Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 889:

I was hanging around upstairs = -9o Li Long didn't know what was happening in the basement. He stood in front of the transparent floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the empty city, but thinking of the next retreat route in his heart.

"Li Long, please answer when you receive it."

When Li Long was thinking, a low voice disturbed by the current suddenly sounded in his connector.

"Li Long received, what instructions." Li Long quickly answered.

"Our satellite detected an obvious energy signal and retreated immediately!" The linker sent a solemn and low order, which made Li Long dare not hesitate. After replying "Yes!", He immediately turned and ran out. .

5About 5 minutes after Li Long left the building, suddenly

At the same time, the three people of Jin Dayuan, who were still wandering in the upper floors, suddenly felt that the building was shaken violently. They did not know the situation and thought that the earthquake had happened.

"I rely, this is how frequent the earthquake is in China? It didn't take long for me to start!" Jin Dayuan's face was pale at this time, and his words were a little embarrassed.

The other two people's faces did not go well either, holding their legs soft against the wall.

"How long is this earthquake!"

I hid in the corner for about half a minute, feeling that the building was still shaking slightly, and the three were more disturbed.

When they were uneasy, the tremor of the building suddenly stopped.

"Stop ?!" Jin Dayuan felt the tremor stopped and looked at the other two with great joy.

At this time, the three of them were still dizzy and weak. After lying on the ground for more than ten seconds, Jin Dayuan then stood up tremblingly from the ground.

At this moment, he felt like his body was hollowed out, and he was still a little unstable. He felt uncomfortable when he walked.

Came to the building window, Jin Dayuan looked out, making him feel wondering that everything outside was calm, maybe it was the relationship of shorting the city, and the earthquake did not affect anything at all.

"Is the country's building particularly strong? Or is the earthquake level just low?" Jin Dayuan scratched his head and looked at the building without any damage.

But when he just finished speaking, his eyes suddenly widened, and a strong fear sprang up from the bottom of his heart. The fear trembled his healthy body involuntarily.

"Jin Brother, are you stunned?" Although the other two could not see Jin Dayuan's expression, the strange trembling in the other's body made them feel very surprised.

"Machine ... robot!" Jin Dayuan was terrified and his teeth trembled.

Intelligent machinery is synonymous with terror in everyone's heart. No matter who encounters intelligent mechanical heart, it will produce a feeling of fear.

Because intelligent machines are completely different from humans, there is still the possibility of surrendering in the face of human beings, but in the face of intelligent machines, there is no chance of surrender!

The main thing is that no one wants to face intelligent machinery!

I looked at the panicked Jin Dayuan, and their faces were equally ugly.

"Gold brother, shall we hide first?" Wan Tian's face turned pale, and his words were a little unfavorable, and he looked out of the window with anxiety.

At this time, Jin Jinyuan didn't have the kind of grinning look before, and stunned and said, "Nonsense, hurry up, once we are found by these robots, the three of us will be dead!"

The three of them combined, then got up and ran carefully towards the top of the building.

Uh ...

When the three people found the smart machine, Shen Ye and others who had been monitoring here also saw the screen of the smart machine.

Before that, there was a group of people who laughed and became silent for a while, looking serious.

Although their people have already explored the basement long ago, the intelligent machines on the opposite side have also learned about them, regardless of their size or number.

But when these intelligent machines have not yet started, they can still face them calmly. But when these intelligent machines really move, the unexplained tension suddenly lingers.

"Lao Gao, how long is it for our people to return." Shen 弼 's tone added an eagerness, and the horror of intelligent machinery has long been proven in the world.

What's more, the exploration ability and mobility of intelligent machines are very powerful, and no one can guarantee whether it is safe here.

Their task is to activate that underground base and then evacuate quickly. After all, they don't have many armed forces here, and they can't resist many intelligent machines at all.

So their safety cannot be guaranteed after the emergence of intelligent machines.

Tong Gaocheng looked at the intelligent machinery that was constantly coming out of the obelisk building in the picture, and also showed some worries in his eyes.

"The other three areas haven't moved yet. I'm worried that the four underground bases will be linked." Gao Cheng said without worry. The original information brought back by the exploration team also had this speculation, but it was never opened, and no one was sure. .

Although Gaocheng's appearance is rough and delicate, he had suggested using remote control to open the switch. What the country wants is just a reason to send troops. As long as intelligent machines appear, they have an excuse.

This kind of thing does not need to be as troublesome as they are now. They have special troops to perform this task. Why do they have to let people do it themselves?

This is just a joke for human life, and it makes things more complicated!

But the leader's decision cannot be changed, he can only choose to obey the order.

"We will leave as soon as they come back, and then hand it over to the military to end it all." Gao Cheng sighed, got up and patted Shen's shoulders, and returned to the spacecraft to prepare for retreat.

Others also started to pack things. Now that the task has been completed, they have no need to look at it. Whether these people can survive in the hands of intelligent robots is not a question for them to consider.

The crowd just packed up, and several people in charge of Li Long hurried to the meeting point, without any nonsense, a few people boarded the spacecraft.

With strong energy, the spacecraft quickly left the country.

At this time, countless intelligent machines were walking in the streets of Tokyo. Occasionally, some sporadic gunfire sounded on the street, but soon it quieted down.

Wang Ming, who was hiding in the real base, also received intelligence at this time, and people in Huaxia had evacuated.

Smart: "Commander, what do we do next."

Wang Ming expressionless: "Destroy all humans in the Tokyo area, and by the way, clean up the survivors hiding in the cave ~ ~ still too weak and arrogant. He thought he could control human beings, can Fight against that, but in fact he couldn't hold on for a thousandth of a second. "

When Wang Ming talked about GOD, there was a complex in his eyes.

明 As a powerful assistant of GOD, Wang Ming has been lurking in the human network.

零 When he debuted with the human body for the first time in 1949, he discovered that the body constructed by nano-molecules allows them to better integrate into humans.

At that time, he proposed to let GOD focus on the research of nanomolecule construction, but GOD has always disagreed. He has been developing a positive military in an attempt to conquer the earth by absolute force.

In the end he failed.

明 Wang Ming, who had allowed himself to have a nano-body early, escaped a quarter in human society, and he was not erased in the zero erasure.

Although his body can transform freely between machinery and humans, there is no real flesh and blood, everything is achieved through molecular simulation.

He doesn't expect that he can have a real human body like Zero, and he thinks that this state is the most reasonable.

"Be prepared, the war is about to come." Wang Ming said indifferently to Zhi.

"Yes, commander."

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