Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 965:

Cheng Chengyuan's technology is also full of motivation.

Obviously, Zerg has more advanced technology than Jingling, and he speeded up the translation of Zerg text.

The two of them were interested in Zerg technology, but they fell into a weird silence on the battlefield.

After the energy of the annihilation gun dissipated, all the crystal spirits stagnate for a moment.

The power of annihilation guns is the consensus of all crystal spirits, but now their most powerful weapon has no effect in front of the Zerg.

Hagi's battlefield, which was originally filled with artillery, also quieted down.

All the crystal spirits are incredible, they cannot accept such a result.

连 Even Carol and Augustim, who have been following the battle, couldn't help but take a breath. They looked at each other and saw the flash of worry in the other's eyes.

This result is far beyond their expectations. Even their most powerful weapon cannot destroy the enemy's warship, which will make the battle more difficult.

Even more difficult for the two is that there was a mechanical life after the Zerg before, if the two attack at the same time, can they resist?

"How can this happen?" A crystal executive couldn't help but stand up, his green face was white, his eyes were full of fear, and his body was trembling slightly.

"Why did the annihilation gun not work? Is the data record of that year wrong?"

"Why so many years of research have not worked so far. What are these researchers doing? The council has invested a lot of resources in the research institute every year, but what have they brought us?"

Shouting in a panic, the top of the crystal spirit seemed to collapse, angrily venting his emotions.

However, his rude behavior did not stop the other senior officials from speaking, but watched him growling and venting one by one in silence.

The result of this is too great for them. If they were not told rationally, they ca n’t mess up. Once they are messed up, how can the soldiers in front fight?

Moreover, the war did not end there, they still have hundreds of millions of troops.

The Tatars are not invincible, they also have weaknesses!

"Maybe you can try an overload attack. Can the weapon that can destroy the galaxy be able to resist the other party?" A crystal executive couldn't help but say a word.

But he didn't have the confidence to dodge when he spoke.

After all, overloaded obliteration guns are definitely not something that makes people happy.

Things are still vivid in Crow, if it was not for one of them, nothing would happen today!

I can say that when I mentioned this, I was talking to Freeman, and quickly liquidated the guy who had no brains.

"I think kinetic weapons can be used to target the Zerg. Their energy shields and mechanical life are different. Zerg can't resist physical attacks." Another crystal spirit quickly opened the conversation and he couldn't help glaring when he spoke. The other glanced.

I still do n’t know if Luo Keluo died. The pots have been thrown to the other party. Is it impossible to return the pots back now?

Even if they are willing, ask if Clo is willing, and if the people of the First and Second Legion are willing!

They were able to frame Clo, but it was not because the First and Second Legions did not hold them, and there was also a reason to retaliate against Clo and kill their Legion soldiers!

Otherwise, how could this matter be understood so easily?

Freeman didn't seem to hear the words of overloaded annihilation. His face was slightly ugly, and he didn't want to mention the right or wrong of Clo.

After all, this matter is not so glorious.

Freeman glanced at the man and said in a deep voice: "Kinetic weapons can be tried, and the Zerg's energy shield can only defend against energy attacks. We can still fight against this weakness."

"Sorry, Your Excellency Senator, although kinetic weapons are very targeted to the Zerg, we do not yet have effective magnetic field strength control, which will cause various defects in our kinetic weapons."

An old man with a beard looked at Freeman Ai Ai during his youth, his face was not very good-looking.

He is the dean of Jingling Research Institute. The roar of the Jingling executive just said that his institute was incompetent and wasting resources.

He originally wanted to refute it, but after proposing the use of kinetic weapons, he could not even organize the refutation.

Kinetic energy weapons are naturally very powerful. Even energy weapons cannot be compared. Although annihilation guns are powerful, if they have a super strong magnetic field, this magnetic field only has one billionth of a billion silver core.

They can rely on this magnetic field to launch a large-mass projectile, and the effect can definitely penetrate the entire silver disk galaxy, and it will even hit farther targets!

If energy weapons have advantages of convenience, efficiency, and large coverage, kinetic energy weapons are based on power and rate of fire.

Under the cosmic environment, as long as the magnetic field force is slightly stronger, the rate of fire of each kinetic energy gun can reach sub-light speed. Under this weapon, there is no chance to dodge at all.

But powerful kinetic energy weapons also have various problems. First of all, they do not have a magnetic field that they can control. This alone makes the power of kinetic energy guns greatly reduced.

Even if the current acceleration method is used, there will be problems of current heating and gun body ablation. In this way, it is very easy for the kinetic energy gun to fire before it is fired, and it may blow itself up.

老 The old dean explained his thoughts one by one, and Freeman's face grew ugly.

"We don't need too powerful kinetic weapons, as long as we can destroy the Zerg warships, can we not do this?" Freeman grimaced angrily.

"Zerg's battleship armor is very sturdy, ordinary kinetic weapons may not be able to break the protective armor." The old director glanced at Fryman with anger, but hesitated a little and answered in a low voice.


With an angry swearing, I saw a Jingling senior looking at the dean of the Academy fiercely ~ ~ accused: "A group of people who only know that they are living a luxury life with high resources! The situation on your battlefield! Do n’t understand, just open your mouth here! ”

"The opponent's warship armor is not as strong as you said. From the feedback on the battlefield, the damage of enemy ships caused by ordinary metal stray bullets has reached 130!"

The face of the director of the Institute of Research is all green, if it is not this color, it may be more conspicuous.

"Then, those are just ordinary battleships. I, I mean the other's main battleship. Only the blow to the main battleship can destroy the enemy's will!" If the director of the academy is not old, maybe he still Will roll up his sleeves and fight with each other.

呵 "Oh," the other chuckled, looking at the old man with a smile, and said slowly: "I forgot to say that out of these 130 ships, there are three main battleships of the ten zerg family."

"You!" The director of the institute was speechless.

这个 At this time, Freeman, who was as black as a carbon face, finally could not help but growled: "Enough! I'm not here to hear you arguing about this!

In short, let the kinetic energy weapons be assembled as soon as possible, do you understand? "

Stubbornly angry, Freeman said lightly: "The meeting will be adjourned. I will send a new monitoring team to review the funding of the institute."

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