After entering the door, the people from the Long Kingdom all frowned strangely and naturally sat to the right.

In a short while, both sides of the venue were almost full.

The people from Longguo on the left and the people from Yingman on the right are clearly distinguished.

At this time, a figure in a black suit walked into the venue and went straight to the right corner.

"Xiaoyang, I didn't expect you to be interested in the Rift Whale auction."

"Lu Xiu?"

Nan Zhengyang frowned and stood up, looking at the person coming.

"Why are you here?"

Lu Xiu is the person in charge of the Lu family in the magic sea, and he is in a competitive relationship with him.

"Tsk tsk tsk, even Uncle Sheng refuses to call?"

Lu Xiu shook his head helplessly and sat on the other side of Li Qingshan.

The four families have complex relationships.

According to his seniority, he was indeed regarded as Uncle Nan Zhengyang.

"Don't get me wrong, I just stopped by to see, maybe I can help you in a while."

"You!" Nan Zhengyang obviously didn't believe it.

However, Li Qingshan raised his hand to stop his words, turned to look at Lu Xiu, and said with a smile:

"Thank you very much then."

The Lu brothers had just reconciled with him,

Lu Xiu had no reason to come over here to make trouble.

Besides, Lu Xiu didn't have the guts to ask for trouble by himself.

Inside the venue is a wide platform.

The auction table is at the front of the platform.

Behind the platform, a curtain covers it.

At this moment, a corner of the curtain was suddenly lifted.

An old man in Yingman costume walked to the auction table, picked up the gavel, and slowly raised it.

"Welcome all distinguished guests to our Rift Whale Guild's 'New Year's Auction'."

"I believe you have all read the brochure, and I wish you all the best of luck in taking pictures of your favorite products."

"Auction starts!"


As the gavel rang, the giant curtain behind it was lifted.

Auction items are exposed in front of everyone.

Li Qingshan's eyes narrowed, and he looked directly at the end of the products.

It was a meat column that was seven or eight meters high and directly over three meters.

The outside is covered with dark stratum corneum, covered with traces of fire.

"Mo Yue's toes!"

Li Qingshan's eyes were fixed and he retracted his gaze.

A toe is useless, the key is the message.

The auction has officially started,

One item after another was brought forward, and the Yingman and Longguo people scrambled to bid.

The atmosphere gradually heated up.


Almost all Yingman people glanced to the right corner from time to time,

It seems to be waiting for Li Qingshan's bid.


Li Qingshan directly closed his eyes and rested his mind, ignoring it at all.

after an hour,


"Okay, now it's time for our finale merchandise."

The auctioneer held a gavel and pointed at the meat pillar that was pushed up beside him.

"Beast toes."

"The ox is a ninth-order monster, and even a toe is rare!"

"The starting price is 10 billion! Each increase shall not be less than 5."

A toe, 10 billion?

Most people frowned,

10 billion to buy it back for collection?

At this time,

Li Qingshan slowly opened his eyes and spoke softly.


Nan Zhengyang immediately raised his placard,

"11 billion!"

The whole place was silent,

Next second,

All the Yingman people got excited and raised their cards one after another.

"12 billion!"

"15 billion!"

Every time Nan Zhengyang raises a placard, there must be Yingman people to follow.

The higher the price,

It quickly surpassed 1 million.

Li Qingshan's expression remained unchanged,

On the contrary, Lu Xiu frowned.

"It's not the way to go on like this!"

Nan Zhengyang was heartbroken and spoke directly.

"1 billion!"

1 million to buy a toe?


Everyone in the audience was stunned.

The people from Longguo on the left naturally knew Nan Zhengyang and were puzzled.

This is not as shrewd as Nan Zhengyang used to be.

On the right, most of the Eagleman fell silent.

However, there are still a few people with flickering eyes.

Soon, a sign was tentatively raised.

"11 billion!"

Li Qingshan laughed, took the sign from Nan Zhengyang and waved it gently.

"one trillion!"

Nan Zhengyang and Lu Xiu both changed their expressions.

The surrounding Longguo people were even more stunned, their brows furrowed.

Is there such a price increase?

Isn't this sending money to the Rift Whale Guild?

Yingman on the left all showed a schadenfreude smile.

A trillion buys a toe,

This Dragon Kingdom should be taught a lesson!

"Mr. Li." Nan Zhengyang looked embarrassed,

One trillion, they Nanshi can't come up with it.

But such a huge amount of money cannot be drawn out at all.

"I said, I'm here to help."

Lu Xiu's eyes were full of confusion, but he still said:

"My Lu family can lend XNUMX billion."

"Thank you, but no need."

Li Qingshan shook his head gently, looking at a small door next to the platform, the corners of his mouth twitched.

"I'll pay for it myself."

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