Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 945:

"That's a flowing area." Zero looked at Cheng Yuan awkwardly, a little embarrassed.

Cheng Cheng was so far away that he didn't notice the embarrassment on Zero's face. He was going to listen to Zero and continue to talk, but after waiting for a long time, he found that he was silent.


Cheng Chengyuan was surprised and couldn't help asking: "What else?"

一 一手 手: "It's gone."

Cheng Chengyuan made a black line, "What's gone?"

"It literally means that I only know so much about that radiation area." Zero looked at Cheng Yuan innocently.

Cheng Chengyuan twitched his lips and looked at Zero silently: "Well, how did you come to the conclusion that it was a flowing area?"

Although there was only this little discovery that made Cheng Yuan very disappointed, but he was not entangled. After all, he was not interested in this area, and there were more strange places in the universe.

He wouldn't want to ask if it wasn't for the action of the crystal spirit.

But Ke Jingling is his current enemy, and it is difficult for him not to pay attention.

"This is what I put in a few dark energy scanning devices to try it out, combined with external detection data." Zero said and opened a scan.

"However, the devices sent in only lasted less than two seconds, so very little data was collected."

The overall color of the scan is gray, but on a gray background, the black and white line graph fills the entire scan, and these lines remain in motion.

The dense and dense lines are easy to be dazzled, not to mention that these lines have not been regularly criss-crossed. Cheng Yuan felt that his head was faint, and he couldn't help rubbing his eyes and looking away.

Like zero said, this area is flowing, but there is no regular flow.

"What are these?" Cheng Yuan asked for a moment, pointing curiously at the black and white lines.

"Black is the dark energy that fills the universe. The nature of the white lines is very special, and I can't understand it at this time." At this point, Zero suddenly reduced the scan, and then Cheng Yuan saw that the scan in front of him changed completely at this moment .

Originally it seemed that there was no regular flow. At this moment, there seemed to be a special route!

It's like a three-dimensional spiral cylinder!

"this is……"

Although the zero scan is only a small segment, Cheng Yuan can't guess what the overall radiation range is, but Cheng Yuan's attention is not on the graphic structure.

突然 He suddenly discovered that the black and white staggered flow that he had guessed at first was just his imagination. The real situation was a dark energy that was unknown to both of them!

After being swallowed up, the endless dark energy can be replenished immediately. Although it will cause a short blank time, only this slight gap creates the illusion that Cheng Yuan feels that it is 'flowing'.

"You also found out, there is something in this area that is constantly consuming the dark energy, and it is very fast!" The tone of zero was slightly heavier.

Cheng Chengyuan nodded suddenly, "It's hard to imagine what kind of destructive power would be caused if these swallowed dark energies burst out at once."

说 He said, his eyes moved unconsciously in the direction where the crystal spirit resided.

零 "Zero, are you saying that these crystal spirits are going to study the special radiation thoroughly here, and then develop similar weapons like this, ready to kill us in one breath?" Cheng Yuan narrowed his eyes, and a coldness was brewing in his eyes.

After a brief moment, his face also changed slightly. He said: "It is very possible, but the number of our troops can not keep up. It is not appropriate to launch an attack now."

Cheng Chengyuan frowned for a while, and the worry of zero was not unreasonable. Although they repeatedly expanded the front-line base, they were still not comparable in number to Jingling.

He needs more time.

But in his heart, he was worried that these crystal spirits would make other famous people, which made him uncomfortable.

Although he also wants to continue researching at zero, he currently has nothing in his hands that can survive in the radiation area, so he can't do anything he wants.

At most is external observation, and then theoretical data analysis.

Theory ...

This is the last thing Cheng Yuan doesn't want to see. After all, the theory is always the theory, it can only stay on the concept, and it won't have any practical effect at all!

"Or else, let's try to invade the crystal center's intelligent center?" Looking at Cheng Yuan with a tangled face, he thought for a moment, then suddenly said.

Cheng Cheng was stunned.

