Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 970:

"I'm not interested in knowing his name. How do I screen it next?" Cheng Yuan looked at the still-living brain inside the glass cover and interrupted the introduction of Zero directly.

"Okay." Zero is no longer nonsense. Press your finger lightly on the glass cover, and the transparent glass surface displays a series of introduction information.

Most of the introductory information is text, but in these texts, there is a three-dimensional image of a fork-like lightning alone.

Reaching out specifically for this lightning picture, explained, "This is his memory neurogram."

Speaking, zero hands pulled at the neural map, but the neural map, which was originally not around the fist, suddenly zoomed in and passed directly across the room.

With zero movement, the light in the room also automatically adjusts, perfectly showing the entire neural map in front of the two people.

The enlarged neural mutation is more complicated, and the pattern that originally seemed to want a model is now alive.

Cheng Yuan can see that the synapses are moving slightly, and some white light spots are quickly flowing through the nerve endings.

Cheng Yuan stretched out his hand to catch a ball of white light. When the light caught him in the palm of his hand, it suddenly turned into a fragment. In the fragment, Cheng Yuan didn't know anything at all.

The picture is a first-person perspective. The Zerg are attacking a huge earth-colored planet. There are no numerous warships, only a huge round warship with no margins lying on the surface of the planet ...

Just when Cheng Yuan wanted to continue watching, the flash of the screen had disappeared.

This method of viewing memories is really interesting!

Cheng Yuan didn't catch the other white light, but asked, "Where do we start?"

"I also don't know. Lila's life is too long. I don't know when he followed this expeditionary force for thousands of years." Shrug one shoulder and said he didn't know.

"You don't know, what are we doing, can't we really see it from the beginning?" Cheng Yuan was speechless. If that was the case, he really didn't want to waste time here.

"No other way?" Cheng Yuan continued to ask.

"Yes!" Zero thought and answered.

"any solution?"

"Starting with the bio-intelligent chip, there should be information about all the travels of the lira and even his life." Zero back.

Cheng Yuan reluctantly, is this topic going back and forth?

Looking at the brain in front of the glass cover, Cheng Yuan was lost in thought.

He thought there must be a way, but he didn't think of it.

"Zero, we dare not move the bio-smart chip because we are afraid to expose our position, right?" Looking at the Zerg's brain, suddenly Cheng Yuan thought of a way.


"How's the Zerg whale researching?" Cheng Yuan asked again.

"There hasn't been much progress. The technology level between Zerg and us is too big. There are many places that I don't quite understand." Zero shook his head.

This will be very slow until he obtains sufficient technical reserves.

"Well, this is not urgent. As long as we can invade the Zerg neural network, there will definitely be an explosive increase in research speed." Cheng Yuan understood this.

"So what should we do?" Zero looked at Cheng Yuan with great anticipation, and he was very eager to learn Zerg's technology.

"We reshape these zergs and then put their brains back. Of course, they need to be brainwashed before they are put back."

Cheng Yuangang said here, and Zhe immediately countered: "No, Zerg's brain is very powerful. Simple brainwashing has no effect at all. If the intensity is too high, their brain will be considered waste.

Cheng Yuan was surprised, he did not expect that the Zerg brain was not afraid of simple brainwashing.

"Since brainwashing is not feasible, then use the initial method to directly install our intelligent brain. These intelligent chips will not conflict with our intelligent brain?"

"No, these bio-intelligent chips are just a kind of auxiliary tool, just like computers used by humans." This time to zero, no opinion.

Cheng Yuan breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, install the biochip on the Zerg soldiers we copied and control the biochip through the intelligent brain."

"As long as we control the biochip, can we control whether it sends signals or not?" Cheng Yuan asked again.

Zero thought about it this time, and then nodded: "It should be possible, after all, it is only an auxiliary tool, and it is not possible to operate it by itself, otherwise we would have been exposed."

"In this case, the next thing will be simpler." Cheng Yuan finally revealed a smile, he said: "As long as we control the biochip, we can extract some recorded information of the Zerg from the chip. It will be perfected. "

"Yes." Zero had no opinion.

Cheng Yuan felt like a heavy stone inside his heart was put down.

"Since we can follow this method, let's leave here first." With the method, naturally we don't need to continue to explore the Zerg's memory.

Zero had no opinion. After closing the hologram, Cheng Yuan left the room.


The ruined area has become the second battleground for the Crystal and Zerg.

After the zerg uses the stellar furnace, the zerg goes out again.

It's not that they don't want to continue attacking, but watching the bright little sun on the battlefield, they are helpless!

Whether it is a kinetic weapon or an energy weapon, within the radiation range of the stellar furnace, all effects have been lost!

Not only did they dare not approach, even every time the Zerg pushed forward, they could only keep back and keep distance from each other.

Fighting like this can no longer be described as aggrieved.

"Everyone, imagine!" Freeman's forehead was sweating, and it was not long before the last meeting, so he reconvened.

Although it is a period of war, this situation does not make anyone feel uncomfortable, but every meeting is brought with it bad news.

This could not help but have a layer of shame on their hearts.

Now, Freeman has finally realized what it means to be self-inflicted.

If I had a tougher attitude at the beginning, wouldn't it be as it is now?

Below Freeman, Augustim and Carol looked at each other, and both saw their respective plans in the eyes of the other.

Augustine glanced at Carol, who had made the decision, and sighed inwardly.

Whether this matter succeeds or not, once it is rumored, Carroll will face the same as Clo.

After all, this is considered a collaborator!

Neither Augustim nor Carol spoke at this meeting, although the Stellar Stove of the Zerg had a feeling of invincibility.

However, the weakness is also obvious. After the Stellar Furnace was started, the speed of the Zerg warships was reduced to the lowest point.

This is why their warships can retreat in time.

As for how to attack the Stellar Stove, they still can't figure out a way.

Because the Stellar Stove launched by the Zerg this time is to make their own warships burst into a powerful energy like stars ~ ~ instead of their warships becoming like stars!

Otherwise, with their crystal warships, wouldn't it be impossible to get near the stars?

The content of this meeting is to try to distance yourself from the Zerg warships and wait for a new plan.

After the meeting, Augustim caught up with Carol.

"You decided?"

"Yes, try it anyway."

Augustim was silent for a moment, and then sighed, "In that case, be careful yourself."

Patting Carol's shoulder, Augustim turned and left.

Soon, a small fleet quietly left from the central star of the Crystal Empire, heading for the other side of the ruined battlefield, where Cheng Yuan and Zero were temporarily stationed. Find this site Please search for "" or enter the URL:

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