Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 872:

On the afternoon of the same day, the geological experts took a spacecraft arranged for them by Zheng Jia and began a ground survey on Mars.

And on the third day after the experts left, an unusual old man came up.

Wu Chengyuan met with the old man in the conference room accompanied by Guo Xiaolian and Zheng Jia.

"Chairman Cheng, although I have been in the capital, I can hear from you all the time." After the old man sat down, he looked at Cheng Yuan with a smile.

Cheng Cheng smiled slightly and said modestly: "It's a great prize. I stay in the lab every day and don't pay much attention to the outside news."

Tan Liu Weimin took a deep look at Cheng Yuan and laughed: "Focus is a good thing. Rarely you are so young that you can still devote your energy to research.

For other young people, if you have such wealth, your life may be completely different. "

Wu Chengyuan shrugged his shoulders in disapproval, with a smile on his lips: "Is everyone definitely different? Isn't Mr. Liu coming here to greet me?"

Tamarix heard the words and laughed suddenly: "It seems that the rumors are correct, your boy is anxious than me."

After laughing, Liu Weimin took himself seriously and looked at Cheng Yuan seriously: "This time, there are mainly two things to inform you. First, regarding the ownership of Mars, we several old guys have discussed and decided to support your The company's ownership of Mars. "

Cheng Chengyuan raised an eyebrow, looking at Liu Weimin's eyes with a trace of inquiry.

I noticed Cheng Yuan's look, and Liu Weimin laughed, "Are you curious, why did we make such a decision?"

"Indeed." Cheng Yuan did not deny it. He asked, "Mars is a huge cake. No matter who can get a generous return from it, the country so easily gave up its ownership. I was really surprised. Can you tell me why you decided so? "

Tamariu also replied directly: "For the future!"


"Yes, in the future!" Liu Weimin's tone added a bit of emotion, staring deeply into Cheng Yuan, after watching for a long while, and then continued: "If, this time, we will nationalize Mars desperately. To be honest, we don't have that confidence! "

Speaking of this, Liu Weimin's eyes were like sharp swords, looking straight at Cheng Yuan.

Looking at the plain face, it seemed that Cheng Yuan was not surprised. Liu Weimin felt a bit bitter at the same time, and he was also fortunate. He felt that Hua Lao had picked the right one this time.

还有 "It is also that the impact of doing so is also very great. Perhaps many people now think that it is normal to nationalize Mars. But it is extremely unfavorable for future development.

We have thought carefully that the universe is borderless for us at the moment. I believe that more individuals or groups will become part of the universe in the future. "

Wu Chengyuan strongly agrees with Liu Weimin's words, although at present Huaxia's technology has some delusions to explore the universe. But he can be sure that this time will not be too short!

Because the Titan Fortress he got back from the Centaur galaxy civilization is about to reach the solar system.

相信 He believes that the moment the huge fort reaches the solar system, the beginning of the great universe!

真实 The real existence of alien civilization will make humans pay more attention to the universe. At that time, he will not mind revealing some space navigation technology.

Huaxia has mastered anti-gravity technology, and it is not too simple to send a target into space. But they lacked a new power system that could support the technology that allowed them to move at high speed in the universe.

As long as Cheng Yuan provided them with this, the exploration and exploration of the universe would no longer be a general word!

"I agree with you very much. After all, although the country is huge, the strength of individuals is not to be underestimated. Encouraging people to explore abroad will definitely make you more profitable."

Cheng Chengyuan looked at Liu Weimin meaningfully. He could understand why the senior management had given Mars so easily to himself. In addition to the gap in technology and strength, they are indeed for the near future.

Although their approach has a certain gambling nature, it is clear that they have made the right bet!

After all, not all individuals or groups can have the same ability to independently develop a planet as a technology crystallization company.

So when the universe was developed, individuals or groups would definitely explore outer space for a wider future and interests.

Wu Huaxia can certainly guess that even if these people can meet a valuable planet, they do not have the ability and strength to operate.

At that time, their only solution was to seek help from Huaxia or a technology crystallization company.

In this way, they can not only save a lot of expenses for external exploration, but also get some of the benefits they want!

This future is what they look forward to.

Tamarix Weimin listened to the meaning in Cheng Yuan's words, a surprise flashed in his eyes. Although Cheng Yuan didn't indicate anything directly, the words contained in it, he had the same thoughts as them.

Moreover, does the meaning in Cheng Yuan's words also mean that he also supports Huaxia's foreign exploration? Even if they do n’t have that technology now, do they have to build their own spacecraft? Can't buy a spaceship directly like a technology crystal company?

He believes that Cheng Yuan will not keep the spacecraft from selling, after all, the continued cooperation between the two parties will be of great benefit to anyone.

"I am looking forward to the future you and I dream of!" Liu Weimin glanced at Cheng Yuan with a pleasant surprise, and now he can't wait to go back to Hua Lao and his colleagues to talk about it.

"You and Hua Lao will not be disappointed. What about the second thing?" Cheng Yuan answered with a smile.

Qiu Liumin nodded in approval and smiled: "The second thing is actually related to Martian immigration ~ ~ You talk about it." As far as it is related to Martian immigration, Cheng Yuan also came to interest.

"Before I say this, let me ask you, what else do you think a city needs in addition to providing the citizens with a livable environmental accident?"

After Yan Liu Weimin finished speaking, he looked at Cheng Yuan quietly, waiting for his answer.

Cheng Chengyuan frowned, glanced at Guo Xiaolian and Zheng Jia who were sitting next to each other, and saw that they frowned, so he hesitated to answer: "Need?"

Yuliu Weimin's surprised eyes stayed on Cheng Yuan's face for a while, and then he sighed, "Very good answer, but not accurate enough."

"What do you want to say?" Cheng Yuan looked at Liu Weimin in a puzzled manner.

Qiu Liuwei smiled slightly. He felt that Cheng Yuan finally did not understand.

"A city is not just a building complex. You can say that it is a city. According to what we say now, cities need an economy as a bond to connect people with each other, so that everyone has a motivation and a life. demand.

An empty city, and then putting a group of idle people into it, will not bring prosperity, but chaos! If you don't want the future of Mars to be chaotic, then you need to be prepared before immigration is just beginning! "

After Tamarix had finished speaking, he got up and left with a resignation.

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