step by step, how could it be better to describe it.

On Taici Mountain, like walking on the ground, is he a monster?

Bing Qinger's eyes were full of brilliance and a charming smile, as if she had achieved such an achievement, she couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"You can't catch up with me, and when you reach a higher place, your cultivation base will be suppressed, and I will kill you!" Ye Xingtian glared at Su Hao fiercely, gritted his teeth and continued upward.

As the Taici Mountain went up, the pressure became more and more terrifying. His flesh and bones were trembling, and he even threw a few beads engraved with mysterious runes, floating all around him, only then could he resist Pressure here, keep going up.

In the end, he paid the array beads, almost exhausted his energy, and climbed the hundred zhang high. When he got here, he smiled proudly and turned his head again.

However, once again stunned!

Under him, three feet away, Su Hao has arrived, his steps are still light, without the slightest fluctuation on his face, effortless.

All the way, he was relaxed and casual, and his gestures were all dashing.

"This is impossible, absolutely impossible, I did everything, with the help of the array beads created by the mountain master for me, plus my understanding of Formation, I can barely get here, how could he be? Easier than me?" Ye Xingtian was going crazy.

In response, Su Hao's expression was indifferent, he caught up with him step by step, and stepped onto a huge zhang, looked at him with a smile, and said, "Do you want to continue playing?"

Ye Xing Tian was extremely annoyed, and his fists rattled: "Your cultivation base must be suppressed, you are just pretending to be calm."

After finishing speaking, he punched towards Su Hao fiercely, With array beads and Formation attainments, he can show 50% of the cultivation base here.

This is already terrifying.

After all, ordinary people can only show 30% of the cultivation base when they come here.



Su Hao just gently stretched out a hand, which was the fist that punched his fiercely He took it down, indifferently and casually, which was shocking.

Su Hao's cultivation base is completely unrepressed!

All can be displayed.

"If I were to kill you at the foot of the mountain, I would have to pay some hands and feet, but here, you would have broken your hands and feet. I would kill you, just raising my hands." Su Hao smiled lightly: " Oneself courting death."

Ye Xingtian's cultivation base is really not simple, if there is a battle at the foot of the mountain, Su Hao will not reveal the rebellion, and will not show the Demon Emperor's unique immortal art, killing him does require some means .

Ye Xingtian's eyes widened, and there was a hint of misery in his heart, he thought that when he reached the mountain, he had an absolute advantage, who knows...

Su Hao is here, more extraordinary, breaking the rules and not being suppressed!

"Su Hao, don't kill me, I can give you everything you want, and I am the dísciple of the master of Beiming Mountain. If you kill me, you will offend the entire Beiming Mountain." Ye Xingtian's flesh and bones were trembling, he could only show 50% of his cultivation base, and the gap between him and Su Hao was too big.

He is simply impossible to be an opponent.

Putting down Heaven's Chosen's dignity, he looked at Su Hao pleadingly.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you." Su Hao smiled, but without waiting for Ye Xingtian to relax, he continued: "I'll take you to see the scenery on the top of the mountain."

Ye Xingtian's complexion greatly changed, the pressure here became stronger as he climbed higher, and if he went to the top of the mountain, it would be enough to crush him directly.

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