Quan Mao's face suddenly became hot.

The camera was fixed quickly.

At the moment when the screen is restored,

The audience who had been staring at the screen all the time were stunned.

What about the thunderclouds all over the sky?

Fortunately, the camera moves quickly and gathers.

A figure hovering in the air immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Li Qingshan!

"Audience friends, it is Li Qingshan who appears on the screen at the moment!"

"Just now"

The reporter sounded off-screen and kept describing the terrifying scene that was just bombarded by Lei Zhu.

But most of the audience was in a fog.

Only a few high-level warriors were shocked.

Lin Province, in the hall of the Wushu Association.

"Hahaha, good!"

King Jingshan's cheerful laughter reverberated in the hall.

Rongping Province, under the precipice of the Wushu Association.

Qiao Gu also smiled and took out his mobile phone.

"Father, who do you want to call?" Fang Wan asked strangely.

"Li Qingshan has made a breakthrough, so I naturally have to congratulate him." Qiao Gu smiled.

"Overseas phone calls? How is that possible!" Fang Wan was shocked.

"Of course my phone can't, but" Qiao Gu pointed at the TV with a smug look.

"Can you find a TV station?"

Eclipse Sun Martial Arts Headquarters,


glass shatters,

The red wine slipped from the fingers,

Eclipse Yinhou looked gloomy and looked at the figure on the screen.

"A little grasshopper, really jumping up and down."

The Eclipse King shook his head and sighed:

"I said that until the last minute, no one knows what the outcome will be."

"You're happy to win me?"

Eclipse Yin Hou stared at him with cold eyes,

The Eclipse King shook his head helplessly,

"Now is not the time for a battle of wills."

"A new road has emerged, and we can no longer intervene."

talking room,

A spiritual force has floated up from the depths of the martial arts hall and soared into the sky.

Not only the eclipse of the Japanese martial arts hall,

Feiyu Martial Arts Hall, Shiwanda Mountain, Beijing

In the sky that ordinary people can't detect, the majestic spiritual power rises one after another.


A gust of wind blew from above,

Next second,

All the spiritual powers return to their respective places, calm down.

Canner Pier, scene.

on the high platform,

there was silence,

The students from Six Continents were still staring at the figure in the sky, stunned.

The instructors who led the team looked at each other and saw the complex colors in each other's eyes.

Someone couldn't help but say:

"Li Qingshan, is this road clear?"

The rest did not answer,

Because the answer is obvious!

None of them could block the terrifying thunder column just now.

Now that the thunder cloud has dissipated, and Li Qingshan is safe and sound, what else is there to say?

"Li Qingshan has taken a new path!" Someone sighed.

As soon as this word comes out,

The other five continent instructors looked more complicated, and their eyes were even more unwilling.

With just a few of them, they can't intervene at all!

On the other hand, Carl and Hobbs showed joy on their faces at the same time.

Compared to Li Qingshan's little sword,

The attraction of this new road is the greatest.

"Duke Carl, I don't know what your Cesar plans to do"


Carl raised his hand to interrupt, smiling.

"Do you think, Venerable, that they still need our notification?"

Gu Luo Continent, the eighth-order marquis, the ninth-order duke.

Before the tenth order, the titles of each continent were slightly different.

But at the tenth level,

Martial arts are respected, which is recognized by all continents.


Hobbs smiled even more, and felt relieved.

This is the Gu Luo Continent, and the other six continents are beyond the reach.

on the pier,

King Chen laughed at the same time.

"Teacher, what are you laughing at?" Jiao Yun asked curiously.

King Chen withdrew his gaze from the high platform and shook his head gently.

"Nothing, just saw something interesting."

"Uh teacher, can I ask?"

Jiao Yun pointed to the distant sky and spoke in a low voice.

"Li Qingshan, why haven't you come yet?"

It's been a few minutes,

Li Qingshan didn't move all the time, and the audience began to wonder.

Chen Wang was stunned, and shook his head gently.

"Wait a minute!"

He didn't understand what was going on either.

Under the spotlight,

Li Qingshan hovered high in the sky, motionless.

It's not that he doesn't want to move,

But now it can't move at all.

"Heavenly Quality Foundation, Immortal Golden Body?"

Li Qingshan stared intently inside the body,

At this moment, he finally understood the true meaning of this sentence.

The dragon on the back, who had been silent for a long time, once again released a dazzling golden light.

In the dantian, the golden core rotates slowly, also radiating brilliance.

The two complement each other and connect together.

A little bit of golden dust drifted from the golden core to the dragon on the back.

"Immortal Matter!"

Li Qingshan looked at the golden dust and murmured.

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