Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 847:

Of course, a small part of the most senior members are lucky customers when they bought Dabai, but this is a very small part.

It's not worth mentioning in terms of the total number of members.

中 In mid-September, it is already autumn in terms of time and season, but the sun still emits burning heat, letting people know that summer is not over.

17, this day people go to work as usual and live their own lives. Donghai City, which was originally a lonely city, has gradually restored its original prosperity.

的 A series of initiatives in the technology crystallization company, coupled with the unique geographical advantage of Donghai City, has made the city once again a Chinese city that never sleeps.

And compared to the past, the reconstruction of Donghai now looks more sci-fi.

The towering and neat buildings are neatly arranged in the city, and high-altitude tracks pass between the buildings in the city. The unique whistle of the floating train comes from afar.

下方 Under the pillars of the high-altitude track is a wide highway. There is a continuous stream of vehicles on the highway. These vehicles include ordinary cars and cool sports cars, and there are also suspended cars with energy power!

With the application of clean energy, new energy vehicles have gradually replaced internal combustion engine vehicles, which has also greatly improved the city's environment.

Shi Shi is an anchor who lives independently in Donghai City. The fast-paced life in Donghai City brings her not a stress but a full satisfaction and motivation.

Others are worried that with the development of technology, many jobs will be replaced by robots, but this is not the case.

Although robots have replaced many high-risk occupations, they have also opened up new occupation systems.

The most important thing is that robots have not replaced labor workers in a large area, although the price of robots has also gone down.

But only technology crystal companies can use robots to complete the overall construction! Today, most companies in the construction industry still rely on workers to complete construction projects.

It's not that they don't want to use robots to work for themselves. After all, if you use robots to work, there will be no so-called construction site accidents.

死 Death due to a construction site accident and damage to a robot are completely two concepts. The tireless working ability of a robot can also greatly improve efficiency!

Most importantly, if robots do the work for them, they don't have to pay a lot of salary!

谁 Who could not imagine the benefits of this series?

However, the price difference between working robots and ordinary white robots is huge!

最低 The minimum price of an engineering robot is 5 million credit points! That's right, it's credit! Most of the products of technology crystallization companies today rely on credit points to pay.

Regarding this approach of the technology crystallization company, the poet can probably guess that the other party is ready to vigorously treat his own credit.

Leaving aside this digression, an ordinary engineering robot needs 5 million credits, which is still the most basic price.

各 Each type of chip function inside the engineering robot needs to be purchased separately. Not only that, the price of various types of maintenance and repair of the engineering robot in the later stage is a considerable amount.

From the cost of the engineering robot itself to the subsequent series of maintenance, the technology crystal company also gave an approximate cost over the next year.

12 million or so!

Such terrible prices are prohibitive for the builders of the great logarithms! But even so, some financially capable real estate developers can afford it.

After all, the wealth of real estate developers in Huaxia is a group of envy everyone, but in addition to the costs of technology crystallization companies, the state will also levy certain taxes.

There are a series of newly-established robot-related industry taxes such as the labor output value tax, energy use tax, and additional value-added tax of robots.

These additional taxes add up to zero and directly raise the price of the entire industry of intelligent robots to a new level.

This results in that only a few real estate developers have the financial resources to use engineering robots, and most people cannot afford them! So artificial is still the mainstream.

Maybe gradually eliminated in the next few years, but not too intense.

Then, when that happens, the state will also introduce new policies to ensure that at least 90% of people have a job in an industry that they can engage in.

I was sitting on a suspended train. The poet looked at the high-rise buildings that kept dangling out of the window. The morning sun shined into the tram through the gap between the high-rise buildings, which made the poet's eyes unconsciously.

悬浮 The suspension train she took was a lower rail train. Today, the high-altitude train track in Donghai City is divided into two upper and lower rails. The upper rail is above the entire line, and the lower rail is placed below.

In other words, the lower rail train and the rail contact point are above the carriage and not at the bottom!

At first she did not dare to sit up when she learned that there was such a train, for fear that the news of the train crash would come that day.

But over time, he gradually accepted such a novel train. After all, months have passed and I haven't heard of any problems.

"Ding Dong, Xiao Shi, there's new news!" A crisp child's voice came from the cell phone in her jacket pocket, and this was her cell phone assistant.

He raised his eyebrows, and the poet took out his mobile phone from his pocket and glanced at the new news.

But when she saw the source, she suddenly stumbled, "Technology Crystal Company?" Suddenly the poet became interested, and she quickly opened the information and looked seriously.

I am reading very fast, a message that is not long in itself, and finished reading in about five seconds. After reading the information, the poet looked up at the train window.

Although the building in Donghai City is tall, as long as you look up, you can see the three giants standing not far away.

Like a dormant beast, crickets are there and cannot be ignored.

Master Shi is one of the top members of the technology crystallization company. She earned this place by virtue of her luck. After all, she is not from a wealthy and noble family.

For all the products of Tech Crystal Co., she only bought Dabai and Black Gold mobile phones. When she first bought Dabai, she placed her order with her teeth.

Other high-tech products are so expensive that she dare not even start, but she is not a stupid girl. Since she is a top member of a technology crystallization company.

No matter how this membership comes, she will not let it go!

凭借 With this status, she will become the first trialer every time a new product of a technology crystallization company comes out.

Thanks to the technology crystal company, when she treats such members, she will be given a trial period ranging from seven days to a month. During this period, she can try the latest products of the technology crystal company for free without spending a dime.

Of course, she can't damage the product she tried. Once it is damaged, she must pay for compensation.

However, trials are not without benefits. While the network is developed, the live broadcast industry is also booming. The poet is using live broadcast to show the products of the technology crystallization company.

From recovery fluids, smart phones, new robots, new chips, suspended sports cars, mass production spaceships, etc., all of her trial goals.

In this way, she became an expensive anchor.

When the technology crystallization company publicly announced the suspension sports car ~ ~ did not announce when it will be released, only her top members will be invited to try.

And she just made a name for herself in the anchor industry by trying a suspended sports car. Suspended sports car that even local tyrants can't buy, she can take to the streets.

多 How attractive is this? Many local tyrants in her live broadcast studio are very proud to give a big reward in her live broadcast studio in order to test drive or experience the floating sports car.

Master Shi Shi deeply remembers that after her one-month trial period ended, her live broadcast income for this month exceeded 26 million. Such a terrible amount she had never thought of before!

But the reality is that she got such a huge sum in a month! The subsequent spaceship trials even made the local tyrants mad and even crazy!

Although the trial of the spacecraft was only seven days, not only did she bring horrific benefits to her during these seven days, but also her reputation grew to a new level.

Now she appears in Donghai City, not only because Donghai City is her hometown, but also because of the layout of technology crystallization companies here.

Since the public announcement of the technology crystallization company, she has been paying attention to the triangle area, but the security there is very strict, and most people really can't get close.

But now, she looked at the information on her mobile phone and smiled happily.

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