Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1038: Hit it!

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A dazzling explosion of light flickered, and bright fire shone on Bei Yi's white face, making him look slightly surprised.

The battle between the two sides has just begun, and the other side let those dense bee colonies directly hit his combat spacecraft in a fearless way.

What surprised him was that the end result of the collision between the two sides turned out to be the same!

The opponent's strength in energy barrier technology is not weaker than them!

When he discovered this, it was too late.

The speed of the bee colony is too fast. Before he even ordered, he watched the countless lights around, and the explosions everywhere were like fireworks in the universe.

"How could it be so strong?" Bei Yi's lieutenant looked startled, murmured in his mouth, widened his eyes, and looked unbelievable.

The lieutenant's muttering also made Bei Yi react.

He also realized that there was something wrong here, and before that the crystal spirit had not shown such a powerful energy shield technology.

But this time the other side showed this powerful technique.

Isn't it a temptation to fail before?

Bei Yi frowned. He felt as if he had been tricked by the other party.

"It doesn't look like the other party is as uncomfortable as Su An's record!" Bei Yi Leng snorted slightly, facing the Jingling slightly.

At this point, Cheng Yuan's bee colony spacecraft has fully charged into the Zerg formation, and the fighting method does not have the dazzling and magnificent that Star Wars should have.

Instead, as in the original brutal battle, in the collision of the golden energy shield and the blue energy barrier, dazzling lights burst out.

The direct collision between the two sides caused heavy losses for the Zerg, because they were far less crystallographic in number, and they did not occupy any advantage in one-to-one consumption.

Bei Yi's face was ugly, he sneered: "Use the quantum beam directly."

As soon as the lieutenant heard that Bei Yi was going to use the quantum beam again, his face changed slightly, and he quickly dissuaded him: "Overseer, if the quantum beam is used, what should we do?"

The impact of quantum disruption will directly affect their future research purposes. Once the quantum beam is used, it also means that they will evacuate here!

Pai Yi paused, and there was a hint of hesitation in his expression.

But when he looked at the constantly exploding spacecraft, his hesitation on his face was instantly replaced firmly, and he said coldly, "Research is not as important as my soldiers! Go and tell Orfa that if you want to continue the research, immediately project the research spacecraft into life. In the penalty area, I only give him 10 minutes. "

The lieutenant nodded quickly, and since Pei Yi made his decision, he naturally had no room for opposition.

He had been observing the crystal clusters on the cracks in the entrance to the forbidden zone of life in his room, and Olfa suddenly heard the knock on the door. He frowned, and his heart was a little dissatisfied.

Don't you know that you don't like to be interrupted most when you are studying?

He retracted his eyes and opened the door. After seeing the assistant Li Bei's standing at the door, the discomfort in his face slightly eased, but his tone was still not good.

"what's up?"

The lieutenant didn't care about Olfa's tone, he said in a deep voice: "Lord Alfa, the Warlord is going to use the quantum beam."

"What !?" Olfa was startled. "Why use a quantum beam?"

Olfa was puzzled, and the destructive power of the quantum beam couldn't be more clear to researchers like him. It was a near-permanent regional destruction.

Once the space around the forbidden area of ​​life is destroyed, they don't have to think about it at all.

Orfa was in a hurry, and he was ready to go to Bei Yi, a crystal spirit, even a low-level civilization that is not even an intermediate civilization needs to use a quantum beam. Is it possible that the other party sent a very large army?

However, the lieutenant stopped Orfa and said, "Sir Orfa, the Overseer will give you ten minutes to project the research spacecraft. After ten minutes, he will use the quantum beam."

Orfa had just stepped forward, looking at the lieutenant's solemn expression, and he knew that Beyi had made up his mind.

I couldn't help sighing, and wondered what was happening to the crystal spirit, so that Bei Yi could use the quantum beam directly?

Is there any error in the information obtained before?

Without thinking deeply, he said to the lieutenant, "I know. This will launch the research spacecraft, hoping that monster will not attack the spacecraft."

After Olfa had spoken, he quickly returned to the room to operate on the console of the room.

Seeing Olfa returning to the room, the lieutenant did not bother much and turned to leave.

How long is ten minutes?

For those who are bored waiting, ten minutes is like years. But for someone who is concentrating on something, ten minutes seems to pass in a blink of an eye.

"Come back? What does Olfa say?" Beyi asked lightly.

The Lieutenant replied respectfully: "Her Orfa agreed with you."

"Then, let the soldiers go as far back as possible, let the biological soldier's vanguard ship stand forward, and use the quantum beam after ten minutes!"


The Zerg formation quickly changed. One fish-shaped spaceship moved closer together and concentrated, while the rectangular pioneer ships moved forward, opening the energy barrier and colliding with the distance-strength swarm spaceship.

In the meantime, dual-reverse energy weapons and kinetic energy weapons are also being fired at each other.

It is just that under the powerful energy shield technology, as long as it is not the main weapon of the battleship, it does not form any effective threat at all.

On Cheng Yuan's side, naturally, the Zerg formation has also seen changes.

Although it is not clear what the Zerg are thinking, their purpose is very pure, so no other instructions were given, and the swarm spacecraft was allowed to attack the Zerg formation.

At the same time, the main spaceship they dispatched was also approaching the Zerg's golden spaceship.

Every time they got closer, there was a burst of excitement in their hearts. After all, the closer they got, the more easily they could spread into the Zerg spacecraft.

Every infected Zerg soldier spaceship represents a step closer to victory!

Even if the virus cannot be infected, as long as it can be approached and let the nanobots invade their neural network, that is also a means of victory!

For Cheng Yuan, as long as the ultimate victory can be achieved, the way of fighting is not important.

After all, the winner can decide everything, UU reading www. get everything!


A deep red high-energy pulsed beam was launched from the Zerg main ship, and the target was directed at Cheng Yuan's fleet.

At this moment, a golden energy shield was lit in front of the fleet, and the red pulsed beam hit the barrier fiercely, causing a dazzling light.

After the beam and barrier froze for seven or eight seconds, the beam gradually dissipated, but the barrier remained firmly in place.

Only the barrier energy scale of the battleship has been directly reduced from 80% to 65%!

"Speed ​​up! Load it up!"

When the distance between the two sides was less than 10,000 kilometers, Cheng Yuan gave orders without hesitation!

The intelligent robot naturally and perfectly executed Cheng Yuan's order, and the entire fleet accelerated, with the help of the bee colony, it crashed fiercely into the Zerg spaceship!

М.③③χs.cóм worth collecting by book friends

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