Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 871:

The senior management's decision was publicized after it was made public in the circle. Everyone did not expect that people led by Hua Lao even recognized the statement of the technology crystallization company!

This is something many people can't believe.

I handed Mars to a private company. Such an unprecedented thing, they originally thought it would happen in a capitalist country like the United States.

I never expected that China Huaxia became the first country to do such a thing.

This unexpected result made many people who were not very restful instantly calm down. Which one can go up high is a fool?

Almost all the properties of Mars have been determined by the decision of Wu Hualao and others. If they were blended in in the name of the country at this time, if Cheng Yuan wanted to pack them, they would have no choice.

Although the news has not been announced to the public, everyone who should know got the news. It wasn't anyone who leaked the news, but the old Hua Hua people specifically sought out a few people who wanted to warn.

The news spread like this.

When the news came to the technology crystallization company, Zheng Jia and Guo Xiaolian were both blinded. They did not expect what was said at the meeting, but they really agreed to it!

"Xiao Lian, wouldn't this news be fake?" Zheng Jia looked at Guo Xiaolian with a stunned face, rubbing his cold face.

Guo Xiaolian also felt that her head was not enough at this time. Although Mars is not as big as the earth, it is also a complete planet. Is Huaxia simply exiting?

She and Zheng Jia are both ready for a tug-of-war, but the results are so unexpected!

The two looked at each other, and then relayed the message to Cheng Yuan.

At this time, Cheng Yuan, who is in the Mars laboratory, is performing a super-light particle analysis. Tachyon particles are too fast and difficult to capture, so they can only be allowed to run wildly in particle-accelerated tunnels.

But Cheng Yuan and Zero were not without a gain. Through the magnetic cylinder on the inner wall of the tunnel, they also collected a part of the scattered molecules.

Now they are studying the molecular structure and properties of this spillover. Through observation, they found that the structure of the part of the molecules scattered by the supersonic particles was very unstable.

"Zero, are you sure that it really has the same properties as the super-light particle?" Cheng Yuan glanced at the observation results. The unstable molecular structure showed that what he collected was not practical.

Zero has also seen the observations. Although he frowns equally, he still says with certainty: "Sir, maybe the matter will always be in such an unstable state during the process of super-light speed?"

Zero expressed his views: "The speed of light has always been an unknown field, and each of our findings may be the subject of future research."

Cheng Cheng stared stunned and earnestly zero: "I don't think I will get you more clothes and flat glasses."

"I don't have myopia and don't need eyes." Zero looked at Cheng Yuan inexplicably, and then continued his research.

Cheng Cheng shrugged and walked out of the laboratory. The existence of super-light particles has been confirmed by him, but he needs to do more next.

The earnestness of being overwhelmed by zero made Cheng Yuan suddenly realize that he didn't seem to need to be locked in the laboratory alone as before.

Maybe the part that I copied from the machine originally was a serious and serious character.

I walked out of the laboratory, the phone in my pocket shook, and Cheng Yuan connected it.

"Xiao Lian, is there anything wrong?" Cheng Yuan, looking in a good mood, looked at Guo Xiaolian with a smile.

晓 Guo Xiaolian didn't care about Cheng Yuan's mood at this time, he said quickly: "Cheng Yuan, the news came from above, we definitely affirm our ownership of Mars."

Cheng Cheng was stunned, and a look of surprise appeared on his face. It just so cleanly gave up the big cake of Mars?

This makes Cheng Yuan feel very subtle.

"Is the news accurate?" Cheng Yuan confirmed by holding the surprise and surprise in his heart.

Guo Xiaolian frowned slightly: "The news has not been officially announced, but the news is so spread, and I'm not sure. But I heard Sister Zheng said that experts had been prepared to go to Mars for investigation.

The other party has done this, and there is nothing wrong with wanting to come to the news. "

For a long time, Cheng Chengyuan couldn't judge the meaning above, but he didn't want to get tangled if he couldn't think of it. Regardless of the purpose above, it will not be against you anyway.

"Let's go, I'll come back first. See what it means above." Cheng Yuan thought about it or decided to go back. It was not the same as Zheng Jia's appearance in person.

After Xun finished talking with Guo Xiaolian, Cheng Yuan returned to the laboratory and said hello, and then took the spacecraft to return to Mars.

Cheng Yuan returned directly to Donghai City through the portal of Mars City.

"Cheng Yuan, you can count back, the experts above have come." Guo Xiaolian saw Cheng Yuan return and brought some staff to greet him.

Cheng Yuan, who walked out of the portal, gave a glance and found that Zheng Jia was not present, and asked, "Sister Zheng went to receive those experts?"

"I ca n’t say anything about the reception, but I just prepared a suitable spaceship for them." Guo Xiaolian thought that the experts would send him a spaceship as soon as she came over, and the pitiful appearance looked very interesting.

Wu Chengyuan heard that the footsteps that had been taken out suddenly stopped, wondering: "Will those experts still plan to survey the past a little bit by spaceship?"

Guo Xiaolian did not know why Cheng Yuan was so surprised, she said truthfully: "Yeah, although we gave them a very detailed map, after all, there is no convenience for satellites.

If there were no previous meetings and consultations, they would probably launch a satellite on Mars as soon as possible. "

Speaking of satellites ~ ~ Cheng Yuan laughed: "They can't meet the conditions for launching satellites on Mars, so they can find us. We can also launch satellites."

Cheng Cheng was so far away that he didn't mind letting the country launch a few more satellites on Mars, anyway, this thing was absolutely no threat to him.

Moreover, Cheng Yuan never thought about breaking with the country before touching the bottom line. After all, if the two sides break off, it is not just the country, but Cheng Yuan himself.

No matter how strong the technology is, Cheng Yuan can't always live with iron iron in the future, right?

Stingy people, after all, are social animals.

Xu and Guo Xiaolian returned to the building side by side, and Cheng Yuan, a long way away, saw a group of elderly experts sitting in the lobby lounge.

"These people are sent from above? Why not let them go upstairs?" Cheng Yuan looked at the staff through the glass to pour water for these people and asked Guo Xiaolian.

晓 Guo Xiaolian pouted his lips: "They don't want to, because they are too delayed, they just want to take the spacecraft to Mars. If there is no GPS positioning function in Mars, they might just walk through the portal to Mars!

Cheng Chengyuan laughed, but said nothing, and went upstairs with Guo Xiaolian. He didn't even want to say hello to these experts, after all, it was not necessary.

What he is most concerned about now is that the information Guo Xiaolian said is accurate or inaccurate!

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