Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1046: Invade

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"This, this, this is the space crystal cluster?" Orfa held the triangular container holding the space crystal cluster fragments, his eyes widened, and his expression was incredible.

He asked tremblingly: "How did you get it !?"

He had seen the horror of the creature hidden in the gap, the ordinary battleships did not dare to approach!

Entangled by those tentacles, the battleship was bound to be scrapped.

It was because of this that he shivered with excitement.

However, the Zerg soldier who delivered the things shook his head and said, "I don't know, Lord Olfa, the things have been given to you, I will go first."

Staring at the soldier's departure, Olfa stopped at the door of the room for a long time before returning to the room with a sigh of wonder.

Carefully placed the container on a transparent crystal shelf. Orfa admired the space fragments exuding a lavender halo for a while, and then turned away from the room and went directly to Beyer.

He must figure out how Bei Yi got the space clusters. If the method is effective, he wants to get more samples of clusters!

When Olfa hurriedly stepped into the command room, Pei raised a smile.

"Pei Yi, how you did it is simply incredible!" Olfa asked directly, without embarrassing him.

Bei Yi laughed: "Just do that, dispatch an engineering spacecraft, and collect some samples."

Olfa frowned immediately, he was dissatisfied: "Pei Yi, don't kid me, if it were that simple, I would not lose so many small collection ships!"

When Bey was fighting [Crystal], Olfa was not idle, he was constantly conducting his own research.

While observing the situation inside the forbidden area of ​​life, he kept sending small collection spacecraft to test the creatures hidden in the gap, but every time, his collection spacecraft was crushed mercilessly by that creature.

So Olfa was a little dissatisfied with Beyer's answer.

"I didn't deceive you. I just didn't think that creature had been moving for so long, so I tried to make the engineering spacecraft take a trip. I didn't expect that I actually collected some."

Bei Yi answered with a smile.

This made Olfa look aggressive, and he looked suspiciously for a while.


"Really, it's true than the spar of Elberch!" Pei Yi said with a grin. "If you don't believe me, I'll send you the record of the engineering spacecraft."

Orfa was believing that Pei was not joking with him. He refused: "It's not necessary. I'll see it later. Can I continue to collect space clusters?"

"No, just after the engineering spacecraft left, the creature appeared again." Bei Yi said with regret.

Why didn't he want to collect more? After all, the work of this collection was too dangerous and the time was uncertain. If he could collect enough samples for one study, he would be much easier.

Orfa stopped talking now, and he lowered his head and frowned, thinking about what was going on inside.

There weren't hundreds of collection ships dispatched by him, but there were still more than half of them. Every time he did not send out blindly, but accumulated a little bit of data and tried again and again.

In so many dispatch records, he mined in different periods and in different places, but each time the creature can suddenly pop up when the collecting ship just started to move, and then take away those collecting ships .

He also tried to send five collection vessels to mine in five different places at the same time.

But the results are the same.

That creature's tentacles were everywhere, and he even suspected that there might be more than just this creature in the gap!

However, Bei Yi's successful collection made Orfa stunned, and he was puzzled.

"How is that possible? That's not right! It shouldn't be !!"

Olfa murmured to leave the command room, with a look of doubt, and did not say hello to Bei Yi, returned to the room by himself.

When he returned to the room, he began to rearrange his observations.

He needs to find out why!


"Zero, the Zerg successfully collected the space crystal clusters?" Cheng Yuan's eyes brightened.

"Well, they collected some fragments, very few of them." Lingshou replied, he squinted, not knowing what the idea was.

Cheng Yuan is more interested in this spaceship of the Zerg. If this spaceship can be obtained, let alone this spaceship, as long as the equipment for collecting space crystal clusters is available!

He can start developing AT force field!

AT force field is a nearly unsolvable defense method, it is a nightmare for any weapon!

Even if the Zerg's quantum weapons can affect the AT force field, a question mark is asked.

After all, the AT force field is protected by a space medium. Whether a quantum weapon can affect space or not can only be answered after practice.

But no matter what, AT force field is definitely a super strong protection method!

Moreover, the AT force field can be used not only for defense, but even for making offensive weapons!

Thinking of the AT force field data obtained from the crystallization of science and technology at the beginning, Cheng Yuan had an unbearable feeling in his heart.

Due to the existence of the Zerg, his speed of plundering resources has been reduced by 30% recently. After all, transportation by detours leads to too long transportation lines, which will definitely delay time.

And in order to prevent the Zerg from finding their own transportation line, Cheng Yuan and Zero had to set the transportation line farther!

Some routes were basically reopened, and he was not sure whether the routes were safe.

So the existence of the Zerg has always affected his development!

Whether the other party intentionally or unintentionally, this is a fact that has already happened.

Cheng Yuan wants to make this interference disappear, he must be strong himself!

He has given up in quantity, after all, this is not a problem that can be solved in a short time. But the quantity is not comparable, then the quality is used to fill this gap.

As long as he has the power to let the Zerg cast a mouse, he can appear in front of the Zerg and the Crystal.


Bei Yi sat in the command room and watched the video inside the restricted area of ​​life with interest.

"Have you noticed that these creatures look strange and look totally irregular." After watching various strange metal creatures, Bei Yi couldn't help muttering.

"The universe is huge, there are all kinds of wonders, there are no creatures, so don't make such a fuss." Olfa said coldly.

At this moment, he looked like a bitter hatred, and went back to the room for nearly a week to organize and research. He still found no regularity.

During this time, he tried to send a collection spacecraft again, but was still crushed by the tentacles as soon as he was close to the crystal cluster.

This also made Pei Lele for several days.

But the more joyful Be Yi is ~ ~ the more unhappy he is, why can a guy without many cells in his brain be able to succeed casually, and he keeps failing?

Especially when he asked when Bei Yi could collect some more, Bei Yi responded perfunctoryly: "by feeling."

This almost made him vomit blood.

So Orfa now visits the command room from time to time, urging shells to collect space clusters inside and out.

Of course, Beyi knew that Olfa was anxious, but he didn't take the initiative.

The last success was just luck, although he did not have the excellent mind of Olfa. But as an overlord, he is not a fool!

When he was just about to say something, the observer suddenly said, "Overseer, found the enemy unit, in the direction of the third boom, is a reconnaissance spacecraft, the number is only 1,000, no local main force was found."

After listening to it, Bei Yi immediately murmured, "The investigations are all so bright and right now?"

М.③③χs.cóм worth collecting by book friends

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