Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 846:

秘密 For rich people, many secrets are not secrets.

After the huge changes on Mars were observed by NAS, they spread at an extremely terrifying speed. At the same time as the news spread, NAS personnel were not idle.

They worked hard to adjust the focal length of the astronomical telescope, and wanted to observe the specific situation of Mars as much as possible, and understand the detailed changes of Mars.

It is a pity that no matter how hard they try, they can still only see a rough idea.

"Mr. Jensen, the detection equipment we put on Mars should have been damaged in this change, but we still have here the last image transmitted by Mars, which was several years ago."

年轻 A young staff member hurried in, panting lightly, and spoke to Johnson very quickly.

"Let's take a look at it." Jensen heard, his spirits refreshed, and his face became serious immediately. He got up and glanced at Li Rui.

"Li, would you like to see it together?" He invited.

瑞 Li Rui naturally will not refuse, he nodded solemnly: "Of course, I am also very interested in the last scene. What happened on Mars? I think everyone present is not curious."

With his words, many staff members showed a knowing smile.

I was present in the field of astronomy. They were very interested in astronomy, and the change on Mars was undoubtedly the one that most intrigued them.

Everyone followed the young man who came to report to a special room. The room was not very large, and the walls were full of various displays.

"Look at everyone." The youth stepped forward on the keyboard a few times, and a short black and white image appeared on the monitor screen.

Everyone held their breath and looked attentively.

The picture is not smooth and occasionally accompanied by severe vibrations, but these will not have any impact on everyone's viewing.

Twenty-five hours later, looking at the screen with no special changes, Li Rui frowned, and said to Jensen, "Mr. Jensen, can you fast forward, this is not the picture we want to see."

Jensen also agrees with this very much, but he cares more about Li Rui's opinions. After all, these talents are the leaders.

In the future, NASA's funding will need to be supported by Huaxia. Although he is a researcher, he is not an idiot, and he is naturally divided.

"Raymond, fast forward, we need to see the cause of the change!" Jason said deeply.

"Okay." Raymond immediately followed suit, and for half an hour it was really boring for him, and the video screen began to fast forward under his control.

Fast-forwarded for about ten minutes or so, snowflakes suddenly appeared on the screen, which refreshed everyone's spirit. Raymond's eyes were quickly pressed to play normally.

I saw the black-and-white picture began to shake violently. Meteorites dragging giant tail flames in the red sky dived down and hit the surface of Mars.

Huge impact rolled up soaring dust and debris on the surface of Mars, and the vibration of the picture became more intense. Although the shaking picture makes the eyes very uncomfortable.

However, the people present were widening their eyes, staring at the screen in front of them without blinking.

Countless meteorite smashed through the thin atmosphere of Mars and hit the ground. Although they could not hear the sound, their minds echoed this harsh roar and huge explosion.

的 Meteorites like raindrops fell. This situation lasted for about a minute, and the picture disappeared completely. A snowflake occupied all the screens in the room.

The video playback is over, but the whole room is silent, and everyone has not recovered from the shocking scene before.

"Oh my God, is this true? Did the meteorite change Mars? But ..."

"It is impossible to make Mars the way it is today with meteorites alone. It will take hundreds of millions of years to reach the environment of Earth."

"There must be changes in it that we can't detect."

激烈 The room sounded like a fry pan, and fierce discussion sounded.

瑞 Li Rui also did not speak for a long time. He knows the layout of Huaxia's high-level, and also understands that the situation of Mars today is the result of what he thinks.

But he never thought that artificial means could achieve such a horrible situation, if those meteorite were aimed at the earth.

Suddenly, Li Rui felt cold all over.

Uh ...

情况 The situation in NAS is naturally not to be concealed. In a country such as the United States where capital operates, even the new US president is backed by a group of consortia.

这样 In such a system, rich people hold secrets that most people don't know.

The Rockefeller family was among them.

In the luxurious villa's living room, Rockefeller Jr. was sitting on a precious sofa, staring dullly at a blue planet made of holographic figures.

After a long time, Rockefeller Jr. exclaimed: "Cheng Yuan always brings shock. He can transform a planet by himself! This is incredible!"

After stunning, he began to think about Mars' problems, how can he let himself intervene on Mars.

He didn't think about it, but his eyebrows frowned suddenly. Mars was too far away from Earth! With the current scientific and technological strength, it is impossible for people to pass easily.

虽然 Although he really wanted to go to Cheng Yuan immediately, would Cheng Yuan relax in this matter? Although the relationship between the two is good, when the smart machine crisis broke out, the relationship between them was almost exhausted.

That's what worried him.

As for other methods ~ ~ Rockefeller Jr. has never considered it. Today's technology crystallization company is definitely a giant, and no one can match this company.

Don't forget, in addition to the assistance provided by China in the reconstruction of most parts of the United States, technology crystallization companies also occupy a large part of it.

And this is just the United States, but the technology crystallization company is located in various countries and regions around the world! For ordinary people, this kind of thing is just an admiration: the technology crystallization company is really huge.

But in their opinion, this is no longer a matter of handwriting, which indicates that the technology crystallization company has affected the development of various regions of the world with its own strength!

This is the most terrible.

While Rockefeller Jr. was thinking about how to get on this ride, the technology crystal company sent an invitation to Mars to all members around the world.

However, among these members, only the most senior member invitation letter is eligible to visit the first space portal test.

The actions of 结晶 Technology Crystal Co., Ltd. spread throughout the world in a very short time, which surprised many people, but there were also some people who instantly thought of Mars from the space portal!

After all, a person who can become the most senior member of a technology crystallization company must first be rich, very rich! Because the technology crystal company's products are never cheap!

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