Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 688:

Zheng Jia came with a smile on his face, and Cheng Yuan's face also had a smile on his face.

After all, everyone else came to see you in person with a smile, and you still have to be in a sloppy manner, isn't it obvious to people?

"Mr. Cheng, I'm bothering you again!" Zhao Jun held a blue file in his hand, and was very polite when he met.

Cheng Yuan got up, shook hands, and laughed: "Mayor Zhao joked." Cheng Yuan also politely, and then went straight to the subject: "But you still need to come here in person?"

Theoretically, as the top part of Anhe City, there must be a lot of things about Zhao Jun. In addition, in the recent period, the speed of development of Anhe City is really impressive. Busy, how could he have time to talk in person.

Zhao Jun smiled and said solemnly: "To discuss the matter with Mr. Cheng, of course, we have to come in person, otherwise how can we show our sincerity."

Zhao Jun shouted a little, his attitude surprised Cheng Yuan a bit. Although he was very polite when he contacted Zhao Jun normally, Cheng Yuan saw him for the first time.

Cheng Yuan calmly glanced at Zheng Jia who hadn't spoken beside Zhao Jun. Zheng Jia saw his own Xing Ban's eyes, quietly pursed a smile, and nodded slightly, indicating that nothing was wrong.

Seeing this, Cheng Yuan was relieved, and the smile on his face was even more humbly: "Oh, Mayor Zhao has lifted me up too much, I'm just an ordinary businessman."

"Mr. Cheng is not an ordinary businessman." Zhao Jun smiled, and waited for Cheng Yuan to reply, his face was a little more serious, and he said, "Mr. Cheng, the cold thing is here, let's talk about business." . "

If it is placed on others, Zhao Jun's sudden change of speech may make the other party unhappy, but Zhao Jun knows Cheng Yuan's style and personality very well.

In the past, when he came to Cheng Yuan, the words of greetings never exceeded ten sentences, because he was also very clear about Cheng Yuan's straight character.

Sure enough, Cheng Yuan didn't get dissatisfied because of Zhao Jun's way of speaking, but nodded happily: "Mayor Zhao knows my personality, so I don't need to talk too much here, just finish it.

After the three were done separately, Zhao Jun put the blue paper in his hand on the coffee table, then pushed it in front of Cheng Yuan, and signaled: "Mr. Cheng, if you look at the content of our negotiation, you can directly Sign, if there are any dissatisfaction, you can also say it, I will go back and discuss it. "

Cheng Yuan nodded, not polite, but instead of touching the blue paper on the coffee table, he said to Zero: "zero, scan it."

"Okay, sir." Zero replied, while a blue light was shining on the glass table where the blue paper was placed, and the light swept across the surface of the blue paper.

Almost in two or three years of sucking time, a holographic screen appeared in front of Cheng Yuan, and the screen content was exactly the content of a blue file.

This kind of technology made Zhao Jun almost stunned. When did scanning become so simple? He knew very well that there were several paper documents in the blue file.

But at this time he didn't take the liberty to ask, after all, Cheng Yuan was looking at the documents very tightly.

Cheng Yuan flipped through the page very quickly. After reading the contents of the file in less than two minutes, he found that the contents negotiated by the municipal government were not faulty.

After reading the document, Cheng Yuan looked at Zheng Jia aside.

Zheng Jia saw this and naturally understood Cheng Yuan's meaning. She was not polite. She reached out her palm and gently pressed it against the holographic screen. She turned her palm inward, pointed her at the holographic screen, and began to look seriously.

Regarding Cheng Yuan's and Zheng Jia's behavior, Zhao Jun naturally looked in his eyes, but he turned a blind eye and drank the plain boiled water sent by Fang Jing without saying a word.

Zheng Jia didn't look at the files as fast as Cheng Yuan. Zhao Junpin took the boiled water for half a skew, and seemed to want to drink a different flavor from the boiled water.

After a half-incline, Zheng Jia pushed the holographic screen lightly, turned it off, and nodded to Cheng Yuan, "Boss, there is no problem, you can sign."

As soon as Zheng Jia's words fell, the assistant Fang Jing promptly took out a pen and offered it to Cheng Yuan.

Cheng Yuan took the fountain pen and signed his name very neatly. Although his pen writing was awful, at least no one would jump out and blame him.

After Cheng Yuan signed his name, Zhao Jun slowly put down the tea cup in his hand and said with a smile: "Mr. Cheng, I hope the next cooperation is happy!"

"Mayor Zhao is polite." Cheng Yuan politely replied, then took the glass in front of himself and took a sip.

His movement Zhao Jun naturally saw in his eyes, and he was naturally clear about Cheng Yuan's behavior of directly sending off passengers after talking about things.

If not, he would naturally not bother much and would just get up and leave.

But this time, he didn't. After seeing Cheng Yuan's drinking water, Zhao Jun blinked, as if he hadn't seen it, and laughed: "Mr. Cheng, since you have signed the agreement, this is the future of the technology crystallization company. The supervisor of the conscription rewards is here, for this reason our city government held a banquet, and I hope Mr. Cheng and Mrs. Zhuang can come here with great pleasure. "

"Banquet?" As soon as Cheng Yuan heard it, he was ready to say no, but before he said it, Zhao Jun seemed to know that Cheng Yuan had the idea of ​​rejection, and said quickly: "Mr. Cheng, this banquet is not an ordinary celebration banquet. , There are some more important things, so please don't refuse! "

Zhao Jun's solemn appearance seemed to interest Cheng Yuan. He gently lowered his glass and smiled: "You say that, it seems that this banquet is not easy, right? Tell me."

Cheng Yuan did not agree directly, but asked the theme of the banquet.

Looking at Cheng Yuan who was very interested ~ ~ Zhao Jun hesitated for a moment, then said a little embarrassingly: "It is a banquet for fundraising, we will invite celebrities from all walks of life in this city.

In exchange for others, the banquets of the city government are of course coveted by them, but when Cheng Yuan is here, the name may not be attractive.

"What are you doing to raise funds?" Cheng Yuan was curious.

Zhao Jun gave a cough: "This is not the money for the conscription. Although a batch of money will be broadcast above, it is only a part of it, and the rest is the responsibility of each city."

Zhao Jun said this, Cheng Yuan suddenly suddenly.

However, he did not have any negative views on this matter. Since the above agreed to let the technology crystal company be one of the supervisors, it must be a guarantee that no misappropriation of money will occur.

After all, a technology crystallization company is not an organization unit, and it doesn't need to look at the face of their internal staff to handle affairs, which largely curbs the 'appropriation' phenomenon.

Even if a certain employee inside the technology crystal company is not confluent, because all the work of the technology crystal company is almost semi-intelligent, as long as the data is slightly wrong, it will be immediately detected.

The intensity of intelligent terror supervision is clear to every employee of a technology crystallization company.

Besides, now that intelligence is developed and information channels are even more open, there is a clear data on the total amount of money, where income is spent, and no one is worried about it.

In addition to the supervision, the amount is indeed unaffordable. After all, one person rewards hundreds of thousands. The army of millions of people counts as hundreds of billions of dollars!

With such a huge amount of capital, in the era when Hua Xia currency is the world's mainstream currency, even Hua Xia itself can't take it for a while!

[Remember the website three five Chinese website]

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