Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1020: Intrigue

㈢ ろ ⺗ 裞 蛧 更 薪 最 駃 → ωωω. ろ ㈢χs. て oм 鍀

Compared to the inability to face the Zerg, in the crystal empire, zero can be said to exist.

Zero, which has completely penetrated into Jingling's internal information network, knows everything they do.

After more than a year of buffering, the Senate has basically controlled the planet and territory it wants to control.

After all, the Senate is not an invader from outside, and most people do not hate them for a long time. As long as they are willing to apologize for their faults and promise that similar things will not happen again, this is enough for most people to forgive and accept them.

Moreover, many people want to maintain a peaceful and stable life instead of living in the shadow of war.

The same situation also appeared in the sphere of influence of the Resistance. Although ordinary people were very angry at the high-level behavior at the beginning, they still needed to work for their lives.

So apart from the initial dissatisfaction, after a while, what should they do?

Instead of caring about such things, it is better to continue working hard to make money and keep your status quo.

Moreover, whether it is the Senate or the Resistance, they are tacitly not disturbing the lives of the people, and even the places where the two sides fight are placed as far as possible outside the planet!

Even if it spreads to the inside of the planet, they will solve it in the deserted place as much as possible.

For both parties, the military is their means of defending their rights, and the people are the basis for their status.

Neither side wants to be disgusted by the people, because it is extremely bad for them.

In such a tacit situation, the war between the two sides naturally gradually departed from people's vision. At best, these can only be understood through reports from relevant departments.

However, this tacit peace has made some high-ranking officers of the Resistance very dissatisfied and disturbed!

"You can't go on like this, you must change!" A middle-aged officer slammed a punch on the armrest in the conference room of the Resistance Army base, angrily shouted.

As the population reduced their hatred for the Senate, their high-ranking officers suddenly discovered that the support they could get was weakening!

If it were just the attitude of the people, they would not care so much, but the problem is that with the people changing too much, some of the big financial groups who secretly support them have also changed!

The amount of support last month was 15% lower than before!

Without financial support, what will they fight?

The soldiers of the army also have to send out troops, and the maintenance of warships, which one does not cost money?

If they do n’t have money, why will they die for you?

"Gambo, do you have any ideas? It doesn't take a few words to change."

Gambo's eyes were cold, and he sternly said, "If necessary, we should let the people see the true face of the Senate! This will arouse their resistance!"

One person in the conference room shouted, "But it seems that the Senate has not done anything harmful to the people. Even if it does, it is difficult for us to find it. They will erase all evidence."

"If not, then we'll make one for them!" Gambo said coldly.

His words made the atmosphere in the entire conference room suddenly condensed. The rebel leader stared sharply at Gambo: "Gambo, do you know what you are saying? If you say this, it will be for us A devastating blow! "

"Of course I know that I know better than anyone else present how much trouble this organization would cause to our organization if exposed!"

Gambo looked firmly at the leader, Shen said, "But if we do nothing, it is equal to chronic death!"

The Resistance leader looked at Gambo in silence, and he looked at the other generals. Everyone was afraid to pant at this moment, and some even sat there uneasily.

Seeing this, a decision was made in the hearts of the rebel leaders.

"Gambo, let's do it, remember to make sure that the secrets are not leaked! As for the rear, I will help you solve it." A flash of coldness flashed in the eyes of the leader of the Resistance, and his lowered eyelids carried The breath of killing.

As soon as he said this, many of the generals in the conference room changed their faces slightly, and then they immediately returned to normal.

But just this moment, their change of mind was fully seen by the leaders of the Resistance.

With the support of the leader, Gambo stood up and nodded heavily, and said, "Yes!"

Gambo then left the meeting room directly.

After he left, someone whispered to the leader of the Resistance: "Doman, is this really good? In case of discovery."

Daoman replied in a deep voice: "In case, as Gambo said, if we do nothing, we are equivalent to chronic death! The thinking of ordinary people is simple and pure. They only want a peaceful life. But we are different! "

As he said this, he turned his attention to the people whose expressions had changed, and seemed to be warning them, saying coldly: "Dear everyone, don't forget your identity. In the eyes of the Senate, you also It is the root cause of the rebellion, and I dare to guarantee that your looks, names, and resumes have been placed on the desk of the Senate. "

Daoman's voice was so bland that no one could judge his mood at this time from his tone.

But his words were like a sledgehammer, and they smashed into their hearts.

Some people's faces became unsightly.

But there is still a group of people who are hesitant and still have a little expectation in their hearts.

But Daoman ruthlessly wiped out the innocence and expectations in their hearts. He sneered and said, "Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that the businessmen who helped us are also followed, listen It is said that many businessmen have lost considerable profits as a result. "

As soon as Dawman said this, the face of the entire conference room changed.

"Is this the reason why the amount of this month has been reduced by 15%?"

"If so, then Gambo is not ..."

Everyone looked at the expressionless Doman, all cold in his heart.

Only then did they realize that all of this was a situation that Dawman had set up, and then waited for someone like Gambo to jump in.

Such a means is simply horrible!

After all, this can be regarded as letting people jump into the pit, right?

In the face of many people in the heart, UU reads Daoman still can't see any expression on his face, he said lightly: "I hope this topic will stop here, if a little bit spread out."

Daoman didn't continue to say anything, but the eyes opened suddenly and made everyone bow their heads.



In the early part of this year, using nano-robots to monitor and arrange all important bases and sites of the Senate and the Resistance.

Seeing such a meeting, he had to be impressed. No matter where it was, as long as it was intelligent and civilized, this kind of intriguing drama was always endless.

"Exactly, you can use this to recreate a little chaos for them." He had planned to secretly cover the whole thing, and then spread it through the information channel, and then stir up the incident.

But now it seems that even if he doesn't do it, someone can't help it!

м.③③χs.cóм old iron please remember for a second ㈢③ 尛 裞 network)

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