Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 645:

With the powerful action of the state machine, everything within its power seems to be worthless. Whether it is resettlement of newly-populated people or issues related to the country, the most perfect results are obtained in a short period of time. ▽ □ △△ Fiction Net ▽ `` `----

First of all, in Ryukyu, after Huaxia issued a solemn notice, the face of Ryukyu's high-level executives was as ugly as it was ugly. After all, such a notice in Huaxia is equivalent to a disguised warning and threat!

How can this make them comfortable?

However, facing such warnings from China, they did not dare to veto or oppose it immediately. Because they are very clear, if one of them objected, then Huaxia would dare to withdraw from the previously deployed intelligent robot army.

Without the protection of the intelligent robot army, then intelligent machinery will definitely attack it.

This is absolutely unacceptable to them.

Can one think that if Ryukyu really becomes a province in China, then they will have the status they have today? Having enjoyed the taste of power, they will naturally not give up what they already have.

If put in the usual time, they may still hesitate to fight for some deserved benefits.

But in today's international situation, the only thing they can do is compromise!

So they agreed.

Moreover, they also have their own careful thinking. Although they agreed, Hua Xia certainly did not dare to change people casually. After all, there is a local governance method in one place. It is not a good move to pretend to be a substitute. △△ ○ Tomato △ Novel ▽ Net--```--``--`

Often new leaders need to be familiar with half a year or even one or two years when they enter the local area, and then they need to be governed. At the familiarization stage, they need the support of lower-level cadres.

This is why there are various factions in the dynamic system. After all, when there is support, there will be clusters.

In this case, even if these people have no idea at first, they will form a community of interests over time.

So in their thoughts, even if they promised that Ryukyu would become a province in Huaxia, those who led Ryukyu would still be them, and this would not change.

With such an idea, they agreed.


Secondly, it is Hong Kong Island. This place is very special. Although it has already returned as early as 1997, it implements the form of "one place, two systems", independent leadership screening, independent administrative system, independent economic system ...

If all of these are independent, even Huaxia needs a passport to go to Hong Kong Island!

What is the difference between this and going abroad?

Has anyone heard of the need for a country to apply for a passport across the provinces? This is just kidding!

If this situation occurs, is Hong Kong Island still the land of China? At most, even if it is a superficial recognition, Huaxia must continue to provide them with various benefits and support for this recognition!

Whether economic or military!

Perhaps the ancestors intended to use this method to make changes subtly, but now that there are such good opportunities, they will naturally not let them go. Fan ○ eggplant novel network`-

Moreover, the geographical location of Hong Kong Island is so special that it will not have much advantage in the future, because the entire Southeast Asian peninsula has become the land of China, and commercial sea ports can already be transferred from Hong Kong Island to the lower level!

Therefore, Huaxia's senior executives have the confidence to say such things. It's a big wait for you to be half-disabled by intelligent machines. Most people have fled to China's inland and they will slowly accept it!

Although it is cruel to do so, for the longer term, some pains are acceptable!

The current principal on Hong Kong Island naturally knows the situation inside. Compared with Ryukyu, they are more able to accept China's notice.

Without any hesitation, they immediately agreed to the demands of Huaxia executives!

Of course, the discussions between the high-level officials have been completed, but it takes time to prepare the news. After all, there are no quantum networks in Hong Kong Island and Ryukyu.

When they first built the city network, although they also applied to the technology crystallization company, although the process was far away, they have always been behind them. Fanqie Novel Network `` -``-`

From Cheng Yuan's point of view, so many provinces and cities in China have not been installed yet. How can you install them in advance?

So this matter has been delayed.

Then, with the outbreak of the intelligent machinery crisis, and everyone was in danger, the incident was unknowingly delayed.

So now whether they are Hong Kong Island or Ryukyu, the people there have also lived in a closed information environment for a long time.

After receiving a satisfactory response from Huaxia executives, No. 1 and the other eight people were naturally in a better mood. They immediately had a small exchange.

No one knows what the content of the exchange was, but on the 1st, Yang Qiaoyuan, who had just returned to the capital and had not been in the smart center for a long time, immediately flew to Anhe City.

After receiving the order, Yang Qiaoyuan was very depressed. He had just explained the information he had received from Cheng Yuan with the managers and researchers of the Intelligent Center.

I haven't seen these people verify yet, but I have to go to Anhe City again.

Although Yang Qiaoyuan was depressed, he did not dare to disobey the order. After all, this was issued by No. 1 himself, and he did not dare to violate it by borrowing 10,000 leopards.

