Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1035: Secret control

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A red beam of light pierced the black curtain, accompanied by a few huge fireworks, and then returned to calm.

The universe is dark and deep, as if nothing can change it.

Zero and Cheng Yuan silently looked at the warship turned into a firework, and that little Qingxing in his heart disappeared.

This time they didn't even set off, they were killed by a gunfire from each other.

"It seems that they did not move the spaceship." Zero was disappointed. The other side did not move the spaceship. He is now unable to control the internal equipment due to the destruction of the internal equipment and cannot release the virus at all.

Another thing that made him die is that he suddenly remembered that he couldn't control it remotely, that is to say, even if the other party opened the spaceship and took out the container containing the virus, as long as he didn't open the container, they would still have no problem.

Thinking of this, Zero passed the situation to Cheng Yuan.

After listening to Cheng Yuan, he was dumbfounded. He thought it was a good strategy, but he didn't understand the basic situation.

Looking at the gray flying smoke on the screen destroying the fleet that does not have slag, Cheng Yuan thought about it and could only helplessly said: "Since then we will slowly test according to the original plan, anyway, if they look like they will not leave . "

Although it was tentatively planned, the plan was constantly changing.

What can be determined now is that a small number of small fleets have no effect at all, and the other party can be destroyed in one hit.

But if there are too many dispatches, Cheng Yuan is worried that the other party will run away.

So after discussing with Zero carefully for a few hours, they decided to send a fleet of one hundred troops one month later.

In just one month, the real fleet of Jingling was coming.

Although the purpose of the fleet was only to ascertain the situation here, in the eyes of Cheng Yuan, this fleet still has some value.

What would happen if Jingling knew that the Zerg had retreated and left only a spaceship here?

He believes that Crystal Spirit will not remain indifferent.

Time is always short, and a month passes quickly.

During this month, the Zerg remained as usual without any movement. Only when Cheng Yuan observed it carefully, would he find that there would be a similar instrument on the spacecraft of the other side, and from time to time it would emit a very thin blue beam.

The beam of light on the clusters on the surface of the crack will cause some slight changes in the color of the clusters.

This change surprised Cheng Yuan and was also very interested.

To others, it is not clear in which aspect these spatial matter acts. But if he can collect these space crystal clusters, his technology version AT force field can be realized!

But unfortunately, he has not been able to collect spatial clusters.

Even using the technology crystals in his mind is not enough. It is not that the technology crystals did not give him the technology to collect the space crystal clusters, but that the technology gave him no way to start!

It's like giving a group of primitive people a complete set of aircraft manufacturing information. Can the primitive people use this information to build an aircraft?


The same reason also happened to Cheng Yuan. He has the skills to collect spatial clusters, and there are many types and superior quality.

The problem is, he can't use these technologies. There are many and many unknown metals and unknown synthetic materials mentioned in the technology. These metal materials alone have directly broken his idea of ​​developing an AT force field.

So after discovering that the Zerg was able to study the space clusters and could use the equipment to make the space clusters react, his eyes were almost red.

The desire to get this ship is even more important.

"Zero, when will Jingling's fleet arrive?" He moved his eyes away and Cheng Yuan asked Zero, who was observing the situation inside the Jingling Empire.

Zero raised his head and replied, "It's almost time, shall we start now?"

"Wait for those Jinglings to leave." Cheng Yuan considered for a while and decided to keep hiding himself.

After all, whether these crystal spirits will be discovered by the Zerg is still a question worthy of further investigation. Moreover, Cheng Yuan didn't want to let Jingling know that he had the things to forge their ships.

This makes it easy for them to be vigilant. They might guess that since they have the ability to counterfeit their warships, have they used this method to mix in their empire?

Coupled with the sudden emergence of the Resistance Army, as long as the people in the Senate are not stupid, they will definitely run the news and announce it in a way that is beneficial to the Senate.

For example, why the resistance army grew so quickly, there must be a huge force behind it.

At that time, they will slightly guide the news that the mechanical life can imitate their crystal warship. At that time, whether they believe it or not, they only need to mark the traitor on the head of the Resistance.

It's good for them anyway.

After all, the crystal spirits generally know the existence of mechanical life, and they have been fighting mechanical life before they were destroyed by the Zerg.

When he first encountered mechanical life, he caused a lot of panic.

It even caused many high-level moves to move away from the central star. It can be said that mechanical life is also one of the alien invaders in the image of Jingling.

If the resistance and mechanical life are brought together, the senior members of the Senate may wake up with sleep.

After all, the fighting between the Resistance and the Senate is still an internal struggle, and it is a family affair.

But when it comes to alien invaders, that's a big thing for the entire crystal spirit race.

In this case, the reputation of the Resistance is definitely a huge blow.

In Cheng Yuan's view, the Senate will certainly do this, so he cannot take risks. Although this incident may only affect the Senate and the Resistance.

But who can guarantee that this kind of thing will cause a big investigation and so on within the crystal spirit.

If they accidentally let them find out the problem, will his game OVER?

With the patience of the two, finally on the fifth day, the exploration team sent by Jingling appeared within their surveillance range.

This is a small and medium-sized exploration spacecraft. Because the detours and the Senate want to learn more about intelligence here, this team is not too strong armed, but has a faster speed.

This is exactly in line with Cheng Yuan and the team that went to test the Zerg before zero ~ ~ After the Zerg fleet appeared, Cheng Yuan gestured to zero. A slight smile, a slight raise of his hand, and a control panel appeared in front of him.

Then he flexed his finger lightly on the panel.

Soon, a crew member on the Crystal Exploration spacecraft observed the detection radar and shouted excitedly: "It was found that an energy response was detected in the direction of the eighth cantilever, which may be an enemy battleship!"

Upon hearing the target, everyone's face changed, and the captain cautiously ordered: "Decrease the speed and let the advance team dispatch an intelligent control spacecraft to take a closer look."

However, as soon as he gave his order, he saw a horrifying light coming from a distance.

The captain's mind was blank fortunately. Fortunately, the crew who controlled the direction of the spacecraft responded in time and avoided the attack with intelligence.

Under attack, the captain re-ordered without any other thoughts: "turn around, run!"

М.③③χs.cóм worth collecting by book friends

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