Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 826:

Anhe City, cutting-edge laboratory building.

Cheng Yuan looked at the lush vegetation on Mars through the screen. The blue sky was like a curtain of water. The white clouds hung on the sky like white cotton candy.

On the earth, the animals transported in the past few years have begun to multiply on Mars, because when it was transformed, the climate of Mars was based on the standards of the earth.

So these animals did not show any uncomfortable situation, they are all very good to live in this brand new home of Mars.

In the soft sunlight, several horned deer are bowing their heads to drink water by the lake, the lake water is clear and sweet. The sparkling lake was covered with sparkling water.

Seeing these animals living peacefully on Mars, Cheng Yuan's face showed a smile. This picture represents that Mars is completely suitable for human survival!

If it is spread, it will definitely make countless people crazy! For the transformation of Mars, Cheng Yuan is very accomplished.

Of course, he also knows that once the situation on Mars is exposed, it will make people crazy, and it will also have a greater impact.

Just when Cheng Yuan was complacent, Zero on the side suddenly reminded: "Sir, President Zheng has sent new news. She has imposed new punishment on the manager of the East China Sea branch. Do you need to see?"

Cheng Yuan didn't raise his eyelids and arbitrarily put his hands down: "No, it's just a trivial matter. How are we preparing for the Mars portal, how is the energy room?"

The space portal must not only provide the starting energy for the space gates in the two places, but also provide huge energy for the entire teleportation process!

Although the nuclear fusion reactor they built in Donghai City is huge, it is nothing like a witch building on Mars!

Mars is the core energy supply point for the entire transmission process.

It is not that Cheng Yuan does not want to build on the earth. After all, it is more convenient to build on the earth. But the problem is that on earth, there are too many problems to be solved.

Far from being easy on Mars!

Therefore, between Earth and Mars, Cheng Yuan chose the latter with little consideration.

"The energy room is ready. It is waiting for the first test. Will you go and see it by yourself?" Zero heard and immediately replied.

"Isn't it right in Donghai?" Cheng Yuan guessed the reason why the first test hadn't been started just as the zero voice had just fallen.

After all, he can send a large number of intelligent robots on Mars to build what he wants, but on Earth.

To be honest, he still has too many constraints. If he sends too many intelligent robots, who knows what will happen?

Conspiracy theories have always existed.

Even in Huaxia, there are many people in the senior management who are afraid of themselves and jealous of themselves. What they jealous of is the force they possess, and what jealous is the wealth owned by his company!

In other words, his own wealth is more appropriate, after all, the technology crystallization company is almost personally owned by him. Except for Zheng Jia owning a bit of shares, no outsider at all!

Cheng Yuan personally holds such a huge wealth, and will not share it with others, anyone will be jealous!

If it were not for Cheng Yuan's rise too quickly and suddenly, it would definitely make those jealous and powerful people divide up his company!

After all, Cheng Yuan had no power or power at the time, nor did he have any protective power! If it weren't for the high-level officials to see Cheng Yuan and give him great protection, could Cheng Yuan have today?

Now Cheng Yuan's wings are hard, but they can't eat this behemoth. Not to mention how many families the technology crystallization company will affect, the life of Cheng Yuan alone is beyond their control!

But the other party didn't dare to move himself, and Cheng Yuan didn't want to trouble himself. Today, he is enough to make Huaxia executives jealous. It can be said that his every move is under the supervision of senior management.

As long as he does something, he will be stared at by those people! I can't wait to find some violations in Cheng Yuan's behavior, and then go online with this guide!

Although this method made him sick at most, he couldn't stop these people from like it!

"Reply to Zheng Jia by e-mail, and let her order to speed up the construction progress of Donghai City, and strive for completion within a week. After the completion, it is time to be busy!"

Cheng Yuan was sitting on a chair with one hand on his chin, and the old **** commanded the ground.

Withdrawing his gaze from the screen, Cheng Yuan began to think about the next plan. When Mars was developed, he would build a fortification in the solar system.

He did not forget that an unknown signal was sent out from the Centaur galaxy, and he didn't dare to carelessly if he didn't know the quality of the matter.

In addition, he did not dare to speak out about it. Once he said it, did he tell others clearly that he had mastered the ability of interstellar navigation?

It is not good for him to publicize such things. Or to anyone, nothing good!

If it is just a Mars resource, after a profit distribution with the high-level, both sides can be satisfied, so that you can slowly overcome the conflict of interests brought about by the development of Mars.

But a little bit of interstellar navigation ability is known to others, some people may be jealous and mad, even against him at all costs!

By then ~ ~ these jealous lunatics will not care what society will do, what ordinary people will do. What they want more is probably the ability of interstellar navigation and finding a resource-rich planet for themselves!

A company rules a planet, or even several planets. This can make people crazy!

In a real society, in order to beat hundreds of thousands of people, I dare to ignore some laws! For millions, hire thugs for various intimidations, threats, and more!

As for the dispute of tens of millions of economic interests, it is definitely able to buy a murderous degree! As for the law, in their eyes, as long as there is money, the law is only a tool for them!

Even if money doesn't work in Huaxia, they can turn around and run abroad!

With hundreds of millions of interests involved, the whole process is even more brutal and dangerous, so that no one can find any evidence!

And dead people are still silent, and it may take years or decades to be found. It is more likely that no one will find that someone has disappeared in this billion-dollar interest dispute in a lifetime!

To what extent can the chain of interest represented by interstellar navigation?

Cheng Yuan himself can't evaluate it, he only knows that he only developed resources to a small extent in the solar system, and developed himself to this level!

And this is only a small area, and it has not yet counted the coming Star Fortress of the Titan.

So, the benefits that an interstellar voyage can bring are inestimable. Anyone who knows it will fight for it!

Even if they understand that just having interstellar navigation capabilities will not necessarily get the corresponding benefits, but it is a possibility, it is enough for them!

When Cheng Yuan thought about the next plan, Zero had quietly left, and at the same time passed his instructions to Zheng Jia, who was far away in Donghai City.

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