Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1037: Quantum fragmentation

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Bei Yi's self-confidence is not unreasonable. The power of the spacecraft itself has given him enough self-confidence, and he has no worries about leaning on a top civilization like the Zerg Empire.

After Olfa left, Bey put a smile on her face and took it seriously.

Jing Ling's temptations made him very upset. Did they see that they had only one spaceship, so they thought they could not be soft persimmons?

Turning on the energy shield, Bei Yi said coldly, "Start the quantum beam."

Quantum beam! ?

The crew looked at Beyi in shock, saw his face firm, and turned his head to silently execute the order.

"Overseer, you are sure to use quantum beams. This will seriously affect our connection with the empire." The lieutenant said worriedly, "These lower-level warships do not need to use the ultra-conventional weapons such as quantum beams.

Quantum beam weapons are one of the most advanced weapons of the empire, and its role is to directly quantify the target or target area.

The so-called quantization, in the most popular terms, means that an object or target in a region is directly reduced from the original material to the quantum state.

Turn a huge battleship of thousands of kilometers directly into an invisible state that can only survive in the microcosm!

This is a super weapon that ignores any defense!

They used to directly destroy a small galaxy with excess beams, turning the entire small galaxy into a quantum state and erasing it from the universe!

Of course, the power of quantum beams is unquestionable, but the side effects are also terrifying.

Because of the quantum entanglement effect, at the same time that galaxy was erased, the quantization phenomenon was constantly eating away at the surroundings.

This situation was broken by them.

The rate of cannibalism is not very fast, so this side effect can be ignored in their eyes.

Therefore, quantum beams were used extensively in the Imperial War at that time, and the quantum fragmentation caused by them was also increasing.

The phenomenon of quantum fragmentation has increased, and a series of chain reactions caused by nature have caused these empires to pay attention to the empire many years later.

The phenomenon of quantum fragmentation creates many void regions in the universe. No matter or energy exists in the void region, just like a hole or scar in the universe.

The most frightening thing is that no matter what it is, as long as it enters the quantum broken region, it will stagnate.

It is not simply unable to move forward, but completely stagnation, energy, signals, everything, after entering the quantum broken area, will lose its effect!

This discovery delighted the high-ranking empire while feeling worried.

Because the quantum fragmentation phenomenon is an irreversible phenomenon, they cannot stop the expansion of quantum fragmentation, so this powerful weapon can affect the enemy at the same time, more or less will affect itself.

But this effect does not make them ban the use of quantum beams, but the unfavorableness of quantum beams makes them use more crazy.

Because the quantum fragmentation cannibalize very slowly, it took thousands of years to expand the area by a third.

Compared with the huge universe, it is not important!

The only side effect that directly affects them is that the quantum beam will interfere with all the surrounding basic particles, which will cause the surrounding signals and equipment to be disturbed.

In this case, the spacecraft can only stay in place and wait for the interference to disappear, or other people to come to the rescue.

Therefore, when Bei Yi said that the quantum beam was used, the lieutenant stopped the first time. If this spacecraft had a problem due to interference, it would be a disaster!

After all, there are no allies around them to rescue them.

The lieutenant reminded him that Pei also realized that the use of quantum beams seemed a bit excessive. And it's not good for yourself.

"Then how do you think we are going to solve these enemies?" Bei Yi raised an eyebrow. If he didn't solve the other one time, other methods would be more troublesome.

It seemed to guess what Bei Yi thought, and the lieutenant said quickly: "Leave it to the soldiers, they have not really experienced the battlefield for a long time, and even some recruits have not even experienced the real battlefield once. Virtual training is always virtual."

Bei Yi carefully considered for a while, looking at the Jingling Fleet, which was fast approaching, and frowned gradually.

Bei Yi's adjutant was speechless. What else needs to be considered?

Although the number of crystal warships is large, they are not their opponents at all!

When Bei Yi considered, Cheng Yuan and Zero were also very surprised. After the opponent turned on the energy shield, there was no action. What does this mean?

Is there a trap?

But whether or not there is a trap, their purpose is to send the virus over, even if it is a brainless charge.

So they didn't hesitate, all the warships were fully powered, and the spaceships running towards the Zerg rushed past.

"Release the swarm spaceship."

After approaching a certain distance, Cheng Yuan immediately ordered. In an instant, countless small ships swarmed out of the main battleship in droves.

The changes here made Pai temporarily stop thinking, and he said to his deputy, "Let the soldiers go, remember not to care."

The soldiers under Bei Yi's hands were ready to fight again, and they were all excited.

The first two times when they faced the crystal spirit, they were all settled by Bei Yi, which caused them to play little at all.

But this time it was different. The enemy sent more troops and looked at the densely packed swarm of spaceships. These Zerg soldiers quickly rushed out with their biological soldiers.

The Zerg moves very quickly. The bee swarm spacecraft on Cheng Yuan's side has just assembled, and they are ready at the same time.

A small golden battleship, with a blue energy barrier flashing on the surface, faced with the mighty crystal spirit, they did not take the initiative to strike, but set the battlefield waiting for the other side to come.

This made Cheng Yuan and Zero face a joy, and the other side did not take the initiative to attack, their plans were smoother.

"Let the bee swarm activate the energy shield, this time play a bit bigger!"

Cheng Yuan's words made Lingyi, he was not sure: "Are you serious?"

Cheng Yuan rolled his eyes. "Of course it is serious. As long as this time it succeeds, the Zerg will find nothing."

One thing is true. As long as it succeeds, the Zerg ship will be theirs, and nothing wrong will be found.

Moreover, while the other party is not familiar with themselves ~ ~, give them an unexpected attack!

Under the control of zero, a triangular energy shield was formed on the bee colony of the triangular structure.

This energy shield, which had caused the Crystal Wraith to tremble, shone on the opposite side of the Zerg.

Bei Yi and his lieutenants who have never seen such an energy shield, although attracted by this dazzling energy color, have not given them much vigilance.

After all, something like an energy shield is too common in the universe.

Whether it is combat or flight, energy shields are essential!

Bei Yi looked at the golden barrier on the opposite side, and then looked at the blue barrier on his side. He couldn't help but said, "It's a beautiful and perfect color. We should ask the people in the Academy of Sciences to change our barrier color to Such. "

This time, his deputy did not have any opinion, but said with approval: "I think so too, Your Excellency."

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