Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 890:

Reproduction of Intelligent Machinery

"Tokyo crisis, smart machines spread all over the city"

"Is there a survivor of intelligent machines in the country? Are there survivors here?" 》

Uh ...

The next day, such news was rarely published in the media. Although the headlines are different, the news for everyone is the same.

Intelligent machines once again appeared on a large scale, and the location was in the country not far from Huaxia.

As soon as this news appeared, it attracted large-scale attention. Some people chanted it in their circle of friends, and seemed to be very excited about the disaster in the country.

Some people are also worried that after the emergence of intelligent machinery in the country, will they turn their heads and attack China?

Nowadays, scattered intelligent machines are wandering in the wild around the world. These robots without mission instructions are like beasts wandering outside.

智能 These intelligent machines Huaxia officials did not waste a large amount of troops to find cleanup, but left it to other mercenary organizations or other forces to solve it.

After all, they cannot send a large force to destroy one or two intelligent machines.

Therefore, the sporadic news of intelligent machinery has never been interrupted. Many times when people browse the news on the Internet, they can see one or two reports about where intelligent machinery appeared, and then they were killed by some organization.

But this time is completely different. The smart machines that appeared this time were not one or two, but large-scale groups appeared!

Xi Huaxia officials also quickly made a statement at this time, saying that they had sent elite troops to the coastal areas to station in order to ensure the security and stability of the country.

When such a statement was just announced, there was no problem. Intelligent machines have appeared. Our troops are stationed at the border and defend the country. No problem!

But it was very fast, after people savoured it, they immediately reacted. The emergence of intelligent machinery, as the only country that can defeat intelligent machinery, do not eliminate this intelligent machinery force, but instead of sending troops to the border defense?

It doesn't feel so simple on the surface!

这个 At this time, the entire Huaxia Military Department was also busy, and the sudden news made the military's big brothers stagnate for a long time.

In particular, Major General Han Zhaoguo, as the leader of the special operation team, when Gao Cheng led the team to report the mission, the expression on his face was called wonderful.

As Gao Cheng, as a captain, he was also very puzzled. The task was completed, but the boss was unhappy.

"Leader, what's the matter with you?" Looking at Han Zhaoguo, whose appearance was constantly changing, Gaocheng was also a little bit embarrassed for a while, wasn't his task completed well?

召 Han Zhaoguo looked at Gaocheng carefully and looked at it for a long time. When Gaocheng was uncomfortable, he asked with a headache: "Xiao Gao, whose order did you receive for this task?"

Gao Cheng: "... ????"

Seeing Gao Cheng look at him with a grimace, Han Zhaoguo could not help but aggravate his voice, and shouted, "I'm asking you, who gave you the order!"

With such a roar by Han Zhaoguo, Gao Cheng immediately understood that the leader was not joking with himself. He stood upright and saluted loudly: "Report to the chief, you gave the order to my team in person!"

Han Zhaoguo: "???"

It's Han Zhaoguo's turn this time, and his eyes widened, he couldn't believe his ears.

"What are you talking about?" Han Zhaoguo really wanted to slap him at this time. He didn't know the order he gave?

"Gaocheng! What are you talking about, when did I give you such an order?" Han Zhaoguo was so anxious, Gaocheng, what time did he still play with him?

Seeing Han Zhaoguo's desperate appearance, Gao Cheng was also embarrassed. He said, "Boss, didn't you come to give us an order in person during the training session that afternoon?"

Don't you remember? As of August 23, our entire team was there. "

Tong Gaocheng looked at Han Zhaoguo with a bit of strangeness in his eyes. There was some pity and some understanding in it.

Han Zhaoguo drew a corner of his mouth. Of course, he saw the strangeness in Gao Cheng's eyes, and he was unhappy. . "

Gao Cheng is naturally not stupid. When he heard that Han Zhaoguo had called for surveillance, he stumbled a little, and then his face changed dramatically. He also realized that there was something strange in the matter.

After all, Han Zhaoguo's order was personally given by the party, but now he says he doesn't know it at all.

Not only that, he did n’t know it, but the team he led left for almost two months, but Han Zhaoguo was not surprised at all, as if they all knew that they were performing their tasks, which was a bit scary.

When Gao thought of this, Gao Cheng and Han Zhaoguo were half-hearted. The two looked at each other, and they felt the chill in the bottom of each other's eyes.

"Boss, we have been away for so long. What do you think we have been doing?" Gao Cheng did not immediately call for monitoring. He felt that it was more important to know this in advance.

召 Han Zhaoguo frowned and said, "I received the command from General Pang Zhenguo and said that I would send you to perform a confidential mission overseas."

"So you asked me that when I reported the task to you just now?" Gao Cheng now understands why his leadership had such an emotion before.

The special operation team was established by Hua Lao himself, although it is said that they cannot go out to perform the task without leaving Han Zhaoguo as the leader.

But the key issue is that Huaxia is a society that ca n’t escape human beings anywhere. Notify the other party.

Although this looks like a long stretch of hand, it can't stop other officials!

With this in mind, even if Han Zhaoguo had any dissatisfaction in his heart, he would not be uncomfortable with his leadership. So after hearing ‘Pang Zhenguo’ explained the situation, he did n’t bother too much.

这样 "In this way, you go to get monitoring first, I'll contact General Pang and inquire about the situation." Han Zhaoguo felt that there might be a major earthquake in the military this time.

However, compared with the large earthquake in the military department, he cares more about who the other party is and what kind of forces they are, and why they understand the situation here so well!

The main thing is, what is the identity of the opponent, and they can get the internal number of their headquarters!

As for imitating sound and imitating appearance, this method seems very ordinary.

Moreover, he didn't understand the purpose of the other party, specifically sending Gao Cheng to take a group of anti-intelligence organizations to Tokyo, and then open the intelligent machinery base hidden in Tokyo underground?

The senior management has been discussing how to incorporate Tokyo into the territory. This method has also been proposed before. The other party can be said to coincide with the senior management.

But what is the practical significance of the other party doing this? What's good for them?

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