Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1034: Execution

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Freeman understood at this time. Even if he was serious about Grius, the people and forces that should rely on the rebels would still throw them at them.

Because this is not only a question of Glius, but a question of the entire Senate!

Under the propaganda offensive, the Senate has become a tumor and tapeworm in the eyes of most people. How much support can such a Senate get?

He was having a headache right now. Things haven't been dealt with yet, and there has been new movement over the ruins. I don't know if there is something wrong with the Zerg.

Now there is really a rebel army before, and a zerg threat later.

"Forget it, deal with Grius first and give the people an account." Freeman sighed. Although the matter is not just a Grius issue, it should be dealt with.

At least give the public an explanation, so that at least the public can see their attitude and determination to change this matter.

Freeman's deliberate push quickly began the trial of Glyus.

In order to give the people a fair and just impression at this trial, Freeman specifically made the entire empire directly visible to the verdict in the form of a public live broadcast.

Located in the central Supreme Court of Justice, the spacious trial hall was full at this time. Freeman was sitting high on the main seat. He stared indifferently at the gluss with his head hanging down.

Grius, who had lost weight at this time, looked like an old man with a stale candle, as if he could fall to the ground at any time.

Instead of wearing bright and beautiful robes, he was wearing the same rough robes as ordinary people.

This trial caught the eyes of most people in the Empire.

After all, this is the first public trial of a lawmaker in Crystal History.

Even in the past, if any member of the parliament has a problem, it will not appear in the courthouse, but will be handled in another form.

For example, resignation, resignation and the like.

This silent change, even if people know it is a change at the time, will not feel anything.

Because the change of power at the high level is too far away for them, it doesn't matter too much.

So this first public trial has also attracted a lot of attention.

They still like to see the former high-ranking members become prisoners.

The trial officially began.

There are no lengthy readings and no so-called defenses.

The trial takes the form of a pure crime judgement.

"After review, the criminal Grius will be sentenced to death and executed!" Freeman's thick voice echoed in the courthouse, his words exclaimed the people in the courthouse.

An open trial took several days to prepare for the trial, and it took only ten seconds from the verdict to the result!

Such a speedy trial surprised many people, and even Grius could not help but look up at Freeman sitting on the high platform.

He couldn't believe his ears.

Freeman just sentenced him to death?

Is there anything wrong, don't I even have a defense here?

He looked up and looked around, and found that there was not even a defender outside of himself standing in the middle.

"Don't look for it, no one wants to defend you, Grius." A congressman looked at Grius's head, and was already connected to that confused look, could not help but remind him.

Glüss' heart shuddered. He opened his mouth and just wanted to ask why, but was ruthlessly interrupted by the other party.

"Everyone in your crime knows that they take care of their reputation and will not come to defend you."

Glius lowered his head again, a mocking smile on his face, and said to himself: "Oh, it seems I'm the one you sent out to cook."

The MP looked at Gryus calmly, and said coldly, "It's not your own behavior that hurts you because we didn't push you out!"

"Oh!" Glius glanced coldly at the other side, and laughed mockingly. "I hurt myself? Where are you better than me, these public information ..."

Before he could finish his words, Freeman's eyebrows fluttered, and he immediately said, "Execution!"

With his voice falling, the ground under Grius's feet suddenly glowed blue. At the same time, all the people watching the live broadcast could clearly see Grius's thin and shady face Suddenly pain appeared.

Immediately afterwards, the light grew brighter, Grius' expression began to distort, and the green skin of the whole body gradually moved closer to blue.

The light quickly penetrated his skin, and the green skin on his body fell off and dissipated, and then under the eyelids of everyone, it was broken down into particles.

Strangely, before he dissipated, no matter how painful he was, he didn't make a sound.

As if the sound was intentionally blocked.

For this scene, Jingling didn't seem very curious about this. But Cheng Yuan, who was watching, was very curious, what the **** was going on.

Their method of execution looked very efficient, and left a lot of follow-up troubles.

"Zero, what do you see?" Cheng Yuan asked, although the focus was on the Zerg, but he was also curious about this public trial.

So I took a special time to take a look.

I did not expect to see this new way of processing.

"It should be some kind of decomposition instrument, I'll check it later." Zero thought and replied. Immediately, he turned his attention to the Zerg.

Nothing has happened since the two small ships were captured.

He has no idea what the Zerg spaceship looks like now.

This feeling of losing sight of his eyes made him uncomfortable.

Cheng Yuan looked at Zero as if he was not interested in it. He could only turn off the screen in front of him and looked at the Zerg spaceship.

After the first confrontation ended, the opponent never moved, nor did they see them dispatch a small spacecraft to clear the surrounding surveillance, and it seemed to be quiet all of a sudden.

"Should it be the virus they triggered that we put in the spaceship?" Cheng Yuan said gloatingly. UU Kanshu

If it did trigger a virus, it would be perfect.

"I don't know, would you like to test it?" Zero heart moved, if it really told Cheng Yuan, accidentally touching the virus, it would be great news for them.

Under the zero arrangement, a team was dispatched to approach the Zerg spacecraft, but this time the number of warships was twenty more than the first time.

And considering the kind of pulse weapon used by the Zerg last time, this time the battleships belong to small and medium-sized battleships, and also enhanced the speed.

Until there is no good way to defend this weapon, you can only choose to avoid the attack of the opponent with speed.

After dispatching a new fleet, Zero also noticed the news from Jingling. They already had plans to rediscover the ruins, and also sent a regular team to this side.

Maybe this army can also make use of it?

М.③③χs.cóм worth collecting by book friends

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