Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1047: Step 1 success

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The reconnaissance spacecraft was lined up without any cover. Before Bei Yi had issued an attack order, countless nanobots carrying viruses were released.

Tiny nano-robots, like sand grains, have not attracted the attention of Beye in the dark universe.

Compared to the reconnaissance spacecraft, Bei Yiyi paid more attention to Jingling's main fleet, although they have not yet found where the main fleet is.

However, the reconnaissance spacecraft has no fighting power, and it can be solved by simply sending a team, so he is not too concerned.

Although Olfa felt strange, he didn't think much.

After all, any small means in front of absolute strength are useless.

"I found out that the other main force is in the direction of the eighth cantilever, 230,000 kilometers away from us, very close!"

Just then, the observer suddenly shouted, his voice refreshed Beyer and Orfa.

"Let the patrol team resolve the reconnaissance ships. Let's see what kind of troops the Jingling dispatches this time." Bei Yi smiled, and ordered to go on.

Of course, Jingling has to tell them the result of this behavior without fear of death.

"Beijing, don't you think it's strange, why their reconnaissance spacecraft appeared in the direction of the third boom, while the main battleship was in the direction of the eighth boom."

Orfa, who hadn't thought about it before, saw this situation, and was suddenly confused in his heart.

In general, the eyes of a reconnaissance ship as a fleet should not appear in the opposite direction from the main battleship.

But this happens!

Bei Yi's face also became serious. He frowned and said, "Do you suspect that there are still their ambush in the direction of the third arm?"

Olfa nodded and said, "It's very possible! Maybe this fleet in front of us is just a bait for them. After we lock the target to the fleet in front, the ambush may launch a surprise attack!"

Pui Yi nodded slightly. "You make sense, but ..."

"But what?" Olfa said unhappyly. "Is there something wrong with my analysis?"

Pei Yi glanced at Orfa and explained with a quick laugh: "Of course not, your analysis is not impossible. I just want to say that even if they have an ambush, they can give them with their backward weapons. They have not been able to break our energy shield for 10,000 years. "

"..." Olfa was speechless. Although this sentence was correct, he didn't want to lose face in front of Beyi and murmured in his mouth: "Don't be careless, after all, it is also a cosmic civilization. Maybe there are ways we do n’t know, but do n’t forget the previous battle, the opponent is not so bad! ”

Bei Yi saw Olfa eating and eating, and his mood was better. As for the last battle, although the opponent was fierce, wasn't it finally solved by him?

He laughed and laughed: "I know, I will pay attention. Let me think about what weapons are used to solve these crystal spirits this time, quantum weapons, pulse weapons have been used ..."

Seeing Bey started to consider what weapon to use to solve each other, Olfa was speechless for a while.

Although he still felt something wrong in his heart, the difference in strength between the two sides allowed him to gradually let go of this error.

Just as Bei Yi said, even if the opponent has an ambush, can those ambushers break their energy shields?

Orfa shook his head and looked at the main fleet of Crystal Spirit.


At the same time, Cheng Yuan and Zero were aggressive.

They had planned to use a reconnaissance spacecraft as a cover, and then let the nano-robot drift quietly.

It doesn't matter if the reconnaissance ship is destroyed by the Zerg, after all, their role is to attract the eyes of the Zerg, so that the nano-robots they release can stick to those Zerg ships that come to destroy the reconnaissance ship.

But Jingling suddenly appeared, which was greatly unexpected.

"Zero, doesn't it mean that it will take a while for Crystal Ling to come over?"

The appearance of the crystal spirit was a surprise to this plan, and this accident seems to be moving in a good direction.

Cheng Yuan is of course happy that things are going in a good direction, he was just surprised how Jingling came over so quickly.

Zero immediately connected to the interior of Crystal's fleet and inquired about their navigation information.

"They came through the jump. Didn't we help them avoid a Zerg attack before and gave them a certain time to escape on the lifeboat. They located by the lifeboat and jumped directly."

"It turned out to be this way, it seems that Jingling is also very interested in the Zerg spaceship, so he hurried over." Cheng Yuan smiled. No matter what Jingling had planned, their timely appearance could better help them!

Soon, Cheng Yuan saw a small fleet of about thirty flying out of the Zerg main ship. These small warships rushed towards his reconnaissance spaceship.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Yuan was relieved. As long as the opponent's warship did not detect the nano-robot, his plan was successful!

Thinking of being able to capture the Zerg spacecraft immediately, Cheng Yuan was excited.

In particular, the means by which the other party can collect spatial clusters is the focus of his attention!

This thirty Zerg warship is very fast. They don't seem to have the so-called vigilance at all.

Cheng Yuan, who is watching this scene, is not even a reconnaissance ship. Isn't he worried that these reconnaissance ships are equipped with advanced weapons?

Although it is said that the reconnaissance spacecraft will not be equipped with too many firepower equipment, one of the sequences of the reconnaissance spacecraft is naturally equipped with weapons.

Cheng Yuan watched these Zerg warships rushing for a while, hesitating for a while, and ordered: "Zero, start the attack, even if you are pretending, you have to pretend to be some."

Nodded nodly, Zerg's performance clearly shows that they look down on them.

Did they feel that the strength shown in the previous battle was not enough?

There is no nonsense, the energy barrier on the surface of the reconnaissance ship lights up, and in the face of the aggressive Zerg warship, it will rush towards the other side without retreating!


The golden barrier directly attracted Bei Yi's gaze. When he saw the golden energy barrier shining on the reconnaissance spaceship behind him, UU Reading couldn't help frowning.

"Lieutenant, you will be in charge of the subsequent battles, let the soldiers take care, that shield is not easy to destroy." Bei Yi said lightly.

The lieutenant responded quickly: "Yes, Overseer."


The specially modified reconnaissance spacecraft was extremely fast, and slammed into a Zerg warship that was too late to escape at sub-light speed. The golden energy barrier broke instantly, and the outer armor of the Zerg armor was also broken.

A large number of tiny nano-robots adhered to the outer armor surface of the Zerg battleship during the collision without causing any warning to the other party.

After this data feedback, Cheng Yuan and Zero were relieved.

They worry that if the nano-robot sticks to the opponent's warship, it will be detected. If it is detected, then their plan will be frustrated.

But now it seems that it has been successful for the time being!

М.③③χs.cóм worth collecting by book friends

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