Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 993:

The future life of these crystal spirits has been clearly arranged, what to do in the future, and when to send them to the road, there is already a complete process in the hands of zero.

It's just that they don't know it yet, thinking that as long as they do something for zero, there is always a chance to live ...

After arranging these valuable crystal spirits, Zero contacted Cheng Yuan.

Now that the Zerg has left and the crystal spirit is crippled to the extreme, they need to discuss it well now, what to do next.

Although the idea of ​​receiving the Jingling Empire as a whole has made them fascinated, it is a bit impractical. After all, even if the Jingling Empire is mostly destroyed by the Zerg, the huge territory of the Jingling Empire will not allow them to watch.

So how to deal with the crystal empire has become a big problem that they urgently need to consider.

Otherwise, let Jingling re-developed, and what will happen in the future.

Cheng Yuan is also thinking about this headache, "Maybe we can use colonial methods ..."

Before this sentence was finished, he was rejected by himself.

The colonial method also needs enough soldiers to maintain the colonial dominance, otherwise a fleet of soldiers may really be overthrown by some bold crystals!

Moreover, the goal of their colonization is not a small area, but huge planets!

The number of soldiers required to invest in it is definitely an astronomical figure.

After all, each planet requires a minimum of ten fleets to maintain the most basic force, and in addition to that, some security needs to be guaranteed.

What is the purpose of colonizing the planet, not for the huge resources and economic benefits?

So where do these things come from?

Naturally provided by the native people of this planet!

If these people are thinking about resistance and rebellion all day long, then his colonial significance will be lost.

"How many planets does Jingling have at the moment?" Cheng Yuan, who couldn't think of a good solution for a while, had to first understand the current situation of Jingling, and then make a comparative analysis.

"At present, there are about 33.66 million planets left in Jingling, about 27 million of which belong to livable planets, and the rest include prisons, mineral mining, and 6.66 million planets of garbage dumping.

Cheng Yuan raised a brow and said with a little surprise: "More than six million? So many?"

"It's not much." Zero explained: "In terms of Jingling's population base, the daily garbage they produce is enough to fill a planet!"

"So before the war, Crystal was still exploring new planets and classifying different planets."

Cheng Yuan was speechless, and he felt a little weird: "Did Crystal never think of other treatment of garbage? Such as decomposition or reuse."

"No, Jingling can be said to be very picky about the protection of the environment. Except for a few recyclable garbage that will be reused, the rest will be discarded.

They think that garbage decomposition will cause another harm and damage to the environment according to the decomposition form, so decomposition garbage is not very popular among the crystal spirits.

In addition, when the technology reaches a certain level, some of the more reasonable ways in our opinion are very low cost for them! "

He has been able to freely search for the zero of Jingling's information. His understanding of Jingling is very clear. It can be said that he knows Jingling himself better than any Jingling!

Cheng Yuan twitched at the corner of his mouth, he felt that he should not evaluate Jingling's approach from his own point of view.

After all, the two parties are not at the same level.

In Jingling's eyes, a junk planet may cost more than technical waste disposal.

"Well, regardless of these, first calculate 27 million planets, how many fleets do we need to maintain colonial rule." Cheng Yuan opened the calculator.

"According to the minimum requirements of ten fleets of a planet, if we want to maintain the rule of 27 million planets, we need 270 million fleets!"

Seeing this number, Cheng Yuan's heart was convulsing, 270 million, and the total number of battleships he and Jingling have engaged in has not exceeded 20 million!

This still refers to a single battleship!

In terms of fleet, the number of fleets varies from 12 to 30!

If you calculate according to the minimum requirements of 12 fleets, this 270 million would need to be multiplied by 12!

More than 3.2 billion battleships!

With such a large number of warships, Cheng Yuan feels that even if all the resources that can be mined in the solar system are hollowed out, can it be built? It is still a problem!

Not to mention the time factor.

This horrible number is also silent.

"What if you reduce the number and increase the strength of the battleship itself?" Zero calculated quietly in his heart, and he found it in despair, which is even worse!

If the cost of a standard ordinary battleship is calculated by 10, then the cost of an elite warship will be about three times that of an ordinary battleship, which is 30.

The total cost of weapons and maintenance of standard battleships is 20, and the cost of maintenance and maintenance of elite warships is even more exaggerated, between 100 and 120!

After all, the more elite warships are, the different the manufacturing materials and weapon types are.

The gap in this may be even bigger than he estimated!

The only thing that makes Zero feel happy is that an elite battleship can at least match 7 to 9 ordinary battleships!

This is the difference in strength between the two sides.

But the purpose of colonization is more than surveillance and maintenance, in addition to deterrence by force!

So the number is not small, which means that only one elite battleship can be placed in a fleet! And there are not too few ordinary warships.

At least the ability to monitor the entire planet and maintain a stable amount.

With this calculation, the overall expenditure is even greater.

"Maybe we should use another method." Zero proposed that he had already PASSed the way to maintain colonization with the fleet. The cost was too high and the time was too long, and they could not afford it.

"Another way !?" Cheng Yuan meditated.

He chose colonialism, the purpose of which naturally was to let the crystal spirit on the planet live there honestly, and then bring him a generous return.

So stability is the prerequisite for everything!

Want stability, UU reading www. needs to show its own means and strength!

Isn't it back to the beginning?

Turning his head to look at the clear blue sky outside the window, feeling the mild cool breeze blowing, Cheng Yuan's eyes could not help looking at the blue sky.

"the weather……"

Cheng Yuan woke up suddenly, he suddenly thought of a good way!

"Zero, what is the cost of the Celestial Satellite System?" Cheng Yuan suddenly found that he had a very good thing to help him control the crystal planet.

And the technical information of this good thing was originally obtained from Jingling!

"Remember the destroyed outpost in the beginning !?" Cheng Yuan felt that the problem in front of him had a good solution!

Rushing black ants say

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