Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 944:

Crystal Spirit Empire.

After learning that Clo was really breaking a gap in the ruined area, the high-level collective lost his voice for a while.

The spacious conference room is in a repressive silence.

Although Bran just said that a strange purple light radiating area was found in the ruined area, Jingling has explored the entire ruined area for thousands of years.

没有 There is no purple radiation zone at all!

"Situation, presumably everyone also understands, what should we do now?" The Chief Senate sitting at the highest level had a serious face and a very heavy tone.

I was most worried about what happened. He didn't know how to deal with it for a while, and could only ask other people's opinions.

At this time, Augustim and Carol glanced at each other and fell into silence.

The yellow head worm is definitely a nightmare synonym for Jingling.

Although they also studied this civilization after the victory, the results were not very good.

Because the more they studied the war situation at that time, the more they felt horrified.

Many researchers even think that they defeated only a small part sent by the other party!

The situation is exactly the same as the mechanical life that has contact with them now!

But they did not understand why the yellow head worms did not continue to attack them, and this doubt has remained unsolved until now.

"It is said that Bran and they cannot even approach the battleship?" After a moment of groaning, the mature Carroll finally spoke first.

The Chief Senate looked at Carol and nodded.

"Yes, the purple radiation area is very special, and the battleship will be squeezed into powder as soon as it enters the radiation area." The General Senate said with a headache, this is where he is most distressed.

If you can't even get a crack, what can you stop?

"Maybe we need to solve this problem before we can talk about the next plan." Carroll frowned slightly, then said calmly: "When the size and style of the crack are not clear, any plan is an air tower without any effect."

He said that many crystal spirits nodded in agreement, and even Augustim was very much in favor of it, and blindly talking about the others without solving the immediate difficulties had no effect at all.

President Biao frowned, and admitted that Carol was right, but he was anxious.

他 During his tenure, a difficult mechanical declaration of civilization first appeared. When it first appeared, they almost scared them to make preparations to move away from the central star!

As a result of several combat encounters, they found that these mechanical lives, although powerful, did not seem to endanger themselves.

Because the opponent ’s strength is very scarce.

Although he was very fortunate, it also caused him a bad hunch. As the chief of the Senate, he looked through the information for a long time. How similar was the situation of this mechanical civilization to the original yellow head worm?

It may seem rare, but it is very powerful.

And endless!

This was enough to make him nervous, but Clou's full-power annihilation gun brought another trouble that made him even more headache.

Now, they may face not only mechanical life, but also yellow head worms that have revived!

What worries him most is that in the news from Bran, he learned that mechanical life seems to have found cracks, and he still stays in the edge area of ​​radiation.

According to the opponent's guess, those mechanical civilizations seem to find cracks earlier than them.

It makes him even more disturbed!

If the yellow head worms and the mechanical life are united, how will their crystal spirits respond?

He dare not imagine it!

加快 "To speed up research, we need to analyze the situation of the radiation area in the fastest time to make armor or energy barriers that can resist the abnormal squeeze!"

All kinds of uneasy thoughts flashed through in his heart, and the General Senator finally sighed, and decided to solve the strange problems in the radiation area first.

Everyone naturally supports this.

After the high-level meeting of Wu Jingling was over, all orders were issued immediately, because no one dared to neglect because he attached great importance to this matter.

The top research institute of the Imperial Crystal Empire sent a large number of researchers to the place where the rift was located.

The puppet army did not dare to carelessly, and dispatched a large number of troops to be stationed on the edge of the purple light radiation range to face the yellow head worm that may appear at any time.

Wu Jingling's series of actions could not be concealed. He was startled by Jing Ling's new actions at first, and quickly dispatched a large number of troops to defend the place where the embryo was dropped.

Xu Sheng was afraid that Jingling would suddenly attack.

Cheng Cheng was surprised when Mars learned the news, and paid special attention to it for a while.

He quickly found out that Jingling did not have any offensive behavior, although he also sent a lot of investigative forces to investigate where they were armed.

After being destroyed by their flying saucer, they did not conduct a large-scale attack.

"What are these crystal spirits doing?" Cheng Yuan was also confused in the face of this situation.

"Unclear, but it doesn't seem to be offensive. Do you want to have a peaceful exchange with us?" Zero uncertain said.

In fact, after several battles, he suddenly wanted to sit down and talk with Jingling.

When the idea first came out, he was very happy, he felt that he and human beings were becoming more and more similar.

Even the idea is almost the same!

人类 In human history, not all have fought a few wars and then talked about peace. After talking about peace, we will decisively go to war again after a while!

This kind of thing is countless.

Cheng Chengyuan looked at Zero in surprise, he did not expect that Zero would even say the idea of ​​talking to the other party.

However, looking at the undisguised joy on the other side ~ ~ Cheng Yuan realized that Zero has been imitating learning.

Now his mind is almost the same as human beings.

Cheng Ling's progress also made Cheng Yuan very happy, but he did not dare to agree with the idea of ​​zero, and relentlessly criticized at the moment: "Zero, don't make a fuss.

We ca n’t sit down and talk with Jingling. After all, they sacrificed the real population. Besides, do you think we are right to talk to them? "

With a grin at zero, he didn't care about Cheng Yuan's criticism, "I just talk casually. If we really negotiate with Jingling, once the other party knows what we really are, it will be absolutely merciless destruction to us. . "

"It's good if you understand." Cheng Yuan glanced at him with a smile and rolled his eyes.

Immediately, Cheng Yuan pulled the topic back, he thought: "But what does Jingling put in so many troops in that place?"

"Who knows, may be studying this place?" Zero answer.

"Have you researched?" Cheng Yuan said thoughtfully: "It is indeed worth studying, after all, this area is very weird. What is the specific situation, have you understood it?"

Zero nodded and said, "Of course."

"Oh !? Tell me about your findings."

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