Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 827:

In Donghai City, Zheng Jia did not wait long before receiving a reply from Cheng Yuan.

When she opened it for inspection, she found that Cheng Yuan did not express any opinion on her arrangement, but urged her to complete the construction of the space portal as soon as possible.

Although surprised, Zheng Jia immediately asked Xiao Qin to execute Cheng Yuan's orders.

Next, she sorted out the data of the Donghai City branch in her office alone. Through these data, she suddenly discovered that today's Donghai City, the land prices and house prices are simply too cheap. Many citizens who dare to return to Donghai City in advance are buying a lot Real estate around them.

To this phenomenon, the Tokai City Government did not even come forward to prevent it!

This surprised Zheng Jia a little, but she carefully thought about it for a while and understood the reason. Although Donghai City used to have a lot of land and money, many places have already had heads of households.

However, after the war, many places have become land without owners. At this time, you can easily get the land you want only by looking for the local management office.

In addition, in order to re-ignite the prosperity of Donghai City, government staff will not refuse to those who want to buy land and houses.

Regarding these people's practices, Zheng Jia can only express regret that their investment is very likely to lose money. Although the existence of space portals will boost the economy of some areas of Tokai.

But once the news of Mars development spreads, it will affect the whole country and the entire world! By that time, the depreciation of house prices and land would be certain.

After a brief review of these materials, most of them are documents related to the construction of surrounding land and dealings with the government.

Zheng Jia didn't pay much attention to these documents. She mainly looked at the construction of the entire space portal.

Through the actual file content on the holographic screen, Zheng Jia found that the progress of the project here can be said to be very slow. Although the company did not dispatch too many intelligent robots, there were also many, there were 800 units!

With the ability of intelligent robots, even the largest portal should be built! ?

Zheng Jia's eyes flashed unpleasantly, and Shen Sheng said to his assistant not far away, "Xiao Qin, call Yu Hongtao, I have something to ask him."

"Okay, President Zheng." Qin Qin nodded and quickly notified Yu Hongtao.

When Yu Hongtao was still glad that he had just left the construction site, the phone rang again, and the smart assistant promptly reminded: "Sir, it's President Zheng's phone."


Yu Hongtao dare not neglect, quickly parked the car by the roadside, and then carefully connected the phone: "General Zheng, what do you want?"

"You come back. I have a lot of questions about the progress of the construction of the space portal. After all, you have been in Donghai for the longest time."

Zheng Jia didn't talk nonsense, and directly stated his purpose.

Yu Hongtao heard a word of silence, and then he showed a sorrow. He really didn't do anything about this matter. After all, he knew the company's system and the convenience and influence brought by his status.

He doesn't want to lose weight because of small things. If he fiddles with such an important project, the consequences will definitely be ugly. So in this regard, Yu Hongtao was ashamed, and he immediately replied, "I'll be right back!"

Seeing Yu Hongtao's so crisp answer, Zheng Jia was a little surprised, and her views on Hong Tao were also a little higher. Where can I fiddle with it?

Zheng Jia doesn't mind that some people in the company use their identity to make some personal gain for themselves. After all, the human heart is complicated, and everyone hopes that they can be better.

These things ca n’t be blocked, as long as they do n’t harm the company ’s interests, what can happen with one eye closed and the other closed?

No one can ask others to be saintly.

"It seems this Yu Hongtao is very interesting!"

After hanging up the phone, Zheng Jia gave a small chuckle, and Qin Qin beside her smiled with a pout, but she didn't talk.

Soon, the office door was knocked, and Yu Hongtao pushed in and walked in.

"General Zheng, do you have any doubts about the construction process, you can just ask." Yu Hongtao went straight to the subject as soon as he entered, with a serious face on his face.

Zheng Jia nodded secretly to Hong Tao's attitude. She asked: "The company has sent a full 800 intelligent robots. According to the capabilities of intelligent robots, the progress should not be so slow!"

After Zheng Jia raised a question, Yu Hongtao just wanted to explain, but was interrupted by Zheng Jia's hand. "I don't care why you didn't dispatch all the intelligent robots before. From now on, all intelligent robots will join the construction team!"

Taking a look at Yu Hongtao in distress, Zheng Jia ignored it and continued: "Although your position was downgraded, I did not transfer you back. You should be able to understand my intention to do so."

Upon hearing this, Yu Hongtao nodded quickly: "Yes, I understand what you mean, President Zheng, and I will solve this problem properly!"

"It's not proper, it's the fastest! At the moment when the government agrees to hand us the right to use this land, there is no reason for others to point us at it, understand?"

Zheng Jia's strength made Yu Hongtao feel bitterly in the heart ~ ~ But he also understood that as the president of the world's largest group, Zheng Jia should be so strong.

And with Zheng Jia backing him up, those little people should be able to stop for a while. Otherwise, it is not these people who can use the technology to crystallize the strength of the company!

After adding some confidence to himself, Yu Hongtao led out. After he went out, Zheng Jia told Qin Qin: "Go check it and see if you can find the reason why Yu Hongtao did this."

Although it was said that Yu Hongtao was going to solve the problem, Zheng Jia was not at ease. After all, Yu Hongtao would compromise before, but this time I'm not sure what it looks like.

Qin Qin understood.


Yu Hongtao came out again. After getting on the car, he looked back at the construction site. The construction site was kept clean and tidy from the beginning to the end, completely free from the clutter of the previous construction sites.

A large number of intelligent robots came out of the warehouse in a neat step. The original number of intelligent robot teams increased from 300 to 800 at once!

At this point, he was completely out of driving, and directly instructed his intelligence: "To Qingyuan Road, it's time to talk to that person."

"Understand, sir." The intelligent electronic synthesizer sounded, and then the car started on its own, while Yu Hongtao sat quietly in the driver's seat and meditated.

Zheng Jia's strong style made him have a headache, but there was nothing he could do, plus Zheng Jia was his top boss, and the one who lived on Qingyuan Road.

It used to be a personal thing. Now, rely on the few pieces of support, if the old guy did not run when the intelligent machine came over, otherwise there would not be such a troublesome thing now!

After all, if the old man ran away, when he came back, daylily would be cold, and the strength of the company was crystallized by technology, and this person could not set off any storms.

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