Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 969:

Cheng Yuan rushed to the control room and said immediately after seeing "Zero, I may have found a way to deal with Zerg."

Zero, who was concerned about the situation on the battlefield, saw Cheng Yuan rushing back, thinking he had figured it out.

Unexpectedly, but not exactly what he thought.

"Virus?" Zero froze.

"Is the smart chip from the Zerg still alive?" Cheng Yuan asked without explanation.

"Yes, a lot of them." Answered below zero meaning, there are thousands of Zerg soldiers with smart chips in a Zerg battleship. He researched and disassembled the smart chips installed in the brains of ordinary soldiers.

"Then try virus injection to see if you can forcibly invade the other party's information network through data infection."

Seeing Cheng Yuan for a while, he could use the virus method to try it. Before the process, he was worried about it.

At this turn, he came up with a solution, and asked skeptically, "Isn't this method you came up with?"

(° ー ° 〃)

"Oh, how do you know?" Cheng Yuan touched his nose awkwardly.

Zero shrugged his shoulders and said, "To use a virus, we need a virus that is powerful enough. Do you have any ideas in this regard?"

"I?" Cheng Yuan rolled his eyes. "I have little research on viruses. Can you still do it here?"

Cheng Yuan doesn't believe that there is no virus here. After all, he had robbed all the data of the world's connectable servers. If there was no powerful virus in it, he would definitely not believe it!

"Of course I do. I just ask casually." Zero smiled, and then asked, "I will deal with the virus, but how do you think about invasion?"


Cheng Yuan answered very quickly this time, and almost nodded as soon as he finished asking.

"What to do !?" Cheng Yuan gave a surprised look.

"Since the text of the Zerg has been cracked, then we will copy a whole new whale ship that only obeys our orders!" Cheng Yuan grinned, and the smile was indescribable.

Zero also instantly understood the meaning of Cheng Yuan.

They have culturable nano-cells in their hands, and it would be easy for them to replicate a Zerg soldier intact. As for the core of these soldiers, they are directly replaced by intelligent robots.

There are still many Zerg bio-intelligent chips in his hand, which can completely copy a Zerg unit that the other party cannot see the flaws!

"The virus is implanted in these soldier chips. As long as they are connected, we can directly infect their entire information network. By then, these zerg are busy clearing the virus, and my opportunity is here."

Cheng Yuan thinks his plan is very good, but the premise of this plan is that they need to have some understanding of Zerg.

He also thought about this, mix it first, and let his replica soldiers slowly integrate into the Zerg to understand their habits.

By the way, you can also observe the war between the Zerg and the Crystal closer.

He needs a proper time to let the virus break out, or else let the virus break out directly. Isn't this helping Jingling?

This is not what he wants to do.

Slowly and clearly explain his thoughts and zeros, looking at the silent zero, Cheng Yuan could not help but ask: "how?"

"I don't know, I'd better take a few chips to study what virus is more suitable." Shaking his head zero, said, "But you can try it, the zerg soldier's body production directly to the automated factory."

Speaking of this, Zero also began to think about it. This plan is very good. If successful, they can stop worrying about the Zerg threat.

But this plan is not perfect, and there are still many problems.

He asked: "These things are still relatively easy, but we need almost a week to prepare. How can we guarantee that the whaler's disappearance will not be detected by the Zerg? This is related to the future execution of our plan.

"What is this ..." Cheng Yuan scratched his head. This problem was really difficult to solve. They didn't know how often the Zergs were connected. They couldn't take the initiative to activate these chips, or their coordinates would be exposed.

This question made Cheng Yuan feel a bit tricky. After thinking about it, he threw the question back to zero: "Did you not read the memory of Captain Zerg when you first caught it, did you not know?"

Looking at Cheng Yuan silently, he did not expect Cheng Yuan to push the problem directly to himself.

However, he replied: "Although the memory is read, the memory of the other party is very huge. If I want to fully understand, it will take at least a month or two, and I do n’t know which memories are important to us before. I It's very general. "

Well, this explanation makes Cheng Yuan not sure what to say.

"Then we can always pick out pieces of memory that are useful to us."

"Certainly, these zergs combine biochips and brains. Although I solved them, I did not destroy their brains. Their brains are like our computer servers."

Speaking at the same time, he signaled Cheng Yuan to follow him, "Let's check the memory together. It will be faster. You don't know how huge the memories of these zerg are."

This is the second time Cheng Yuan has heard that the other party's memory is huge, which makes him feel a little weird and curious.

"How big is it?" Cheng Yuan couldn't help asking.

"About sixty times as human." Zero answered.

"Sixty times?" Cheng Yuan's eyes became strange and he asked quietly: "How big is the memory of human beings?"

"Human memory is probably ..." At first, Cheng Yuan's tone of voice had not been noticed, but he reacted in an instant. He saw Cheng Yuan's playful eyes coldly, and then he laughed suddenly.

"About how much?" Cheng Yuan asked.

"Ah, in fact, human beings strictly have no real memory. The so-called memory is just to serve more complex thinking ..."

"speak English."

Gu Zuo Gu Yan wanted to get around, but was interrupted mercilessly by Cheng Yuan.

In the face of Cheng Yuan's forcing, Zero said immediately: "The true memory of human beings is only about 11 seconds. After that, all memories will not be exactly the same as the scenes they were in contact with, even if they can be recalled."

Cheng Yuan gave a blank look and said angrily: "I'm not asking this question, I'm asking about memory capacity!"

"I use years to calculate, the average human memory is about fifty years or so, and these mindsets are vague." Zero answered very honestly.

"That is to say, the Zerg has a memory capacity equivalent to 3,000 years of human beings?" Cheng Yuan did not continue to ask how Zero obtained human memory.

He asked, "What about the annual memory capacity unit?"

"About 86 trillion."

"Well, the Zerg have more powerful brains than humans or do they live longer than humans?"


This answer made Cheng Yuan couldn't help but spit out: "MMP, do advanced civilizations feel better?"

In a brief conversation between the two, Cheng Yuan has followed Zero to the place where he saved the Zerg brain, but when Cheng Yuan stepped into the automatic door, he was completely choked.

Inside the open metal gate is a very large enclosed room, illuminated by bright white lights.

But what surprised Cheng Yuan most was not the clean and bright rooms, but the thousands of columns with a diameter of about 10 cm, which were about half a meter high.

Each cylindrical countertop is fitted with a sealed glass cover. Inside the cover are tentacled brains!

There is a mechanical arm beside each brain ~ ~ The top of the robot arm is equipped with a very thin metal needle, which will release current from time to time to stimulate the brain to activate.

Cheng Yuan really didn't know what to say at this time, disgusting?

Although a little bit, it is not very strong.

As for fear ...

I do n’t know why, Cheng Yuanto did n’t have any feeling of fear, I do n’t know if it was due to the room environment or lack of background music.

Or is he a big-hearted person?

"The fully enclosed cleaning device can block bacterial infections, and at the same time stimulate the brain nerves through biological currents so that they can continue to survive." Seeing Cheng Yuan did not speak, zero explained to him what was here.

"Let's take a look at each other's memory first, where do we start?" Cheng Yuan took a deep breath and asked.

"The one in the middle is the captain of the whale ship. The name is translated from Cape Lira." To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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