Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 994:

"Is the Celestial Satellite?" Zero was not a fool. Cheng Yuan just reminded him immediately that he thought of the satellite network that could control the climate of the planet.

The cost of the planetarium satellite can be counted many times lower than the cost of a warship, and it can perfectly solve the problem of stability inside the planet!

The price they need to pay is only a small team capable of supervising the normal operation of the sky satellites and not being destroyed.

Moreover, the manufacturing speed of satellites is also many times faster than that of warships, and it can also obtain materials on the spot. There is no need for him to spend effort to integrate resources everywhere!

"If we use the sky satellites, we can indeed control the Crystal Empire temporarily." Zero thought for a while and thought that this method was really good.

But it can't be said to be perfect, there are still many flaws.

The use of astronomical satellites first reduces the presence of fleets, which is equivalent to weakening internal monitoring.

At the same time, although this colonial method can bring huge benefits in the early stage, once the crystal spirits slowly eased from this war, it was easy to resist with their population base.

Although the astronomical satellites are powerful, they do not want to defeat them if they want to bring them down.

Moreover, it is impossible for Zero to keep supervising tens of millions of planets all the time, unless he doesn't care about everything here and concentrates on the crystal spirit.

Not only that, he also needs to create a huge data processing center in the Crystal Empire.

He didn't calculate the specific needs, but according to the standard of nothing, he needs to use a planet to build a data center.

This was clearly unacceptable to him.

It doesn't make much sense to bind yourself to the Crystal Empire.

He and Cheng Yuan only needed to be able to use the huge base power of the Crystal Empire to develop themselves faster.

After acquiring all the technology of the Crystal Spirit and some of the Zerg technology, it is very easy for him to surpass the Crystal Empire. All he needs is a lot of resources and time.

He repeated his analysis and calculation with Cheng Yuan.

"Do you think we only need a certain amount of time and resources?" Cheng Yuan didn't know much about colonization. His most intuitive understanding is that he can bring huge benefits to himself through colonization.

However, the proposal of zero Cheng Yuan felt that it was necessary to consider carefully, after all, the span between short-term benefits and long-term benefits was too great.

In contrast, the risks they need to pay and bear are different.

If he wants to gain long-term benefits, he needs a relatively stable environment for Jingling.

In this case, he naturally needs to pay some to maintain this stability.

But the zero proposal is based on short-term interests. If it is short-term interests, he doesn't need to consider so many things before.

Sweep away everything you need in the most violent way!

Anyway, the life and death of Jingling is not within his consideration!

Long-term and short-term benefits ...

Considering the huge territory of the Crystal Empire, Cheng Yuan decided to adopt a short-term plundering method for development after careful consideration.

The territory of the Crystal Empire is too large. If you want to control it step by step and then maintain stability, the whole process will take at least hundreds of years to complete.

For hundreds of years, no one else knew what it had become!

For short-term benefits, as long as he plunders as fast as possible, he can search as much as he can!

Anyway, in a short period of time, Jingling can't form an effective resistance. He has a strategy of planets, plus zero advantage in communication.

He can be sure he can play with the crystal spirit between the palms of his hands.

"Use predatory methods."

After a while, he did not expect Cheng Yuan to adopt such a violent way.

But thinking of Jingling's tens of millions of planets, he suddenly felt that this method was also very good. First of all, they don't need additional expenditures.

Moreover, plundering the resources of a planet is enough for them to develop for a long time.

Not to mention Jingling's vacant defensive power now, it's almost no different from their back garden!

"Okay, I will start this thing as soon as possible." After a little nod, the topic turned around and said, "But I think there is one more thing that we need to open up to improve."

He looked slightly dignified.

"What's the matter?" Cheng Yuan looked at Zero a little puzzled. Now Jingling has been disabled and bullied with them, and the Zerg has also withdrawn. They don't seem to have any enemies.

Although I learned from the information obtained by Jingling, there are still many civilizations around the Jingling Empire.

The problem is, those civilizations are too far away.

In addition, these civilizations are not high-level civilizations. I do n’t know how long it will take to get here.

The main thing is that the main army of the crystal spirit is completely annihilated.

However, basic border guard forces still exist.

With these troops defending at the border, even those civilizations who have ideas should be careful.

"Jump interference devices," Zero said solemnly, "we need to deploy a large number of interference devices to prevent Zerg from breaking in!"

"Zerg!" Cheng Yuan frowned.

In the face of the Zerg, he really has nothing to do! Except for taking advantage of the fact that they didn't understand them, after winning a game.

He didn't dare to face him at all.

The gap between the two sides is too great. If Su An didn't have the intention to start a war with them, he might not know what it is like now.

"Did the Zerg leave, what else is wrong?"

Zero pointed to the giant Zerg warship outside: "Remember the information we received before. At the time of reception, our coordinates were exposed. With Zerg's technical strength, they are likely to be the same as when they first came. Locked coordinates appear directly in front of us through transitions! "

Cheng Yuan also realized that this matter could not be ignored!

"Execute immediately, as the highest priority sequence." Cheng Yuan didn't want to sleep any day, and heard the news that Zerg's army suddenly appeared in front of his house.

If the opponent is harder, after jumping over, he will directly target the planets in the solar system, and he really has nowhere to run!


On the other side of the solar wormhole, as Cheng Yuan's front-line base, because there is no threat, Zero is here to be assured to develop boldly.

Collect debris from various large warships and planet-level warships from the rubble. These available wrecks were all used to strengthen and increase the area of ​​the front base.

The expanded base can also accommodate more warships and robots.

So Zero did another crazy build.

The crystal spirits who were held in the base also noticed the changes in this base. The stronger and larger the base becomes, the more uncomfortable it will be for them.

After all, it will be more difficult for them to escape from here.

Not only that, watching the large number of mechanical warfare manufacturing warships, they also realized that the other party had new actions.

Watching a large and mighty battleship slowly leave, UU reads www.uukanshu. com they have no way but to stare inside the base.

And some people with flexible minds have thought that these mechanical lives may be ready to deal with their empire.

After all, the other party had already invaded their empire's network early, and they knew the situation of the Crystal Empire.

The fragile crystal spirits today have no effective means to withstand mechanical claims.

In other words, the current Jingling is basically demanding and demanding in the face of mechanical life!

As for the mechanical life will find Zerg, this problem they can think about when dreaming, mechanical life is not a fool, the power of the Zerg is obvious to all.

No need to move your head forward!

"A disaster ...!"

Rushing black ants say

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