Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 966:

"Carol, Augustim, do you think the overloaded annihilation gun can destroy the Zerg?" Freeman called Carol and Augustim after the meeting dissolved.

Augudime took an unexpected glance at Freeman. He did not expect that the Chief Senate would discuss it with them in private.

He understood that the impact of what happened to Clo was too bad.

"I'm afraid not, Your Excellency the Chief Senate." Augustine shook his head and said.

Freeman's face changed, "Why so, this is a weapon that can destroy the galaxy!"

"But it did not exceed the total upper limit of the power of the annihilation gun. The original attack was only to increase the range of the attack to the extreme." Augustim pointed relentlessly at the point of the problem.

The upper limit of the power of the annihilation gun has been thoroughly studied by them for a long time. All they can do is to provide the annihilation gun with enough energy to enable it to attack a wider range.

Freeman looked a little disappointed in the seriousness of Augustim, and couldn't help turning his eyes to Carroll, who hadn't opened his mouth.

"Carol, don't you agree?"

罗 Carroll groaned for a moment, shook his head slightly, and apologized, "I'm very sorry, Lord Freeman, Ogudiem is telling the truth.

The method for the Zerg to resist the annihilation gun is not simply to bear the energy of the annihilation gun, but to use a special method, otherwise it cannot explain why those small warships can so easily withstand the energy shock of the annihilation gun. "

Carroll explained to Freeman patiently that he did not want Freeman to continue to pin his hopes on the obliteration cannon.

Although annihilation guns have allowed Jingling to easily repel the civilized empires of other galaxies in these thousands of years, excessive reliance has caused the development of other weapons to be seriously affected.

Although does not make the slightest improvement, it is far worse than annihilation.

Otherwise, the war against Zerg will not be as helpless as it is now.

Freeman's unanimous views disappointed Freeman. He realized this already, but just wanted to give himself a psychological comfort.

It's a pity that neither Carol nor Augustim directly shattered the little luck in his heart.

既然 "That being the case, let's move kinetic energy weapons to the front."

Freeman is a little discouraged. Although kinetic weapons can cause damage to the Zerg, is it that simple?

Aren't they aware of their weaknesses?

He is not a fool.

This made Freeman very tangled. He was afraid that after the kinetic weapons were sent to the front line, he was still defeated to meet him.

With a frown on Freeman, Augustim and Carol resigned indiscriminately, no one said anything more.

"I hope the kinetic weapon will be a bit effective, otherwise we will be in trouble." After leaving Freeman's office, Carol sighed.

There was also a touch of anxiety on his face, and he felt a little confused about the future of Jingling.

Augudim frowned, and looked at Carol puzzledly, "Carroll, this is not like you, you are confident every time, why this time ..."

Carroll sighed again: "Because I don't have the confidence to dare to say that our crystal spirit can win this time, the power of the Zerg has been shown to the fullest thousands of years ago, not to mention the fact that there is a mechanical statement now.

Don't you think that mechanical life knows nothing about what is happening here? "

怎么 "How is it possible?" Augustim twitched his mouth, and said fiercely, "Mechanical life has not yet started, and 80% of them don't want to conflict with the Zerg. They want us to deal with the Zerg and lose both to make him cheap."

罗 Carroll's body is very straight, with both hands on his shoulders as he walks and thinks. Now the Zerg have made it clear that they are going to avenge their crystals and avenge the hatred of imprisoned for thousands of years.

Coupled with the war before the other side was imprisoned, there is almost no room for the two sides to flip.

As for the mechanical declaration.

罗 Originally, Carol was still thinking about whether it could be connected with mechanical life. The two parties temporarily cooperated to deal with the Zerg, after all, these Zerg obviously came from a higher civilization.

For higher civilizations, lower civilizations are like ants and can be kneaded at will.

Regardless of their crystal spirit or mechanical life, relative to the Zerg, they should all belong to the 'low-level' civilization.

So the two sides also have a basis for cooperation.

After all, so far, the war between the two sides can only be regarded as a small fight, and there is no unforgettable hatred there.

It's just that although this idea is very good, it's a bit arrogant.

The result of the annihilation of Klein's annihilation gun seemed to shatter the possibility of cooperation between the two sides.

Thoughts entered the dead end again, Carol frowned, his face was dignified.

"What are you thinking, Carol?" Augustim, who was walking next to Carol, glanced at the other person's solemn look, and he asked.

Carroll didn't hide his thoughts, he said frankly, "I'm considering whether I can cooperate with mechanical life to share the Zerg."

什 "Why, what?" Augustine stepped down and looked at Carol in shock, as if looking at a lunatic.

"Do you know what you're talking about?" Augustine looked around, lowering his voice and yelling.

Carroll nodded: "Of course I know, but the idea is really crazy, and we don't know what the other party thinks, it's just my unilateral imagination."

He stopped walking, looked at the blue sky, and sighed: "Again, they don't have any deep hatred against the Zerg, and they can't fight for us."

Speaking of this, Carroll couldn't help but laugh at herself: "It seems I'm too nervous to think about these unrealistic ideas."

Augustim snorted, "Carroll, if you know what the first and second legions know about you ~ ~ Do you know what the consequences will be?"

罗 Carroll didn't answer Augustine, he waved and said, "Forget it, don't talk about these marginal things, let's see what effect kinetic energy weapons will have, if not ..."

Augudim took a deep look at the back of Carroll. Although he didn't finish, Augustim could guess that if the kinetic weapon hadn't had much effect.

Maybe he would really go to mechanical life for cooperation.

As for the sacrifice and loss in the previous war between the two sides, in the eyes of this commander, I am afraid that it is not worth mentioning. If necessary, he will even pay a certain price to achieve his purpose.

Augudym stood on the spot for a long time, and cooperating with mechanical life can naturally greatly relieve the pressure of the crystal spirit.

The strength of mechanical life they have also seen, this is completely different from the Zerg.

He is not sure about which side of the Zerg and mechanical life is stronger, but it is not necessarily a bad thing if he can ally with the mechanical life.

However, the resistance to this matter is also quite strong, and the obstacles are not only from their crystal spirit.

What's more important is, what does mechanical life think!

They know nothing about the leaders of mechanical life, this is the most ‘cooperative’ and deadly obstacle!

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