
The three giant gates shattered at the same time,

Crimson, earthy yellow, light blue,

The three-color fairy light dispels the darkness and illuminates the world.

fairy light head,

Three bulging buds appeared,

The petals opened one after another.

Core Center,

A little bit of Dao Yun condenses,

Like the only light in the dark night.

Heaven and earth stopped at this moment.

Even the black cloud vortex high in the sky stopped spinning.

Countless eyes gather on the three blooming flowers,

All dazzled,

It was like seeing the most beautiful things in the world.

But they are too beautiful to behold!


In a radius of a hundred miles, the light of thunder lit up at the same time.

Sisi thunder and lightning shuttled through the clouds, gathered towards the center, and gathered more and more.

It was completely infuriated.


The dazzling light made everyone couldn't help covering their eyes.

The terrifying thunder column fell from the center of the vortex.


Facing the approaching thunder column.

Li Qingshan's face was calm,

Zhenyuan operates according to the "Jindan Chapter" of "The True Canon of Longevity".


All the real elements collapsed inwardly.

The invisible breath extends from the body, connecting the three flowers.

"Three flowers and stems, Dancheng nine turns!"


It seems that there is an invisible point that is constantly absorbing true essence.

Not only true yuan,

The three flowers are also constantly dissipating,

Dao Yun followed the invisible connection and entered the dantian.



Lightning strikes,

Li Qingshan's whole body trembled, and instantly became black.

Fortunately, the martial artist's physique will not turn into fly ash in an instant.

He endured the excruciating pain, and his blood and blood roamed wildly to make up for the injury.

But the flesh is not the main target of Thunder Tribulation.

in vivo,

Countless electric snakes are surrounding Dantian.

"Want to destroy my golden core?"

Li Qingshan's expression changed, and he tried his best.

Force the last trace of true essence into Dantian.

Next second,

The entire dantian was suddenly empty,

A little bit of dazzling golden light blooms from the depths.

"too late!"

In the lightning package,

Li Qingshan's mouth slowly pulled up.

Deep in the dantian, the golden light became more and more dazzling.

Cotai Center,

A round golden core, suspended quietly.

The golden light shines, and the breath of Dao Yun flows.

All the thunder lights were forced out of the body.

"you lose!"

Li Qingshan put his hands on his back and looked up at the sky.

Mobilize the Dao Yun in the golden core and push the Lei Zhu back to the sky a little bit.


The thunder cloud continued to muffle, but there was nothing to do.

"Next time, let's fight again!"

Li Qingshan's mouth twitched,

With a wave of his hand, his true essence attached to Dao Yun and shot straight into the sky.

Leiyun was immediately cleared and returned to the Nine Heavens.

The sun shone again, and everyone slowly opened their eyes.

I saw high in the sky in the distance,

A figure with hands on its back, facing the sky.

Chapter XNUMX The golden body is immortal, the blood turns into a rainbow

"Jiao Yun, what happened at the scene?"

"Where's the picture! Why is my live broadcast picture gone?"

The anxious roar of the director kept coming from the earphones,

Jiao Yun froze back to his senses, withdrew his gaze, turned his head to look at the cameraman, and urged:

"Leizhu was overexposed just now, hurry up and get the machine - good!"

The cameraman also reacted and quickly took out the components to replace.

Other cameras at the scene are also repeating the same action.

The terrifying thunder pillar just now contains the might of heaven,

Even the high-level warriors on the scene had to close their eyes and couldn't look directly.

These cameras were also damaged due to overexposure.

The camera is still being repaired.

Jiao Yun cautiously looked at King Chen.

"Teacher, did Li Qingshan make a breakthrough in his cultivation just now?"

King Chen looked at the figure hovering high in the distance, his brows finally loosened, he took a sip of the cigarette holder, and nodded with a smile.

"That's it!"

He didn't say much,

Because of the appearance of Leiyun, he couldn't understand it.

This is an unprecedented sight on the road of martial arts.

From today,

Mohai Wuda, another "pioneer"!


Hirayama King Quan Mao was still in a daze, staring at the silhouettes in the sky.

In just one year,

Back then, he was standing on a high platform, a young man who could scold him wantonly.

At this moment, a new path has really been stepped out!

"Li Qingshan really became a 'pioneer'?"

Thinking of this,

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