Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1021: promote

㈢ ろ ⺗ 裞 蛧 更 薪 最 駃 → ωωω. ろ ㈢χs. て oм 鍀

Rebel Army's sphere of influence boundary, here is an ordinary habitable planet.

Because it is at the junction of the Resistance and the Senate, the planet is covered with a cloud of war.

Just a few days ago, there was a clash between the resistance forces outside the planet and the Senate, and the two sides fought for nearly a week before they stopped.

In this case, capable people have left this dangerous planet early, while some who have no ability and conditions can only stay on the planet.

Although the Resistance and the Senate have promised that they will not harm civilians, who can guarantee such things as war?

In case there is a stray bullet exploding in the urban area, God knows if it will affect himself?

In this case, the planet naturally looks depressed.

But this is only the case for ordinary civilians. For those mercenaries who have been licking blood, this is their paradise.

War is their favorite, because only war can bring them wealth!

At this moment, a warship hovered in orbit outside the ordinary planet.

Not far from the battleship is the space port outside the planet.

This original civilian port had already become a temporary military port for the Resistance at this time, but in order to reflect the people of the Resistance, although it became a temporary military port, it only occupied a part of the area.

Gambo looked at the planet coldly, and asked his deputy indifferently, "How is the preparation?"

"Already ready, the camouflaged warship ambush in the dark, waiting for the new flight to take off." The deputy's voice was low, he looked at Gambo indecisively, but finally sighed deeply in his heart.

Although he did not want ordinary civilians to be sacrificed, sometimes he had to do this kind of thing!

Because he also knew that if nothing was done, their resistance would be slowly eroded by the Senate over time!

The Senate has ruled the Crystal Empire for tens of thousands of years, and their rule has basically become an inherent thinking in the hearts of the people.

Regarding the rule of the Senate, it has become a matter of course in the minds of the people, so they must not let the Senate pass over time!

"Let's get started." Gambo's voice was unwavering.

"Yes!" The deputy replied heavily, and then an invisible warship quietly began to operate, long ambush beside the space port.

Covered by a dark environment, the warship was not detected by any surveillance radar.

Soon, it came over the spaceport.

At this time, the space port was still very lively. In addition to a small number of Resistance soldiers stationed here, there were also many mercenaries preparing to take the spacecraft to return to the sea and merchant ships coming to do business here.

Among them, the number of civilians is very small.

However, Gambo does not have anyone in the space port. All he wants is to create an accident!

At this time, in a returning spacecraft in the space port, a group of majestic mercenaries yelled in the cabin, one by one talking about the women who are beautiful, the women who are good in technology, and returning to each other. Where to go chic afterwards.

In words, the explicit words made this group of mercenaries who had just had a war, and desperately wanted to vent one by one, and their eyes were red.

Unlike a disciplined army, for mercenaries, life and death are very sudden, if the money earned is not spent in time.

God knows which calf will spend his money.

Just as the atmosphere in the return cabin was active, a mercenary close to the window suddenly shouted, "Look at it!"

The sound of panic caused the lively atmosphere in the cabin to freeze instantly.

"What's going on?" A mercenary mercenary pushed the people around him dissatisfied, strode toward the window, and looked down.

There was a red glow in the pupils.

A red light that didn't know where to shoot suddenly appeared, tearing the dark universe and directly hitting the spaceship where they were!

"Bang!", The middle position of the spacecraft was directly pierced by the light beam, exposing a huge hole. The metal deck around the hole instantly melted under the light beam and solidified into a pool of irregular condensation.

The spaceship shook violently, and before the mercenaries reacted, the light swept away again without stopping.

"Boom!" The flare carried by the violent explosion made the alarm sound inside the space port.

"An enemy attack!" The garrison soldiers of the Resistance reacted immediately and wanted to use the weapons equipped in the space port to fight back.

But before they can counterattack, the beam of light is like a huge cutting knife, cutting the entire space port in half at once!

The entire spaceport also went dark instantly.

Energy is cut off!

Without energy, all the protection means inside the space port are useless, and the surface of the space port divided into two pieces begins to condense at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The resident personnel were also frozen into ice sculptures and lost their lives.

Only a small part of the people who entered the spacecraft could survive, and they looked at all this in horror with despair on their faces.

Because they saw a satellite-class battleship appearing above the spaceport suddenly, there are obvious Senate signs outside the battleship!

What makes them most powerless is that the muzzle of this satellite-class warship has been aimed at them!

Just when they thought they would be killed, a blue particle gun beam flickered from the side, and the particle gun penetrated the main gun of this satellite-class battleship without any hindrance, blocking the opponent's attack this time.

"It's the Resistance! We're saved!" Some people cheered softly. At this time, they didn't care who the two parties were. As long as they saved them, they were just and good!

The Senate's satellite-class battleships fired again, this time not only their surviving spacecraft, but also launched an attack on the resistance warships.

The Rebels naturally would not sit back and wait to cover up these surviving ships while fleeing.

Although three more ships were damaged in the process, five ships returned safely to the planet.

Fighting between the two sides continued.

No one knew the results of the subsequent battles, but the actions of the Senate were completely recorded and sent to the information network.


I have been paying attention to this self-directed and self-acting drama at the end of zero, and quietly forwarded a large number of surviving civilians' videos.

This incident soon spread throughout the entire Crystal Empire.

The crystal spirits were in an uproar. How could they have never thought that the people in the Senate would do something to the civilians!

"It seems that the top is the top, they don't take our ordinary people's lives at all!"

"Our lives are just like bed bugs. How could they care? Even if you kill you, you will pay tens of thousands of coins, maybe your life is not worth your pets!"

"Also, how could this group of selfish guys care about us, and if they care about us, they won't frame their colleagues. They promised us that such things would not happen, but the result?"

"It's ugly."

On the information network, the anger that had subsided once again flooded everyone's chest.

They vented their anger on the Internet in anger.

The entire Crystal Spirit Empire was lively again.

In this case, even the senior members of the Resistance did not expect it!

They thought that it would take a long time for this matter to be noticed by the public ~ ~, but they did not expect it to spread throughout the empire in just a few days.

"Check, is there any problem in this, can't let the truth be exposed!" Dauman let the technicians start to inquire the specific reason as soon as possible, if there is no fuss in it, he would not believe it!

Obviously, this situation shows that someone has all this!

The lingering gloom in his mind was the thought of their plans and actions being mastered by unknown characters.

While the Resistance was trying to find out why, several members of the Senate were also thundering!

Such a thing!

Although they have done this kind of thing, every time they will perfectly remove all traces, how could it be passed on!

"Check! Be sure to find out who is doing it yourself and found out!"

м.③③χs.cóм old iron please remember for a second ㈢③ 尛 裞 network)

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