Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 646:

Cheng Yuan is fast in his work. As soon as the conversation with No. 1 ended, he ordered the use of nano-mechanical insects to build a quantum network base station in Ryukyu and Hong Kong Island. Tomato Novel Network ☆ -``-`

The next thing does not require Cheng Yuan to do anything, because the hardware device [Blue Mobile Phone] used by the quantum network is very popular on Hong Kong Island and Ryukyu.

These two places are at most some traditional and network media that need to replace some electronic devices.

Dismissing Yang Qiaoyuan, who looked extremely excited, Cheng Yuan went back.

Today, the overall international situation is not very good. Intelligent machines are still raging. The only thing that makes people feel hopeful is that all communications have also been restored in these days.

After the establishment of the quantum network, Cheng Yuan has been able to start the three satellites that Rockefeller Jr sent up. The three satellites have undergone a long-term transformation and are no different from the satellite that he launched.

The restoration of communication made people who need more isolated defense bases feel that they are not alone, although they think so even before communication is restored.

But in the absence of news, their mood was still tense and tense.

So now people in any country are greatly relieved.


Not to mention what happened to the situation abroad, on the second day, after confirming that the global information had been restored, Huaxia directly announced the situation in the Southeast Asian Peninsula and the changes in Hong Kong Island and Ryukyu through the quantum network!

Around the world, holographic screens floating in the air suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes. The head of Huaxia No. 1 had a deep look and looked straight ahead, his voice was heavy. ☆ Tomato ○ Novel Network-

"This year is a turbulent year. The greatest crisis in human history has been born! Intelligent machines, artificial intelligence created by humans have betrayed humans. They have launched extremely violent attacks on humans around the world. So far, The number of casualties has exceeded 100 million! There are also countless subverted cities, and the human living environment has been greatly compressed! "

In the global quantum network, the head of Huaxia No. 1 appeared in the front page video of the quantum network, and he said with a sad expression, "This is a global disaster!"

Those suffering viewers could not help expressing sorrow after listening to the speech on the 1st, but in contrast, the people in China are a little curious. Although they know that foreign people and intelligent machines are playing Very fierce, but they have not personally experienced the kind of displacement they did not feel at all!

They were just curious. Why did No. 1 suddenly deliver a speech, and why was this speech not notified in advance? So suddenly?

In their doubts, No. 1 continued: "Just yesterday, the intelligent machine launched a violent attack again, and the Southeast Asian peninsula in the south of our country was completely occupied in less than half an hour, and the population was not alive!"

"We are shocked by the power of intelligent machines, angry at the brutality of intelligent machines, and at the same time have compassion for the people of Southeast Asian countries who have fled.`````- ''

"So yesterday, we accepted the request of the people who fled in Southeast Asia, organized a large number of troops, and launched a counterattack on the Southeast Asian peninsula."

"Today, we are fortunate that we have completely eliminated the intelligent machinery inside Southeast Asian countries, but it is regrettable that Southeast Asia now has no original prosperity cities, and only the empty ruins remain."

No. 1 had a calm face and a deep sorrow in his voice. He continued: "At the request of the peoples of Southeast Asian peninsulas, from now on, the Southeast Asian peninsula will become a new province in China, Nanyang Province!"

The last sentence of No. 1 said, everyone watching around the world was shocked, and Cheng Yuan smiled.

No. 1 said so righteously, what it means is that in the future, the Southeast Asian peninsula is already the territory of Huaxia!

When the crowd was still in shock, No. 1 spoke again, and he said solemnly: "The intelligent machinery crisis has seriously threatened the survival of human beings. Although there are still many places that have not been attacked, the absence of this does not mean that the future No! "

The words of No. 1 made all the leaders of all countries watched, especially those in Africa and the Middle East. Because they have no artificial intelligence at all, they have always been in their original state. -`````-`

It's just that communication in these places is inherently difficult. After the communication is completely gone, it seems more disorderly and chaotic.

But no matter how chaotic and how they fight, they are all human struggles. Now that they have a unified enemy, they naturally let go of their own interests and hatred for the time being.

Through the video, No. 1 naturally did not know what the leaders who heard him thought. He just calmly said what he had prepared and said, "To better fight against intelligent machines, to Unified economy, resources, manpower and technology, I hereby announce that Ryukyu and Hong Kong Island have also become an integral part of China! "

"We will unify our currency, our laws, and our policies!"

