Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1621

Su Hao twitched the corner of his mouth, and said mysteriously, "I saw it in a dream."

Nan Doutian pouted, even a three-year-old child will not believe this.

However, Su Hao doesn't want to say it, and he won't ask more questions.

The two went deep all the way and finally reached a great hall.

This place is large and is also the main room of the Ice King's Palace. The entire great hall is made of ice, and the ice will not melt for 100,000 years. There is no bright light in this great hall. The seemingly ordinary ice flowers are blooming here.

"That's it, it's here to solve your evil fire." Su Hao smiled.

Nan Doutian also stepped into the great hall and swept all around, which was very different from what he imagined. There is no treasure in the main room of the Frozen Palace?

"For you, the biggest treasures are those ice flowers. By absorbing three ice flowers and turning them into three chains of ice, you can imprison the evil fire and completely control it." Su Hao once again Open your mouth.

Nan Doutian has already trusted Su Hao eight points. After all, Su Hao can ignore everything along the way, and it also helps him to suppress the evil fire more thoroughly.

He looked overjoyed and stepped forward immediately, but he just started walking, and he seemed to have thought of something, and asked, "Will it be frozen again?"

" No."

Su Hao seriously nodded.

Nan Dou Tiansong breathed a sigh of relief. The feeling of being frozen before made him feel that life was worse than death. He really didn't want to endure that kind of terrifying pain a second time.

"But, it may die!"

Su Hao said again before he was happy.

Nan Doutian figure trembled, staring at Su Hao.

"If you can't withstand the erosion of the cold air, you may be directly assimilated by the ice and become an ice flower here, so think about it."

The flower of ice Among them, it is filled with cold Ice Law, which can assimilate any energy.

Nan Doutian's body was stiff, and then fiercely gritted his teeth and said, "The evil fire can't be controlled. I will die sooner or later. Instead, it's better to fight to the death. I, Nan Doutian, have great ambitions!"


He took a firm step forward.

He reached out and took off an ice flower, and then he clenched his teeth and swallowed it directly.

In an instant, Nan Doutian's face became extremely ferocious, and a terrifying pain was brewing in his body. He felt that the internal organs, Eight Extraordinary Meridians, fairy core, and even Divine Soul were all frozen by ice... …assimilation!

He will be completely turned into ice.

Even, let him give birth to the feeling of there's no resistance.

A great fear spreads in the heart.

Su Hao didn't say much about this, walked not far away, picked an ice flower, and then ka beng took a bite, like eating... an ice lolly?

"If you can't even bear this pain, what you call fourth is really unsatisfactory. How simple is this thing?"

Su Hao said lightly, and then again The next mouth, ka beng, ka beng, ate the ice flower completely, and picked the second one.

Keep eating.

During the process, let alone screaming, let alone pain, Su Hao still had a look of enjoyment on his face.

Nan Doutian's consciousness is still there, Su Hao's actions and demeanor shocked him to the extreme, a ray of Divine Soul Power, conveyed with difficulty, said: "You, don't you feel pain?"


"It hurts, it hurts! But when I shout it out, it doesn't hurt anymore? I'm afraid of it, will the pain spare me?" Su Hao's tone was flat, and he continued to eat ice flowers, which was also very useful to him. big benefit.

And the ice flower spreads out, and the energy essence he absorbed in the fortune-telling land on the Ao Island merged into his fairy core at a faster speed.

His cultivation base, at a terrifying speed, began to grow stronger.

Su Hao enjoyed the pleasure of this breakthrough in the cultivation base, and was indifferent to the pain, he said: "I only know that I eat it for the sake of strength, you have what you want, then The rest doesn't matter!"

After he finished speaking, he picked a few more ice flowers, stood up, glanced at the main room, and ate the ice flowers at will, very indifferent.

Nan Doutian was greatly touched. This man was really terrifying, but his actions really stimulated him. If I have what I want, the rest doesn't matter?

If you want to get it, you must pay. Since you have set a goal, does it matter how much you pay?

Just go ahead!


His Divine Soul retracted, as if a terrifying power had been injected into his heart, and he began to rapidly refining ice flowers, pain, I will endure it!

Su Hao could feel his mood swings, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he secretly said, "This kid, he really has a bit of perseverance. Damn, I'm going to cry when this ice flower hurts."

He was foul-mouthed in his heart, and then fiercely took a big mouthful of ice flowers, as if to vent his resentment.


The main room of Frost Ice is very spacious, like a great hall. Su Hao left the area where Nan Doutian was located and walked towards the depths, some more terrifying The ice flower blooms.

He ate some more, strong cultivator.

These flowers of ice are full of Ice Law, this thing, which also has great benefits for the increase of the cultivation base.

At the same time, Su Hao's eyes were fixed on a giant column of ice. Above the icicle, a special aura burst forth, and there seemed to be some small words on it.

Su Hao walked over and stared at the icicle, which was full of people's waists.

His eyes gradually became solemn, and wisps of flames shot out from his pupils, melting the weak layer of frost on the surface of the icicle, making the small characters clear.

"I wish to be with you forever."

The small print is clear.

And, these fonts are the condensation of tears of ice.

"But I can't, I can't do it."

Su Hao's eyes turned cold, he wanted to leave directly, but after thinking about it, more flames shot out of his eyes, and continued Melt frost.

The word appears more.

"Heartless Dao body, heartless, not recognizing one's family, will eventually forget everything, ignore everything, and bring only harm."

Su Hao frowned.

"I'm helpless, I have to go, I don't want when I'm cold and ruthless, you're already deeply in love with me and can't give up on me, then you'll be riddled with scars."


Su Hao is shocked, his eyes are complicated, he is immortal physique, is he...Heartless Dao body?

"I don't want you to suffer. Even if I die, I don't want it. I want my departure so that you can find someone who understands you better."

"But ...Why, I gave everything, but in exchange for such an ending, in exchange for your departure... You are already an unparalleled Demon Emperor, a giant of the Immortal World, why do you have to leave?"


"You come back, you come back... I'm not leaving, I don't want this ruthless heart, please come back and allow me to grow old together forever."

"I don't want to forget, I don't want this icy ruthless heart."

Su Hao's body swayed violently, and the emotions in his eyes were extremely complicated.

Immortal physique's departure, for this?

She is a Heartless Dao body, she walks for love.

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