"Huh?" Nan Zhengyang was stunned.

Li Qingshan has always been trading with his Nan clan,

Does he know how much money Li Qingshan has on his card?

Li Qingshan didn't explain, just chuckled:

"Don't worry, the auction isn't over yet!"

"One trillion, one time!"

The old man on the stage blushed and raised his hammer excitedly.

"Any VIPs to bid?"

left corner,

An Eagleman stared at the phone screen, hesitating.


The screen lights up, and a line of text appears.

The Eagleman raised the sign again.

"Twelve hundred billion!"

Both Lu Xiu and Nan Zhengyang's expressions changed.

"Daniel is crazy!"

Dare to bid at this time, there is no doubt that it was arranged by the Riven Whale Guild.

It's normal to arrange for an auction.

But the price is over a trillion, and it is not satisfied.

This is no ordinary excess.

"The Rift Whale Guild, it's really a 'children's foolishness'!"

Li Qingshan smiled even more and slowly raised his placard.

"Ten trillion!"

In an instant, the whole place was silent.

Ten trillion?

This number directly blinded everyone.

On the side of the platform, in the closed small box,

The two silhouettes holding wine glasses were all a meal.

All eyes are filled with joy,

Ten trillion, this is not a small amount of money.


The wine glasses collided and drank.

Both of them laughed heartily.

right corner of the venue,

Li Qingshan stared straight at the box door and laughed at the same time.

"This gentleman bid ten trillion, is there anything else to increase?"

The auctioneer reacted, trembling with excitement.

But no one responded to him at all, and everyone was still in a trance.

The auctioneer was not surprised, and the gavel was raised high.

"Ten trillion, once!"

"Ten trillion, twice!"

"Ten trillion, three times!"

"make a deal!"


The mallet smashed to pieces.

Everyone woke up,

The audience's eyes instantly shifted to Li Qingshan.

All the Eagles on the left have ecstasy in their eyes,

"This time, I really slaughtered this Dragon Country man with a knife."

Among them, more or less, they are all related to the Rift Whale Guild.

The Riven Whale Guild has made ten trillion, and their benefits are also indispensable.


Seeing the joy on Yingman's face, all the people of Longguo frowned in disgust.

Even the gaze that looked at Li Qingshan was a little more annoyed.

That's not how money is spent, let alone giving money to Yingman people in vain.

in the corner,

Nan Zhengyang and Lu Xiu looked at each other, knowing that.

A trillion, maybe still possible.

Ten trillion?

Li Qingshan is afraid that he does not intend to pay.

"Brother Shan!"

Wei Hao stammered hard, swallowed his saliva and said:

"You really want to give ten trillion?"

"Just swipe the card."

Li Qingshan smiled slightly and stood up.

The right hand is spread out, and a card with an outdated appearance and a vague pattern appears in the palm.

"Three lunch cards!" Wei Hao's eyes bulged out.

How could he not recognize this card!

Three Chinese food cards can be used to swipe XNUMX trillion?

Wei Hao has always believed in Li Qingshan,

But at this moment, he was stunned.

"Just kidding."

Li Qingshan shook his head and laughed, flicking his fingers,

The card flew straight ahead and plunged hard into the auction table.

A calm voice resounded throughout the venue.

"The card is there, you swipe it!"

Since the Rift Whale Guild is "no bullying".

Then don't blame him for "pressing people with power"!


But on the land of the Demon Sea!factory.

Chapter XNUMX Do you dare to do it?

"Meal card?"

All eyes were locked on the auction table, and there was an uproar.

Asked for XNUMX trillion, and ended up taking out a meal card to check out?

The Yingman man on the left looked gloomy, and his eyes were full of anger.

This Dragon Countryman is too mad!

compared to them,

On the other side, the faces of the people from the Dragon Kingdom will look much better.

The corners of their mouths twitched, and their eyes flashed.

Lu Xiu and Nan Zhengyang accompanied him at the same time,

The identity of this young man is definitely not simple.

The Rift Whale Guild probably won't be able to get any money.

Not only can you not get the money, but you might have to suffer a big loss.

Thinking of this,

They had even more smiles on their faces.

Who is not happy to see the Yingman people suffer?

on the platform,

The auctioneer looked at the vague "Three Middle Schools" on the card with a stiff expression.

He took a deep breath, tried to put on a smile, looked at Li Qingshan, bowed and said:

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