Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1622

Su Hao looked shocked, his eyes popped, and there was a sense of disbelief.

Is this all true?

Ice immortal physique is the body of Heartless Dao, with a heartless heart of ice, unable to be emotional, will be heartless!

This physique is the Inheritor of the Supreme Heartless Dao. Even if it grows naturally, it will become cold and ruthless, not recognizing one's family, and will be completely assimilated by Heartless Dao.

The ice immortal physique, so leave.

In my memory, after that person left, it seemed that he had never appeared in front of the Demon Emperor again, as if he had disappeared from the face of the earth.

Reminiscent of the Drum Tower, a few strokes on the broken red dust, combined with the records of the stone pillar here, Su Hao's figure trembled fiercely.

My heart aches.

Ice is ruthless and cannot be reversed, only self-destruction!

In order not to forget the Demon Emperor, she embarked on this road, dug out her Heartless Dao heart, forced the Demon Emperor into it, and then, reincarnation... a game that may disappear forever 's reincarnation.

nine deaths and still alive, just to not forget that person.

So, Bing Qinger...

Su Hao still remembers that look clearly now. riddled with holes.

My heart hurts even more.

Su Hao feels guilty.

Things turned out to be like this. What you did, you must have stabbed that person very badly, right?

"Bing Qinger, Bing Qinger..." Su Hao suddenly complexion greatly changed, shouting loudly, and at the same time rushing out of the palace, Bing Qinger was still being chased before coming in here. .

She was covered in blood, she was exhausted, and she felt a little powerless to continue.

Nan Doutian finally refined the third flower of ice, three chains of ice, which completely sealed the evil fire and was suppressed like his servants.

At this point, he was in complete control of the fire.

His cultivation base will no longer be suppressed.

He is free!

I just opened my eyes, and before I could laugh a few times to celebrate, I saw Su Hao who was gone like the wind.

His complexion changed and he quickly chased after him. If Su Hao left, he wouldn't even know how to get out.

This is the Ice Palace, those terrifying formations are enough to smash him to ashes.

"Wait for me." Nan Doutian was shouted and chased after him quickly, but his speed was far less than Su Hao's. Even if his life was threatened, he used all his strength and even expended blood essence towards Su Hao. Chased, but was still pulled more than ten meters away.

Su Hao is like crazy.

"Bing Qinger, hold on for me." Su Hao was anxious, extremely anxious, never expected, this is what happened.

He thought of Hexian, who sacrificed everything for his beloved, in exchange for the tragic death of his beloved, life is better than death.

And now, such a scene is exactly staged on him.

He could imagine how intense the pain in her heart was when Han Bing immortal physique left, and even had a scene with the Demon Emperor's brother to deceive the Demon Emperor.

Is it better to die?

From Hexian, he could still see how heartbroken she was when the news of the Demon Emperor's death came to Immortal Phyque's ears.

After all, Hexian has been suffering for twenty years.

And the ice immortal physique was hundreds of times earlier than him!

Moreover, she dug out her own heart, carved the Demon Emperor, and risked her death to perform a secret technique, such as reincarnation, just to remember that person forever.


"I'm helpless, I have to go, I don't want you to fall in love with me deeply and can't abandon me when I'm cold and ruthless."

"I don't want you to suffer, even if I die, I don't want it. I hope you can find someone who understands you better when I leave."

"Why, I paid Everything has come to an end like this, I don't want to forget, I don't want this ruthless heart!"

"You come back, you come back...I don't want to leave, I don't want this Bing is ruthless, please come back and allow me to grow old together forever."

Su Hao's mind kept flashing the words on the icicle, and every word was heart-stopping.

"Qing'er, don't worry about anything, I'm here, I'm here!"

Su Hao has everything about the Demon Emperor, those emotions rippled in his heart, making him Heartbreaking.

"In this life, be your unparalleled hero, and more importantly, accompany you until old age!"


Outside the Frozen Palace, Bing Qinger was covered in stains Blood, flying rapidly at high altitude, two black clothed persons behind him, chasing and killing with knives, terrifying immortal strength constantly moving forward.

Bing Qinger spilled blood, blood dyed the white Great Plains red, she looked painful, but she had a stubborn obsession in her heart.

"I waited for him, I finally waited for him, my Bingxin exploded... But why is he so indifferent to me?"

Bing Qinger burst into tears.

"No, he doesn't know me, he must not recognize me, I want to live, I want him to know, I'm waiting for him."

She did Run quickly.

However, in the end, there was too much blood spilled, and her physical strength could not hold on. She swayed in the sky, and then fell down.

The blood-filled body fell to the icy snow. She insisted on standing up, still running forward, leaving the remains, waiting for him to recognize her!


A streak of blood splattered, she fell down again, and the people behind her played terrifying immortal strength, fiercely strikes above her back.

She lay weakly on the ground, crawling forward like a dog.

"Bing Qing'er, you can't leave anymore, go back with us."

Two black clothed persons came and stood in front of him, as if looking at a rotten dog staring at her.

They are from Blood Skull. Although they don't know why they want to catch this woman, they know that she is very important. Bring her back and there will be a big reward.

Even if you can't bring it back while you're alive, you can!

"big brother, this chick looks really good, the people above just want her fleshy body, not as good as us..." one of the black clothed persons said with a sneer.

"Hehe, good idea." Another black clothed person showed a wretched smile.

As if feeling the purpose of the two, Bing Qinger's immortal strength was violent, Final Struggle.


It’s just that her few immortal strengths were just now mighty, and the soles of the black clothed person’s feet had been stepped down fiercely, in her back.

The enormous strength made her weak immortal strength explode immediately, and the blood in her mouth sprayed out.

"hmph, slut, dare to resist!" black clothed big brother coldly said: "In order to catch you, we several brothers, most of them died, you must pay this debt."

"Furthermore, it is your honor that Lao Tzu favors you. What can you resist?"

"Don't worry, Lao Tzu will make you comfortable on the top of the cloud."

Foul language in their mouths.

Bing Qinger's heart was desperate, her face was ashes, and her tears were pouring out endlessly.


Two black clothed persons burst into laughter and flew up.

But at this moment, he shouted angrily: "courting death!"

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