This time he completely stopped!

接着 Then, the expression on his face became very wonderful, red and white for a while.

"What's wrong?" Zero puzzled, he didn't know why his words made Cheng Yuan's face so strange.

Cheng Chengyuan tried to breathe and calmed his emotions, but when he spoke, his voice still shuddered: "Can you break into Jingling's network?"

Zero unknown, so he still nodded calmly: "Yes, when we obtained the Titan Fortress, I have analyzed the Jingling network structure almost, although there have been some changes over the millennia, but no Depart from the original nature. "

"Why didn't you say it earlier." Cheng Yuan looked ruthless.

"?????" Zero looks innocent: "What do you mean?"

Wu Chengyuan was distressed: "If we said earlier, we would fight information wars directly. Who would play against Jingling?"

"..." Zero, he looked at Cheng Yuan with a heartache, and explained: "Although I can invade the other person's information center, it is difficult to interfere with the other person by this means."

"Why? With Jingling's intelligence level, isn't your opponent at all?" Cheng Yuan felt like a fool. He didn't take advantage of the biggest advantage, but instead used his own disadvantages to fight against others!

"That's what it says, but there must be strong intelligence in the other party. At this stage of strong intelligence, as long as I'm physically big enough, it's hard for me to say that I can definitely control the other party." Zero explained.

Cheng Chengyuan heard that, not only was not disappointed, he grinned: "That is to say, if you have the opportunity to let you invade the other party's information center, you can interfere with you even if you can't control it?"

"It's true to say so, but we don't know much about Jingling's military information network. This requires us to re-collect this area ..."

Before Yuan Ling had finished speaking, Cheng Yuan interrupted his excitement with excitement: "I'll come over right away and you're ready to sneak in, aren't those troops stationed by Jingling a good understanding of the breakthrough?"

Zhu Ling glanced at the Jingling garrison who had been monitoring, and finally answered, "I see."

Uh ...

At the same time, Bran is also monitoring Cheng Yuan's every move.

Although many patrol reconnaissance planes were destroyed by the other party, this did not hinder their surveillance behavior. After all, he didn't want the mechanical life on the opposite side to suddenly attack.

Of course, Bran is only responsible for military matters. At this time, the research members of Jingling are also thinking hard about solutions.

Compared with Cheng Yuan and two people who did not know the situation at all, these researchers are racing against time and dare not relax in the slightest.

Because they are all aware, the longer the delay, the greater the chance that those yellow head worms will appear.

Although it has also been suggested, those yellow head worms have long died in the restricted area of ​​life. But this kind of speculation is not enough to convince high-level officials, they dare not use speculation to reassure themselves.

However, the special nature of the radiation zone has made these researchers incompetent.

Compared with Cheng Yuan, their degree of research is naturally much higher. When it was not known what the white matter was, Jingling had determined that these white matter were fault gaps between two spatial regions.

I say it's white ~ ~ White matter is a crack that connects another space one by one, and the cracks continuously eat up dark energy, which makes Jingling's research members very anxious.

所以 The reason why the life exclusion zone is called a life exclusion zone is not only that there are no stars in it, it is more important that there is very little energy in the life exclusion zone.

They are very worried, so continue to devour it when the energy in the forbidden area of ​​life reaches a certain level.

Those yellowheads that may be alive will certainly not waste these influx of dark energy. If this energy is used, the other party will definitely be able to get out of the forbidden area of ​​life and come out of it!

But this problem is exactly their problem!

Space faults, although they know and have studied them, they dare not touch them!

In the study of spatial faults, spatial interference, and the like, their crystal spirits have been supported by theories for thousands of years, and they can be said to be familiar!

This was the research that Crystal Spirit began after the annihilation of the annihilation gun.

However, the research can be said to have stayed on various speculations and theories, and never went through the actual operation!

It's not that they don't want it, but that they can't make a substance that can exist in the space fault!

So they are currently at a loss as to what they can do!

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