"At the same time, I hereby announce the establishment of a new federal government! Our goal is to completely eliminate intelligent machinery and give humans a safe living environment!" The voice of No. 1 was powerful and loud!

And when he finished the last sentence, there was a sudden outburst of cheering in China!

Because No. 1 is already very straightforward, as long as he is not a fool, all viewers can understand what No. 1 wants to express.

The establishment of the federal government represents a truly global change from a scattered country to a unified system, which is a very significant change. Tomato ○ ☆ Novel △ Web ☆ -`-``--`--

In the past, such words can only be regarded as jokes, but in this special period, this will become a reality!

Because nowadays, only Huaxia can truly compete with intelligent machines in the world, and Huaxia announced the establishment of a federal government, naturally the purpose is to give those surviving countries a choice.

Join the federal government, become a member of the Intelligent Machine Against Opposition, and accept Huaxia's deployment! Or refuse, then they may become the next target of intelligent machinery.

And Hua Xia may also revoke the protection of quantum networks and intelligent robotic forces.

This is deadly for many countries!

At this time, as a member of Huaxia, everyone is extremely proud! Because as the initiator of this opinion, Huaxia will be the undisputed leader in the federal government in the future!

They are different from others in status!

How can this not keep them excited and excited?

And they are very sure that such a request cannot be rejected by any country now!

The short video is over, leaving a shocking crowd. And Cheng Yuan was stunned at this time, long before the calm smile.

He was shocked that Huaxia executives had such a big heart and wanted to directly dominate the world through such a method!

And the feasibility of this method is still very high!

This made him have to sigh. Sure enough, none of them was a fool. He could think of gaining benefits from it, and others would naturally think of it.

Especially the other person's vision and layout, Cheng Yuan compared himself, he found that there was no comparison!

If you do n’t go far, you do n’t feel any dissatisfaction. After all, everyone ’s living environment and position determine his own perspective and direction on things.

Cheng Yuan quickly adjusted his mentality at this time. He frowned and said in a deep voice: "Zero, it seems we are going to speed up the Mars transformation plan!"

"Sir, the current Mars transformation plan is already the optimal solution. If you make a sudden change, you will have inestimable consequences. Are you sure?" Zero said.

The zero answer made Cheng Yuan silent for a while. Although he was not very strong in looking at things, he could see some future developments from the current practice of Huaxia's senior management.

The establishment of a unified federal government cannot be changed. In order to survive, all countries in the world have to join in it. Once it enters, then Huaxia can be said to be able to fully mobilize the global economy and materials.

By then, they will also be able to create a large number of intelligent robots and intelligent machinery to fight!

What makes Cheng Yuan nervous is not the confrontation between Huaxia and intelligent machinery. After all, intelligent machinery is still easy for him to solve.

But the establishment of the federal government will greatly limit his development.

This is what Cheng Yuan is most reluctant to see. After all, he still has a lot of things to do, especially after the particle accelerator penetrated the space last time, and the monster that appeared on that end made Cheng Yuan sorely!

The opponent can reach the earth directly through the space wormhole by virtue of his domineering physique, then the opponent can directly sense the material of [space].

In this way, Cheng Yuan could not guarantee that the number of the other party was only one! Perhaps there will be more of the same monsters on the other side of the space wormhole, waiting to enter the earth.

It is also possible that the other party is secretly studying the method of reopening the space wormhole ...

All of this is unknown, although Cheng Yuan would like to say to himself that this is a worrying thought, it's fine! But after all, Cheng Yuan couldn't let it go. After all, the other party was not good in terms of appearance.

What's more, ~ ~ The exchange between civilizations is also based on equal force, because it is impossible for elephants to communicate with ants!

Therefore, Cheng Yuan eagerly wanted faster development.

And wanting rapid development without restrictions, Cheng Yuan can only shift his focus to Mars, because there is no land, and anything he does on it will not affect the earth.

Of course, it will not affect the ecological security of the earth. As for other aspects, Cheng Yuan dare not say what to guarantee.

At present, nothing can be changed in the reform of Mars. Cheng Yuan can only shift his eyes to the weapons. After all, equal force, naturally, it is necessary to show the fists of both sides!

"Zero, the monster we saw that day, do ordinary energy weapons work?"

"Sorry, sir. Based on how long the other party has survived in the TLE environment, ordinary energy weapons are extremely limited." Zero replied regretfully.

Cheng Yuan didn't feel surprised, he raised an eyebrow, "What about high-frequency vibration?" (To be continued.)

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