Therefore, after receiving the order, he hurriedly flew to Anhe City. Fan ☆ Sohu Novel Network also knew the purpose of his visit to Anhe City.

"Building a quantum network base station for Hong Kong Island and Ryukyu?"

In the state-of-the-art laboratory, Cheng Yuan received Yang Qiaoyuan, but when he heard Yang Qiaoyuan explain his intention, he paused for a moment before he said it.

Yang Qiaoyuan nodded solemnly, "Yes, it was the order No. 1 personally issued!"

Yang Qiaoyuan was afraid of Cheng Yuan's resistance, and he quickly said the number one, but he was very clear about Cheng Yuan's attitude towards this matter.

Hong Kong Island and Ryukyu have applied for the urban network very early. However, the long journey is not to do it. The reason is also: "How can we give priority to outsiders if we have not benefited from our country?"

This sentence was spoken at first, and the person who came to ask was almost scared to death. After all, if ordinary people talk about it, it will be a joke and no one will bother.

Who is Cheng Yuan? The world's top celebrity, in his capacity, how could his words be seen as a joke?

So the person who inquired at the time immediately quit and hurriedly reported Cheng Yuan's attitude ...

"Oh !? No.1 said it in person? What benefit did they give No.1?" Cheng Yuan was a little surprised.

Yang Qiaoyuan heard the words, and then hesitated, and then smiled bitterly: "This ... I don't know too much ... but it should not be a bad thing."

"You don't know." Cheng Yuan carefully looked at Yang Qiaoyuan for a moment and felt that he had not lied. Then he said tentatively: "You reply to No. 1, Xinjiang and Tibet have not yet succeeded in building. Wait a month? "

"This ..." Yang Qiaoyuan was dumbfounded when he heard it.

Although there was a number one order, Cheng Yuan did not eat this set, and he was helpless. But he didn't dare nod his head now, after all, it was the exact opposite of No. 1's order.

"You wait, I want to ask the chief." Yang Qiaoyuan was unsure of his own ideas, and naturally asked the leaders for their opinions.

But before he did anything, Cheng Yuan frowned and waved his hand, saying, "Forget it, I'll do it myself."

"Zero, help me contact Chief One." Cheng Yuan commanded.

Zero responded quickly: "Okay, sir."

As soon as the zero voice fell, Cheng Yuan came up with a holographic screen, and soon the old man appeared on the screen.

"Cheng Yuan, is Yang Qiaoyuan here with you?" It was not unexpected to see Cheng Yuan on the 1st, but nodded with a smile.

Cheng Yuan also smiled and said, "Yes, he's right next to me, but what's the order you gave him, can I find out the details?"

He didn't have any surprises on the 1st. He still smiled. "This is okay. I have decided to divide Hong Kong Island and Ryukyu into a province within China. In the future, people in China will not need a passport to go to these two places. There will be no more Taiwanese and Hong Kong dollars. "

No. 1 downplayed these things, but Yang Qiaoyuan, who was listening to Cheng Yuan, became thicker. Although the process was shocked, his face did not change much.

He didn't make nonsense, and said directly: "This is a good thing. This thing is wrapped up in me, and I will arrange for someone to handle it immediately."

Cheng Yuan Lisuo ’s answer made No. 1 nod with satisfaction, and he smiled: “Then it ’s hard for you, remember to do it as soon as possible, after all, you have to inform everyone about this.”

"That's natural, just 30 minutes, but the hardware of the quantum network requires them to pay for it." Cheng Yuan smiled, and did not forget to mention the money.

No. 1 smiled, and then ended the call.

"Cheng Yuan, this is true !?" As soon as the call ended, Yang Qiaoyuan couldn't wait to shout ~ ~ with a very excited expression.

Cheng Yuan glanced at Yang Qiaoyuan, who had beaten chicken blood, and spread his hands. "Of course it is true, otherwise you thought No. 1 would be kidding you?"

"Hey, hey, hey ..." Yang Qiaoyuan heard the words, and then he smirked.

Cheng Yuan ignored the smirking Yang Qiaoyuan, and he was quite surprised by the practices of the Huaxia executives. He thought that the Huaxia executives had the "great mind" and the same as the descendants of Huaxia to protect these two places for free. .

But it came out like this!

This greatly surprised him.

If No. 1 knew the thoughts in Cheng Yuan's mind, he would certainly cry and laugh. If the entire high-level minds of Huaxia had such thoughts, could Huaxia still rise?

In their eyes, there are only suitable and inappropriate, if this thing is suitable to do, then they will do it! If not, they stop moving.

The decision on the question is only one of two. (To be continued.)

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