Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 687:

The two people's ideas are the same, after all, the Phobos spacecraft itself comes from the centaur's own civilization, and it is not clear whether it is Cheng Yuan or Zero.

It is now a dead domain without any trace of life, or there is already a new civilization, or it has been occupied by another civilization.

Everything is unknown, so there is nothing wrong with heart.

After making this decision, Cheng Yuan looked at the star chart again for a while, then waved his hand to close the star chart.

Although a golden route excites Cheng Yuan, the excitement returns to excitement, and some things still need to be taken slowly.

"Zero, about the technology of the ring magnetic field, you try to add it in the future when you make the spacecraft." Cheng Yuan thought for a while, and said, "Also, look at the situation on Mars."

Cheng Yuan suddenly thought that after so long on Mars, it should be almost ready. After all, although the production of ozone is very troublesome, it is not too difficult under the absolute advantage of science and technology.

Although artificially produced ozone differs from natural ozone in a certain concentration, at least artificially produced ozone can be produced endlessly.

Moreover, Cheng Yuan could not always hang those equipments on Mars' atmosphere. After ozone is released to a certain extent, with the slow ozone produced by Mars itself, this vacancy will soon be filled.

"Sir, I have installed 130,000 ozone-making instruments in the atmosphere of Mars. According to the manufacturing power of the equipment, it is expected that the time will be between eight months and seventeen months." Zero return.

Cheng Yuan heard his words and frowned suddenly: "Why is there such a big gap?"

Eight months and seventeen months, but this time is more than doubled, Cheng Yuan naturally wondered.

"This is calculated based on Mars' own ozone production speed, but the ozone production speed will change with the oxygen emissions from the vegetation we plant. Eight months is the fastest time, and seventeen months is the slowest. Time. "Zero explained lightly.

Cheng Yuan's frowned frowned, thinking that it would take about two years to solve the intelligent machine, and he reluctantly sighed, "Well, although it has taken a long time, it can still be regarded as catching up."

Cheng Yuan then stopped asking questions about Mars. After all, everything was done. Now I can only wait patiently, but I hope that it will not be completed in seventeen months.

After all, he wants to start other projects on Mars earlier.

Sitting on the sofa for a moment of contemplation, Cheng Yuan cleaned up his thoughts well. The things to give had already been given, and he didn't need to do much next.

Seeing that he was fine, Cheng Yuanqi was preparing to go home.

But as soon as he stood up, Fang Jing suddenly came over and said to Cheng Yuan in a low voice: "Boss, President Zheng is coming soon. Would you wait?"

After hearing Yuan Yuan's words, he was surprised: "Zheng Jia? What's the matter with her when she comes to me? Wouldn't it be nice if I could contact me by phone?"

On the contrary, Cheng Yuan's surprised look surprised Fang Jing. She was surprised: "Boss, don't you know?"

Seeing this, Cheng Yuan was baffled: "What should I know?"

Fang Jing looked at Cheng Yuan's bewildered look and did not seem to be pretending, and immediately reminded: "The government has let our company be responsible for supervising the soldiers' rewards. The army will come to discuss with you how to handle this matter. "

As Fang Jing said so, Cheng Yuan instantly thought of the news he had seen at home before.

But he didn't want to do these troublesome things, he frowned slightly: "Is it better to leave it to Zheng?"

Seeing Cheng Yuan was unwilling, Fang Jing could only smile bitterly, but she patiently persuaded: "Boss, I think you must participate in this matter, because your presence can really make those soldiers feel relieved."

Fang Jing said in front of Cheng Yuan that she would never jump out of a word when she was put outside. After all, when she said this, it was clear that she was questioning the credibility of the above.

Such things can be big or small, and she doesn't want to trouble herself. After all, if ordinary people said such things, no one would care.

I haven't seen so many resentful people on the Internet making unscrupulous remarks. There are many followers, but they will not have much impact.

So, just open one eye and close one eye, and let them talk, after all, this way can also let them vent their anger.

But she is different. As Cheng Yuan's assistant, what she says is likely to be considered as Cheng Yuan's expression.

"Really?" When Cheng Yuan heard it, he immediately became interested. Although he felt that he might be holding on to himself intentionally, Cheng Yuan could not help but feel so happy for so many people.

Fang Jingsha nodded his head, "It's true, Mr. Zheng and Mayor Zhao will be back in a while. Please wait."

"Cough!" Cheng Yuan coughed softly. "Since that's the case, I'll wait again."

Seeing Cheng Yuan agree to come down, Fang Jing quietly sighed, but before she was completely relaxed, Cheng Yuan asked again: "Fang Jing, did Zheng always say when he will come?"

Fang Jing quickly responded: "General Manager Zheng said to come immediately, he may have come up by the elevator."

"Really? Why didn't she notify me in advance?" Cheng Yuan muttered on the sofa, then stopped looking at Fang Jing, and asked Zero: "Zero, where's Zheng Jia?"

"Sir, President Zheng Jia and Mayor Zhao Jun are taking the elevator." Zero answered his question almost at the same time as Cheng Yuan asked.

Cheng Yuan frowned. "Haven't received a phone notification before?"

"No, I haven't received Zheng Jia's call here, and our signal is normal." Zero answered the two questions at once, eliminating Cheng Yuan from continuing to ask.

However, Cheng Yuan was surprised ~ ~ That's weird. Why did Zheng Jia forget this thing? Is it because the phone forgot to bring it? Cheng Yuan could not help looking at Fang Jing.

Because Fang Jing knew everything, but he didn't.

Feeling Cheng Yuan's shifted gaze, Fang Jing replied calmly: "Boss, according to the company's regulations, President Zheng's phone contacted me as soon as possible."

Cheng Yuan poked, "I don't want this answer."

"Zheng's phone is at home, and we can only reach us through the internal line, but the internal line is connected to my phone." Fang Jing said seriously.

"Oh!" Cheng Yuan was stunned, grinning, "I'll just say, when Zheng Jia is in trouble, he will always notify me the first time."

Seeing Cheng Yuan's look like this, Fang Jing would like to roll his eyes. If I want to go to you directly with everything, my assistant would not want to?

Just go and be your nanny? Jing slandered two words in her heart, although she also felt that she was now infinitely close to the position of nanny.

After all, the company's chairman, Cheng Yuan, is basically not used for many things, which has caused her, the chairman's assistant, to have almost nothing to do.

Of course, Fang Jing won't have nothing to do, but now intelligent machines are still threatening human beings. Although Huaxia's situation is the best, there have been some changes in some aspects.

There are problems in the economic system and it is very difficult to find jobs. After a short period of decline, housing prices have ushered in another explosive growth.

In her position, there is nothing missing, she would not be stupid to say something to prove herself, and then resign smartly.

When she was thinking wildly, the sound of the elevator outside suddenly sounded, and then Zheng Jia and Zhao Jun came out of the elevator side by side.

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